I admit this scapegoat!
In the hotel in Kharkov.
The young man with the hedgehog head who had his right arm taken away let out a painful groan, and the fine beads of sweat on his face seemed to be expressing the pain in his limbs.
However, Kamijou Touma, who was in severe pain, did not wake up.
The dark clouds floated on the bed, swirling around his body. Wisps of black mist were inhaled by him from the tip of his nose from time to time, which relieved the pain and kept him in a “comatose” state.
“The fire on the right has started.”
A calm narration came from the mouth of the young man standing by the bed. He slightly opened his dark gray eyes, staring intently at Kamijou Touma’s shoulder that lost his right arm.
This time, it was not a cover-up trick on the spatial level, but a real break.
And after the right arm attached to Fantasy Killer was definitely broken, strange fluctuations continuously gushed out from the bloody section, and the atmosphere was tumbling strangely, as if stirring sugar water with honey added.
Sealed by “Fantasy Killer”, something more “essential” flowed out of the broken arm.
You narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of joy in his eyes, as if he was treating a rare white mouse, be carefulYiyi stretched out her slender fingers, and her fingertips curled in black flames, slowly approaching the heterogeneous atmosphere.
It didn’t take long for the flame of annihilation to come into contact with that invisible force, and the power surging in the broken arm became chaotic, as if it wanted to offset the flame that annihilated everything.
At this moment, a green, crystal with many irregular planes quietly appeared above.
At the moment when the crystal appeared, the power gushing out of the broken arm stagnated for a while, while Yu took advantage of the situation and tore off a large piece of ‘trophy’ from that strange power.
Putting away the spoils, Yu nodded towards the emerald crystal above, and then immediately put away his hand, letting the power gushing from the broken arm stir the atmosphere.
“There is no distance response? It seems that this is only the power of the ‘surface’, but it is enough to analyze.”
Looking at the still restless heterogeneous atmosphere, Yu frowned, but thinking of the conditions for achieving the deduction, his brows gradually eased, and a smile appeared on his face.
At this moment, the golden dawn ripped apart the night sky, and shone on Yu’s face through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Feeling the light coming from the “heaven”, Yu gradually lost her smile.
The next moment, his figure disappeared into the hotel suite.
The atmosphere of the room suddenly fell into the tranquility of the middle of the night. Only after Kamijou Touma took in the black mist, the gradually soothing breathing sounded softly.
The giant ceremonial venue that gradually adjusts its position – the Star of Bethlehem.
Standing on the ground and looking up at the sky in this fortress that was cut in half by the wings of water, but was maintained by the technique, Fire on the right showed a face full of astonishment.
The invisible mourning of “God’s Power” kept echoing in his body that began to sublime, and in his eyes, the beautiful golden angel was frowning his dark eyebrows, while peeling off the power of “God’s Power”, he was vigilant at the same time. Look at the fire on the right below.
Gradually returning to the fire on the right side of God, he stared at the unknown angel in the sky, and stared at the agile and vigilant eyes. There is no doubt that it is a sign of self-possession and wisdom.
——Angels have no ego.
In fact, in the various records of the Cross religion that have used the power of the heavens for thousands of years, whether it is an angel or a demon, there is no self, and it can be regarded as something similar to a robot with a lot of energy.
However, right now, the fire on the right has seen an angel who has self, and is even usurping the power of “God’s Power”.
No, not right. The fire on the right’s pupils shrank, and the gradually sublimated body allowed him to see something more essential.
The angel with self is not usurping the “power of God”, but absorbing it, as if the other party is also the “power of God” Gabriel, the similar but different nature is like the difference between sea water and river water. .
In other words, two “God Power” Gabriel appeared? No, that’s not right, it should be “God’s Power” that gave birth to the self. If that’s the case, then his angel summons to deprive the original power of God’s Power to the lower realm. Is the current God’s Power itself recovering the power?
“The angel who gave birth to himself is really interesting.”
There was a drop of cold sweat on Zhihuo’s cheek. If he guessed correctly, the reason for the distortion of the world is probably that the angel gave birth to himself for some reason, right?
Suddenly, the fire on the right turned his head and looked to his right, staring at the messy ground assembled from various church buildings.
“Huh? To be able to discover my existence?”
A surprised male voice came from the empty ground.
Then, under the gaze of the fire on the right, a figure with short silver-white hair, a mature yet youthful appearance, wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans stood on the ground.
However, compared to the appearance of the other party, Right Fang Zhihuo was more concerned about another point. He frowned and stared at Yu’s eyes with a solemn expression. Looking at the dark gray eyes, his brows were almost twisted together. Together.
“Those eyes…”
Right Fang Zhihuo’s memory is not bad. When he just stared at the alien angel, the gray eyes full of killing intent left a deep impression in his heart, and after seeing the body at this moment, he still doesn’t know where the gray eyes are. Who is the owner of.
“So that’s the case, are you doing everything?”
The corners of Zhihuo’s mouth twitched slightly, and the right hand on his shoulder shook unnaturally, as if he was about to shred Yuu on the other side at any time.
“…” Yu was silent, neither affirming nor denying, just stood quietly in front of the fire on the right, looking at him coldly and calmly.
Right Fang Zhihuo stomped his feet, adjusted his gradually changing body, as if he didn’t notice Yu’s indifference, and continued.
“Ah la la, it would be great if you were willing to take the initiative. Originally, I had some doubts about whether the Bethlehem plan could lure you world-distorting worms out, but now it seems that it has succeeded. Woolen cloth.”
Yu frowned, and then understood something, with a hint of astonishment on his face. According to the current situation, he seems to be regarded as the main culprit of twisting the world by the fire on the right?
“Are you innocent?” You twitched the corners of your mouth and sighed. “But it doesn’t matter. Since you see something you shouldn’t see, there is no need to explain.”
Right Fang Zhihuo grinned, narrowed his eyes and said, “Indeed, we don’t need an “explanation” between us. ”
The words fell.
“The Holy Right”…

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