: Dancing on a Quiet Stage
“what have you done?”
Othinus’s voice sounded softly, as if it had slipped into Yu’s ear from afar.
“What are you referring to?”
Yu opened his eyes and said in a hoarse tone. At this moment, he is facing the sky and falling to the ground, but the sky is pitch-black nothingness, and the so-called ground is just a piece of darkness that is transparent, flat, has no undulations and extends infinitely into the distance.
It feels like lying on a smooth glass mirror, but in this empty world without color, there is no such thing as a mirror from human civilization.
“What did you do before I waved the gun and reorganized the world?”
Othinus’ voice sounded again.
Yuyou scratched his head, got up from the flat ground, sat on the ground, looked around, and finally saw the figure of Othinus on his left.
With blond hair and blue eyes, Othinus, who holds a golden spear in one hand, is like the only bright moon in the dark night. Her golden hair and fair skin give this dark world the only sense of light.
In contrast, his body is covered in black and white, just like Yuu in the old-fashioned camera photos, like a posthumous photo placed on the mourning hall.
“Don’t you answer?”
Othinus took a step, a simple step across the space, and came to Yu. She raised the spear of the Lord God, looked at Yu’s face calmly, and then pierced Yu’s right palm.
The pain came from the palm that was nailed to the unknown ground, but this level of pain didn’t make Yuu move at all, on the contrary, it made his slightly confused brain clear up.
“Is your brain awake?”
Othinus bowed his head and approached Yu. The faces of both sides were constantly enlarged in the field of vision. You could even feel the warm breath and the faint fragrance from Othinus’s words, a bit like Scent of tulips.
She was serious, and she took action to make Yu’s brain sober.
However, this kind of sober way of pricking your hands if you don’t understand is not something that ordinary people can enjoy.
“It’s really an excessive way of calling a bed.”
You muttered, and at this time, Othinus also pulled out the spear of the Lord God, and the bloody wound disappeared the moment the spear left.
‘A concept like ‘forced sobriety’ should be attached to the tip of the gun. ‘ The awakened Yu thought with some divergent thoughts.
“Then, I’m repeating, what did you do before I waved the gun and reorganized the world?” Othinus narrowed his blue eyes slightly and looked at Yu coldly, with a hint of impatience in his tone.
The fully restored she, who blew away all aspects and destroyed the world, was stunned to find that she could not feel the wreckage of the previous world.
So, has the world really been destroyed by her?
Othinus was puzzled, but she knew that there was someone here who shouldn’t have appeared, and she must know the answer.
“You restore the integrity of the devil, don’t you know what I did?”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and a playful smile appeared on her face, as if she understood it, as if mocking Othinus’ ignorance.
“What are you laughing at?” There was obvious dissatisfaction in Othinus’ voice. She hated Yu’s smile very much now, especially the sight of looking at a fool.
The ‘gun’ waved again, but this time, the tip of the spear that arrived in front of Yuu was caught between two fingers.Othinus’ face was startled, and he looked at Yuu with a bit of astonishment.
“Sure enough, without the blessing of the world, your conceptual power is much weaker, 33%-50%, the range where your conceptual power is weakened should be within this range.”
You narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in her dark gray eyes.
“Weakened? Huh?” Othinus was stunned for a moment. After reacting, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if seeing a clown in a circus, he chuckled softly.
“What nonsense are you talking about? You just resisted one of my attacks, and you actually said that I was weakened?”
Accompanied by that contemptuous voice, the ‘gun’ glowed with dazzling golden light, and Yuu’s hands that had clamped the tip of the gun instantly shattered, and the next moment, his head was blown into nothingness.
“My strength will be remembered with your death!!” Othinus curled the corner of his mouth, revealing a beautiful and moving smile, but his blue eyes were filled with indifference like ten thousand years of ice.
“Hey hey hey, the scale of this total amount of energy is really exaggerated, a hundred times, a thousand times, it’s an incomprehensible scale.”
The lost head was instantly restored like a time reversal. You moved his neck, still sitting on the ground, and said with a smile.
“But compared to before, my injury recovery speed is 0.17 seconds faster? So, can you understand what this means? Othinus.”
Othinus restrained his smile, frowned, and looked at Yu with a slightly puzzled gaze. That’s right, she felt that compared to when she faced herself before, now Yu is more relaxed, but it’s impossible, she has regained her full posture, and even just blew all the phases with one blow, knocking the world away. Back to the beginning, there is no reason to be weaker than before.
“Let’s explain it a little bit as the villain.” Yu crossed his knees, sat on the ground, and looked at Othinus with a smile. “For a dominator like me, the equation of power output is roughly ‘conceptual rule power’ multiplied by ‘output energy scale’, so in which way do you think you have become weaker?”
Othinus collected the spear of the Lord God and looked at Yuu with flickering eyes. Her energy was freed from the shackles, and after she took charge of the phase again, it became infinite, so…
“…Conceptual rule power?”
“That’s right, your ‘100% chance’ has become weak after losing the blessing of the world.” You grinned and said with a nasty face.
“So what, just make up for the lack of energy with the excess amount of energy, just like the one that pierced your head just now.”
Othinus smiled coldly. She has obtained the power of the devil, and she is the strongest in terms of total energy. Even if the terrifying power enters the world, it will cause the world to collapse, and this kind of power, what can Yuu do to resist?
Yu did not deny Othinus’ words, but nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, it’s good to use the excess energy to make up the shortfall. Then, let me ask a question, why did I go to great lengths to capture the symbol of the celestial world, obviously there is a more aggressive “fire”, why did I deliberately Take the “water”?”
Hearing these words, Othinus clenched his hand tightly holding the spear of the Lord God.
“Remember? In this world distorted by demons, the symbol of ‘water’ represents ‘energy’!”
Yu’s eyes became deeper and deeper, as if pitch-black chaos was tumbling recklessly. In contrast, the blazing white blazing angel wings stretched out from behind him, and finally turned into six pairs of silver-white metallic textures with wingspans. Huge wings of hundreds of meters.
At this time, in the dark and empty world, a bright moon appeared in the sky, bringing silver light to this dark and empty world.
At the center of the mutation, You, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, looked at Othinus coldly.
“Do you think I’m just watching you recover? Don’t get intoxicated, your actions are just dancing on the stage I set up.”

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