Gift from the Shepherd
The fire on the right is dead, and it is worthless to die.
In other words, the value has been stripped away by Yu, and even the corpse, in order to ensure the integrity of the attributes of the Son of God, was burned into nothingness by Yu.
The reason for doing it so neatly is very simple, just worrying about Gabriel’s leak.
To tell the truth, he has gathered the knowledge of forbidden books to operate the Holy Right, mastered the attribute power of the four angels, and controlled the power scale with the fantasy killer. The fire of the right is very strong.
Strong enough to step into the realm of the devil with half a foot, it can be said that Jesus, the Son of God, is alive.
However, after annihilating the fragments of the divine right and activating the concept of “Bible God”, he is simply a natural enemy to the fire on the right, who is similar to the Son of God.
And, he saw Gabriel’s figure. In this case, in order to prevent the exposure of “stealing the sovereignty of the heavens”, Yuu must kill this ‘son’ that he picked up.
‘It was a little unexpected. I didn’t expect the complete God Son to have the power to look directly at the heavens. It took a little more effort, but fortunately, this information was temporarily concealed. ’
Thinking of this, Yu frowned slightly. He turned his head and looked at Matthew Liss, who was collapsed on the ground. The only thing to be sure now is whether the old pope heard anything that shouldn’t be heard. .
At this moment, the confrontation in the sky gradually came to an end. It was not that the water in the back succeeded in fighting with life, but that an angel from another world completely occupied the position of “power of God”.
The blue water wings trembled slightly, and Gabriel, who temporarily took over Sasha’s body, landed behind Yuu, stretched out his arms, and gently wrapped his arms around his neck.
“What happened?”
“…Sorry, things seem to be beyond my comprehension.”
Kelissa and the water behind looked at each other, and they both saw the confusion on each other’s faces at the same time.
The fire on the right was destroyed so fast that they had not recovered yet, and the abnormal situation of Gabriel, the “power of the gods”, made the two of them at a loss.
She was still beating to death before, but now Miss Angel is embracing the demon god like a little girl. This strange phenomenon really puzzled Kelissa.
An angel without ego is supposed to follow God’s will after descending, and go back to heaven desperately. What the hell is this called hugging a man? Do angels miss men too?
The water in the rear, which has the same symbol, is looking at a demon god and angel below with suspicion. If his faint perception is correct, the power of the angel and the demon god seems to be fused together. It is suspected that they come from the same source?
You must know that in the study of modern magical associations, angels are a small piece of energy group that God has divided from himself.
Then, the Demon God who possesses the same source of power as the “Power of God”…
Rear Zhishui’s brows were tightly knit together, and he couldn’t believe his terrifying guess.
However, in reality, only Yu, who was the party involved and the mastermind behind the scenes, understood that Gabriel was handing over the usurped celestial authority to him through physical contact.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Yu raised his right hand and patted Gabriel’s arm.
The pure white angel smiled lightly, let go of her hands, and quietly hovered behind Yuu, like a silent guard, and her position happened to be the “rear”.
This obvious position made the right seat and the teacher of the two gods present.The emperor couldn’t help but be amazed, and looked at Yuu in disbelief.
At this moment, after losing the power support of the fire on the right, the star of Bethlehem appeared to have an obvious landing phenomenon.
However, due to the small movements that Yu made through Vasilisa in advance, the speed of the landing is very slow. According to the speed, there are nine out of ten that it can land smoothly on the mountains on the outskirts of Kursk.
On the gradually descending fortress, you walked slowly to Matthew Liss who was lying on the ground, struggling to get up.
The broken golden powder of the Holy Right was still fluttering in the sky. On the broken sky, the radiance of the heaven was still illuminating the whole earth, making the vision of everyone on the fort become brighter.
Yu squatted down, looked at the dusty old man in front of him with a smile, and said with a light smile.
“Speaking of which, this is our first time meeting, right?”
Pope Matthew’s struggle stopped, he raised his head excitedly, looked at the silver-haired youth bathed in golden light, opened his mouth, his body trembled constantly, as if he wanted to say something.
In fact, he didn’t hear the conversation between Yu and Right Fire, but now that the heavens and the human world are in contact, Yu’s aura naturally leaked out.
——The place where He stands is the kingdom of heaven.
Simple words, the fact represented is the “celestialization” of the surrounding earth, which is more intuitive and ironclad evidence than any verbal explanation.
The old man over fifty years old was overwhelmed like a child. After struggling for a while, he leaned down and kissed the upper of Yuyou’s shoe. However, Matthew didn’t really touch the upper of the shoe. this etiquette.
This kind of virtual salute is only to show the lofty respect of the salute, so Yuu did not refuse Matthew’s salute.
Facing the old Pope, Yu is a little distressed now. He has passed the age of vanity, so he doesn’t want to disguise another god that existed.
To be honest, he prefers to be widely known as the “dominator” or “Zhou You”, rather than accepting the worship of two billion believers in the name of the God of the Bible.
But in the final analysis, if God really came, a church that was involved in politics would probably be regarded as a “blasphemer” by a lot of high-level officials, who would use all their power to knock them out of the world.
This is also the reason why Yuu has never shown the concept of “Bible God” in himself.
Compared to the sanctuary church controlled by “Alaya” on Xueyue, the church here can’t bring him much help, and some are just a bunch of bad troubles.
“To be honest, I’m not the Him you imagined.” He scratched his cheeks and said calmly.
Everyone who heard Yu’s explanation all focused their attention on Gabriel behind You. After a sneak peek, after realizing what was wrong, they quickly lowered their heads and said, “Understanding, what you said is ”No matter how close the angel is to you, if you say no and you are not, then you are not’.
Yoo’s eyelids twitched slightly, he didn’t need to guess, he could guess the distrust in the hearts of everyone, but he couldn’t do anything about other people’s brains, so he couldn’t use force to endanger them, don’t you think?
And right now.
Matthew Lies lowered his head, knelt on the ground without saying a word, prayed silently, and recounted his sins.
It is a form of prayer in the church, in front of the statue of the Son of God or the Virgin Mary, saying one’s recent sins.
And now, facing Yuu himself, the sound of silent prayers naturally appeared directly in his mind.
And what Matthew is talking about now is the previous Ossola incident and the crimes committed when the three sects joined forces to assassinate him.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched, and she didn’t bother to explain anything. She just relied on this prayer to make sure that the old Pope didn’t know what the fire on the right saw, and then he sighed and said directly.
“Well, I forgive you your sins, my shepherd.”
Since even the nearest Matthew is not clear, it is estimated that others do not understand.
“Thanks to our God, forgive my mistakes in my thoughts, words and actions.” Matthew reverently drew a cross in front of him, then stood up and stood in front of Yu with a low eyebrow.
“Go back and continue to be your pope. To be honest, you are more suitable for guiding those believers than that utilitarian Peter.”
Yoo turned around and said in a serious tone, as for the old Pope’s promise to abdicate, at this time, it was naturally invalid.
At this time, everything Yuu said casually would probably be regarded as an oracle by the old man, so there was no need to do anything superfluous.
To be honest, Yuu is very happy to see a kind-hearted old man like Matthew become the leader of a big organization. At least such boring tragedies will be rare, and it can be considered that he has done a good deed.
Seeing Yu who was about to leave, the old Pope trotted, picked up Longinus on the ground, then panted heavily, followed Yu’s footsteps, held the holy spear, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: ” Your Majesty…this?!”
Yoo turned his head and glanced at Longinus, looking at the thick belief that almost overflowed on it, with a bit of surprise on his face.
Compared to Longinus, who he used to recreate with his abilities in the past, although it is not a one-off, it is not much better.
And now the quality of the gun that kills God seems to have improved by several steps. At least in this world, this gun has taken off the name of a replica and has become a genuine product.
‘This is an unintentional insertion. ’
Yu took over the holy spear in Matthew’s hand, looked at the old man who offered the treasure, and couldn’t help but admire a lot. He really didn’t have many high-quality artifacts in his hand, so he could live here.Those that are effective are even rarer.
And now, at least in this world, this Holy Spear can be used as his handy weapon.
“I accept it.”
Yuu patted Matthew’s shoulder, looked at the Holy Spear in his hand, his eyes flickered, and he took a step towards the core of the Star of Bethlehem.
Next, it’s time to sort out the spoils. By the way, it’s time for Vasilisa to show off her advanced ‘backstab’ skills.
Bishop Nikolai, who was fantasizing about victory in Moscow, had no idea that his future had been forcibly brought to an end.
Vasilisa did not activate the “Property (Big Ivan)” that he had placed high hopes on from the beginning to the end.

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