The meeting of troublemakers
Two days have passed since the troublemaker attacked the academy city.
October 6, Oahabura, stronghold of troublemakers.
Thor, who was in tatters, but was refreshed, came to the front of the stronghold. After performing the spell on the code, he raised his feet and walked into this unremarkable office building.
Unlike the usual quiet and quiet, the office building is full of hustle and bustle at the moment.
A witch in a low-level witch costume, a blond knight in a knight’s armor, a beggar in a more shabby costume than Thor, and even some non-humans with beast limbs gathered here.
“Eh? Why is it so lively today?”
Sol, who had just returned, couldn’t help but widened his eyes and looked around curiously. He had an impression of these people. They were all official members scattered all over the world in the past. They are on their respective sites, and they rarely leave unless necessary, but at this moment they have gathered everything together.
Unexplained Sol grabbed an official member who passed by him, the black-haired, dark-eyed, high-nosed mixed-race man seemed to be a little angry that he was caught for no reason, but when he saw it was Sol, he quickly lowered his head. He shook his head and said:
“Master Sol.”
“What happened?” Sol scratched his cheeks and said in a puzzled way.
“Lord Othinus ordered that the official members of each region should be assembled. It seems that there are important instructions.” The half-blood wiped a sweat on himself, and said to Sol with a smirk.
Although the troublemaker does not have any clear superiors and subordinates, the structure is very loose, but he is an ordinary official member, obviously not as good as Sol, whose status is only under Othinus, so he naturally has nothing to say now. , for fear that he neglected Sol and suffered punishment from the other party.
You know, Sol, a fighting madman, likes to pull people into fights. He is called a long experience in fighting, but in fact, in the eyes of this half-blood, he is actually looking for a sandbag to beat the other party and vent his anger. Well, of course, he definitely didn’t want to be Sol’s sandbag.
“Eh? Is that so, is there a big move?”
Saul whispered softly, and at this moment, Bercy’s voice suddenly sounded behind him.
“Saul, are you back?”
“Ah~ it’s you, Bercy.”
Saul turned his head, said hello to Bercy, raised his hands, stretched out, and then folded his hands behind his head, and replied with a relaxed expression.
“You look like this? Could it be that you escaped by yourself?”
Bercy glanced at the hole suit that Sol stretched out his hand. It was tattered and covered with the smell of earth and branches. It was obvious that he had been rolling around in some forest.
“Hehe, I was lucky enough to escape from that guy in Orells.” Saul smiled, and with these words, the official members who were looking around here couldn’t help but take a deep breath.
“Aurels? Is that the quasi-demon god who opposes Lord Othinus?”
“My God, he escaped from that monster without any obvious injuries. How strong is Sir Saul!”
The little minions on one side cooperated and exclaimed. In fact, in the past two days, the quasi-demon god Orells has attacked the stronghold of the troublemaker frantically. With the disappearance of one official member, the troublemaker became famous, for fear that he would be caught. The other party stared at it and disappeared strangely.
After all, apart from Othinus, none of the troublemakers can fight with each other. A safe escape like Thor is what they dream of.
“Did you escape safely?”
Bercy’s eyes flickered for a while, then continued.
“Come with me. Lord Othinus is arranging a mission. If you don’t report it when you come back, it might be a little troublesome.”
“Understood, what you said recentlyA lot, Bercy~”
Sol replied with a relaxed face, followed Bercy towards the stairs, and not long after, they came to a conference room on the third floor, knocked on the door, and heard the response from Marianne, Push open the door.
In the room, a few high-level troublemakers stood in all directions, guarding the center of the room. In the center, there were two rows of wooden chairs and the glass tea table that separated them. Othinus alone occupied the room. She was sitting in a row of wooden chairs, while Niangniang and Nephthys sat in the same row.
Bercy, who walked into the room, noticed that the scene seemed a little stiff. The senior cadres who had just rushed back seemed a little unhappy when they saw the empress and Nephthys sitting on the chair, but because of Othinus’ presence, everyone present was not happy Dare to say something, just stand silently by the side.
Seeing Sol enter the room, everyone’s eyes shifted immediately, and when they saw the beggar costume on the other side, many people showed surprise.
“You actually came back? Where’s Orells?” Othinus cast a glance at Sol and said coldly.
“I got away with luck, but I sacrificed some strongholds.” Saul lowered his head, his originally smiling face was tense, as if he was worried about being punished.
“It doesn’t matter, Marian, make a new throwing hammer, and then you need Thor’s combat power.”
Othinus said coldly, he didn’t care about the loss of those strongholds at all, his indifferent appearance made everyone present feel a little chilling for no reason.
Even if it is a group of motley crews, the indifferent appearance of the leadership will still blow the subordinates’ mood. Of course, what they think in their hearts is unknown.
Marian replied in a low voice, she glanced at Othinus subconsciously, but happened to meet the empress who was looking over, and immediately recalled the scene of her being cut off in her mind, her face suddenly turned pale, and she hurriedly lowered her head .
And at this moment, the empress suddenly smiled and said secretly to Othinus.
“Hey, little Othinus, is it okay for me to kill someone?”
Everyone present was shocked, and looked at the empress with a look of astonishment, and then looked at Othinus, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.
At this time, Othinus said indifferently:
“…At will.”
Mary Ann raised her head immediately and looked at the empress with a look of fear.
With a puff.
Beside Marianne, a middle-aged white man dressed in gold and silver was cut in half by a pair of golden scissors that appeared out of nowhere. , turning him into a mummified corpse.
At this time, at the handles of the scissors, two golden dragons snorted smoothly, and a white air mass emerged from the middle-aged man, which was swallowed by the dragons.
The scissors flew back to the empress’s finger in an instant, and then changed into the other’s finger. Seeing this scene, many official members felt a chill in their hearts and did not dare to look directly at the green jade finger of the black-haired cheongsam girl.
Marianne was stunned, then panted heavily.
“Why did you suddenly want to step on the ants?” Nephthys looked at the goddess in surprise and asked.
“That filthy look reminded me of that guy. If he was upset, he killed him.”
Facing her compatriots, Niangniang gave a rare explanation, then picked up the tea on the tea seat in front of her, took a sip, then turned her eyes to Othinus, and said:
“Sorry, I can’t help it.”
Othinus nodded, accepting the Empress’s apology, and this scene made the hearts of many worthy people present cold, and at the same time, Empress and Nephthys were included in the list of not to be provoked.
Killing people in front of Othinus with impunity is enough information for them to savor.
“Then, you will return to Bercy and Sol from the previous topic, Marian. Our next target is the Hawaiian Islands. Where do I need the volcanic energy to supply the gun’s furnace, understand?”
“Understood!!” XN
Many troublemakers bowed their heads in response, and then evacuated the office in an orderly manner, leaving only three demon gods.

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