Different Perspectives Needed by God
“Fantasy Killer?” Yuu’s brows trembled unnaturally. He subconsciously glanced at Aleister, and when he saw the traces of surprise on the other’s face, his expression sank immediately.
Although he had doubts about Fantasy Killer when he learned of the existence of Yawei, but now it seems that Fantasy Killer, or the essence hidden behind it, is still one of Yawei’s handwriting!
The fantasy killer who can eliminate superpowers and magic, and at the same time eliminate miracles, is actually the only god who is the creator as its origin?
In the end of Aleister and his plan, the key point of Shenjing’s demon hunting is Fantasy Killer. The core element of the plan is actually someone else’s creation?
You frowned, looking at Index in front of you with some surprise and astonishment.
How many tricks has this guy planted?
Yuu sighed with emotion, and at the same time rejoiced that His Majesty the Immortal Eternal was present. If he faced Index alone, or even added Aleister, the chances of them winning against Index would not be too high. The only god that has existed since the beginning, Index has too many trump cards and backgrounds, and even Aiwass and Coronzon may be the opponent’s hidden hands.
Uncontrollable angels and demons in the positive and negative Kabbalah tree created by God?
With a device that can eliminate all supernatural powersWith the fantasy killer Zhuyu in front, who can guarantee that these two unknown beings are not each other’s secret chess?
Thinking of this, Yu’s scalp was slightly numb, but due to the situation, he suppressed the surprise in his heart, pretended to be curious, and asked Index:
“The ‘Sacred World’ inside Fantasy Killer? I’m curious what the so-called ‘Sacred World’ refers to?”
Hearing Yu’s question, Index leaned back slightly and leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, still with that soft smile on her face. She didn’t seem to notice anything unusual about Yu and Aleister, but the pair of The jade-like blue eyes seemed to reflect all the thoughts of the two in their eyes.
“It should be understandable literally, right? Eliminate all the authority of the Creator, eliminate the traces of God, and order a world without any magical superpower.”
‘It is also the so-called Dharma-ending Era, no, it should not only be like this, or should it be described as a complete materialistic universe? This is somewhat similar to Aleister’s purpose of ‘eliminating the destiny formed by the will of the gods and freeing human beings from the control of the gods’, but Aleister, who was indirectly destroyed by the common will of the demons, did this. I can understand you. A creator represented by an ideal universe wants to create a material universe? ’
Yu’s face became gloomy, and his brows were almost furrowed by the complicated thoughts. He didn’t hide his emotions on his face anymore, but leaned back and leaned back in the chair with a look of distrust. looking at Index.
His overly excited spirit had leaked the thoughts just now out of his body, so there was no need to hide it. If the creator in front of him didn’t know this question, he would definitely be acting stupid.
The silver-haired nun who stood in front of Yu and leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window pursed her lips slightly. She glanced at Yu with an inexplicable look, and then sighed helplessly.
“I thought you could understand.”
“I’m sorry, my intelligence is not high, please explain it to me in a narrative way that elementary school students can understand.”
Yu raised his brows and said calmly to Index.
He has always disliked this kind of words with unclear meaning. After meeting Qingji, who can’t lie, this kind of speech is the most easy to make people’s minds, and he has studied a lot.
Index blinked, she was stunned for a moment, then replied quickly, took a small breath, puffed out her cheeks, and looked at Yu with a bit of anger.
Yu looked at Index without changing his face, the focus of his eyes was always on the other’s eyes, as if he was about to break the casserole and ask to the end.
Being looked at by Yu like this, Index opened her mouth, then sighed and continued to explain:
“I created this world and achieved the limited omnipotence and omnipotence within the world, but when I achieved omnipotence, I was also limited by this omnipotence, so I wanted to make progress and began to try to break through this omnipotence. If I still can’t understand, I will Keep it simple.”
“To put it simply, I know most of the particles in this universe and their trajectories, and then I have calculated the future direction, so at the beginning, the trajectory from the birth of the universe to the end was predicted by me…”
“However, it doesn’t make sense to me anymore. My purpose of establishing order from chaos is not to have a toy that can’t help me improve myself, so I distorted my omniscience to improve myself and started to push, Recognize the trajectory of movement that you don’t know…”
“…You mean? Demon God’s “Phase”!?” Yu’s expression was a little stunned, and he murmured somewhat incredulously.
Index narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at You with a smile, and said:
“Yes, ‘Phase’ is indeed a technology developed by me to guide those who are suitable. After all, it is just my own monotonous cognition. If I try to break through myself, the efficiency is really too low and too low.”
Speaking of this, Index frowned slightly, as if the low efficiency made an existence like her unbearable. From this point of view, she and Yuu were both members of the “impatient” to some extent.
“In the first era, I spread the foundation of the Kabbalah tree of life that I designed, and it was compiled into various magic books by many wise men. At the same time, I also guided some outstanding descendants of Adam to build their own mythological systems, although most of them are in Died on the way, but there are also a small number of geniuses who have crossed the limit and reached the so-called “demon god” realm, which has successfully added a different omniscient vision to me.”
“So, does the rumor that mastering 103,000 magic books can become a devil comes from here? And the reason why the magic library that masters these magic books can’t become a devil because the body can’t refine the magic is also the reason? Lola, didn’t you let you try the angelic spell? Well, she was Coronzon at that time, I seem to understand something.”
The corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly. As the original god or devil, of course, he wouldn’t become a devil again just because he mastered 103,000 magic books.
It is even simpler to not be able to refine the magic power. The magic power is a partial cracking and simulation of the angel’s power. For Index, who masters the source of the angel’s power, there is absolutely no need to refine it.
In fact, if there are angel-level spells in these 103,000 magic books, Index is estimated to have already exposed the fact that ‘angel power’ can be directly refined. However, the magic books as the ‘phase basic code’ She doesn’t need such high-end knowledge, so Miss Index has cleverly turned into a knowledgeable, non-combat library, attracting all the magicians to peep at the magic book in her brain.
And all of this comes from KeMiss Longzun’s intentional cooperation, no, it should be unintentional. Although it is a demon that God cannot control, it does not mean that God cannot affect it. You must know that elements that are not under control also belong to the Kabbalah sequence It is just that it is not defined as the ten mass points and paths.
In this way, if there is a magician who has gone through untold hardships and succeeded in becoming a new demon god with the help of 130,000 magic books, then the final scene should be Miss Index standing aside with a smile, looking at the new demon god. Jin’s demon mouse, right?
This is really a speechless and fucking scene!
“That’s right.” Index nodded slightly, admitting the fact that she deliberately spread ‘rumors’.
“However, although it has been distorted, this universe is still a god-made universe created by me. All the power sources of the demon gods are still my divine power. Although there are variables, they are still within the scope of my omniscience, so in order to add more From the perspective of overthrowing my own omnipotence, I came down to the earth, walked in the world in the name of Jesus, and at the right time, used the death of the Son of God to create an incomplete “God’s Pure World.”
The corners of Index’s mouth curled up slightly, as if she was satisfied with her plan.
‘Well, this is consistent with the information that Aleister passed on that ‘Fantasy Killer is suspected to be made from the remains of the Son of God’. ’ Yuu rubbed her temples with a headache.
“”God Purity World” I only built some general foundations, because it is not complete, so I have to continue to complete it, and the fuel for the completion is the divine power I left in the world, including various kinds of power triggered by the power of angels. Miracle.
The magic induced by the phase friction of the demon god, and the superpowers that cause changes in microscopic particles through phase differences all fall into this category.
Oh, by the way, the demon gods seem to call this incidental ability to eliminate miracles “reference point”? This is a good description, but after the erasure phenomenon, the rules of the “God’s Pure World” are not used as the benchmark, so since the Age of Gods, the strength of Christian magicians has been weakening. Because the power left behind to achieve the miracle is constantly weakening. ”
Yuu frowned, and the corners of Aleister’s mouth twitched. After hearing Index’s explanation, both of them looked slightly embarrassed.
If things are really as Index said, the two of them can already sing coolly.
The situation where magic is concealed and science flourishes is actually a phenomenon caused by God himself. The origin of both magic and science is the only God?
And more importantly, the goals of Yu and Aleister actually have one thing in common.
That is to eliminate all the phases created by the demon god, and then eliminate all magic and even superpowers!
And the only known one that can do this is Fantasy Killer, which is the “God’s Purified World” in Index’s mouth.
No matter how the plan changes, the result will remain the same.
But in this way, even if the “God’s Purity World” hidden in Kamijou Touma’s body eliminates all the supernatural powers in the world, and wipes out the remaining divine power of Index, that is, the power of angels, the opponent wants to be immune to “Omniscient” The world of control is completely formed.
The moment the plan is completed, Index will get rid of the old omnipotence, and move to a higher level through the development of human beings after getting rid of the influence of gods.
‘In the end, after working so hard for the rest of my life, in the end, the one who made the most money was the only god who has been hiding behind the scenes? ’
Aleister couldn’t accept this ending, especially since she thought she hated God the most, and she hated fate being manipulated by God the most. She fought hard to the end, but ended up dancing on the palm of God?
How angry! I really want to release a billion Aleisters to fight this old man in front of me! !
On the other hand, Yu looked calm. At this moment, he was a little glad that what he wanted was simple, so no matter what Index’s plan was, he could get what he wanted.
However, judging from the current situation, there seem to be two different rules in this world? One is an old world that has not been distorted by the demon god? One is the “God Purifies the World” that eliminates all the influence of God?
Looking at it this way, he seems to be earning a bit! !
Thinking of this, Yu resolutely abandoned Aleister. The deceased is gone. Anyway, the Mr. Crowley who cooperated with him is already dead. At worst, he can take Laura to the other party’s tombstone every year to clean it.
“Slightly correct the content of the transaction, and replace the rules of the Shenjing world with the original sample, which is the God-created universe you first created! For this, I can pay for the analysis of the rules of the other world that I have collected so far.”
Hearing this sentence, Aleister opened his mouth, but he didn’t say anything like accusing Yu of betrayal.
The last wish left by ‘Aleister’ is to let her, whose hands are not stained with blood donation, bring up Lilith and Lola. Although Lola is already an adult, there is still Lilith who only has a soul left.
But now, the only ones who can give Lilith a body are You, Netherland Chasing Soul, and Index. Among them, Index is not the one she would choose. The “same leaf” constructed by the miraculous method called “Fourth Law”.
Although Aleister was a bit unhappy with her daughter as the starting point in the setting, she was still able to abandon the influence of Crowley, who had gone to the abyss long ago and died with Coronzon.
On the other side, Yuu was looking at Index with slightly shining eyes.
The rules of Shenjing World, after getting rid of the Demon God, he would have to spend a little more to get it, butIt was the original one, which violated the world rules distorted by the Demon God, that is, Index’s Kabbalah blueprint for creating the universe, but he couldn’t get a good thing!
And in his hands, he also has the rules of another world that greatly helped Index. Although it seems that he has paid some losses for the collection of several worlds, in exchange for a creator’s understanding of the rules, it is still two completely opposite perspectives. No matter how you look at it, it’s a no-brainer!
“Huh? Don’t you want to dominate the world? The basic rule structure of the universe, in this case, do you want my understanding of the rules?”
Index looked at Yu with some surprise. She thought that the purpose of Yu’s request for basic rules was to create her own phase system, so as to better dominate the world, but now it seems that the other party wants more practical thing, that is, her understanding of the rules?
As the creator of this universe, Index has an extremely deep understanding of the rules.
In her view, all the rules of this multiverse are inherent and known truths.
Where it is, it is deduced according to the established order, and it is not moved by external objects.
However, the colorful universe has given birth to too many races, and each race is different, so the views on the rules of the world are different, and the civilizations developed are also different.
Like a cat and a human, a cat’s eyes can only see black and white, while human’s ability to capture about 1,000 colors. If both creatures develop civilization, then the world’s colors will naturally appear great. There will be huge differences in color discrimination and painting art.
However, on the background of the common cosmic rules, the two races developed completely different civilizations and cognition of the rules, in fact, they coexisted in the same universe.
Complex civilizations naturally lead to differences in cognition of rules and then derive completely different technologies, which may overlap or differ.
Just like her, she led the birth of various demon gods and allowed each other to establish different mythological systems. Each demon god’s view of the world is an analogy and a powerful supplement to Index’s omniscience. , and the final world of Shenjing is the diametrically opposite path to her current system.
Although this denies her current path, the opposite cognition can achieve greater progress.
In the same way, as a visitor from another world, Yuu does not lack the different perspectives she wants, and judging from the contacts in these days, it seems that many of the different directions on the other side are very novel.
The power manifested by the combination of human beliefs and various rules; the systems and various artifacts used by her similarities and differences to regulate the world; various magics based on the concept of mystery; there are also some strange combination applications of concepts; An unknown existence that guards the gates has similar and yet different powers.
If it weren’t for these things being too attractive, she wouldn’t be obsessed with the analysis of the essence of Yu’s life, and only after her own mortal body was defiled did she realize this terrible fact.
“If it’s a deal on rules, I think we should be able to reach a consensus.” Index blinked, her blue eyes filled with anticipation, she stretched out her hand and looked at Yu with a smile.
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, she stood up, and also stretched out her hand to hold the petite catkin.
Reach a consensus.jpg
Under the silent gaze of Aleister, the two gods made a far-reaching behind-the-scenes deal.

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