At the moment when he sensed the expansion of the original star’s power, You didn’t care about the exposure of his hole cards, so he directly attacked and cooperated with Naiyazi to block the abnormality of the original star.
“Chaos” descended silently, using the cover of the surrounding riots to distort time and space, separating this small illusory star from the original world in space.
And at this moment, Yu was surrounded by bright golden radiance, and ten light wheels appeared behind Yu, forming an illusory map as they rotated and moved.
——”Reverse Kabbalah Tree of Life”
You calmly chose this system that has not yet been fully structured, and blocked the uncontrolled primordial star.
At the moment when the blockade was formed, in the mind of the primordial star, the “spirituality” that originated from the world was in turmoil. What can be touched is the physical substance.
However, the unfinished tree of life system can only forcibly turn the “spiritual state” into matter, and the deeper changes have not yet been carried out, and they are suspended due to lack of follow-up.
However, a shake of this scale is enough to free up the original star.
She tried her best to restrain her strength, and took the initiative to accept the restraint of the Hakoniwa Center, accepting the restraint from human history, and watched with horror as most of her authority was sealed.
Until the strength gradually stabilized, the original star collapsed limply, sat on the ground in a duck posture, patted his chest with fear on his face and said:
“What happened just now? And who is that woman? Do you know her?”
Protoss took a deep breath with lingering fear on her face. In a short moment, she crossed the boundary between the “Almighty” and “Universal Truth”, and even crossed several small steps in “Universal Truth”, reaching a past A realm that you can’t imagine.
And the price is that she can’t restrain her strength for the time being, even if it wasn’t for the restraint of “History of Humanity” and “Hakoniwa Center”, plus the cooperation of Yuu and that unknown strange power, she guessed that the mere existence would directly crush this congregation of gods Buddha’s meeting place.
However, after the palpitations were over, a burst of ecstasy followed.
No one would dislike the skyrocketing of her power, just like ordinary people never dislike doubling their salary, at least for now, she is ecstatic about her stepping up to the sky.
Yuu didn’t respond, but waited until the original star gradually began to grasp the uncontrollable power, and moderately slowed down the restrictions on “spiritual grid”, until finally gave up the suppression completely.
Yu took a deep breath, did not perform power evolution, forced to use “atheism” and made him a little weak, if he hadn’t accumulated enough understanding of “atheism” under Index’s guidance, he had a certain degree of control Strength, just the previous outburst was enough to hurt him.
At this time, the self-consistent operation of the “Hakoniwa Center” was still trying to extend its power into this distorted space.
“Huh?!” Naiyako, who appeared in stature, was a little strange. She carefully looked at the composition of this force, and her face suddenly turned aside, but at this moment, she took a sneak peek at Yu again, and her face flashed with embarrassment.
Just at this time, the primordial star completely restrained his power, and Naiyazi immediately hid himself quietly, and took back the chaotic power that blocked the surroundings, taking advantage of the chaos to engulf a weak group of gods, and then quickly disappeared.
After the troublemaker disappeared, the power of the “Hakoniwa Center” immediately entered this space. Yuu and the original star became vigilant at the same time, for fear of causing unnecessary commotion.
However, that power did not approach the primordial star as the two guessed, but gathered around Yuu instead.
Emerald green, as transparent as emeraldThe illusory seed condensed in front of Yuu, and under his astonished gaze, it changed rapidly.
The Illusory Seed has transformed into a halo, which is the initial mass point of Reverse Kabbalah – “10i Nahema (Materialism)”.
Then taking this as the starting point, the golden path continued to extend, passing through eight chakras, and finally reached the end of the end – “1i Satan (Atheism)”.
“Another Cosmology” – “Atheism”.
When he saw the information transmitted to his mind from the “Central Little Garden”, Yu was a little bit confused.
If the previous time was a little earlier, he only needed to expand the “Another Cosmology”, and it is estimated that he would be able to block the Primordial Star with the support of the center of the small garden, without paying the price of near collapse.
‘This mental retardation center, like the American police, always appears at the end. ‘ He sneered in his heart, and Yu Cai suddenly sounded. It seemed that Nayazi blocked the connection between the center and here, which made him collapse once in vain.
He turned his head subconsciously, and was stunned to find that the naughty troublemaker had disappeared without a trace.
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and she took a few deep breaths. While relieving her exhaustion, she then focused on the “spiritual quality” she was given.
The solitary “natural god and Buddha” caused his heart to suffer a critical blow, especially this spirituality is very illusory, and the illusory one seems to be disintegrating at any time.
He should be a human. Even if he is misjudged by the center, it’s fine to give him a natural god and Buddha, but give it to him. Is this spiritual personality that is about to collapse at any time implying that he will die at any time?
The mental retardation center, the message you gave that the spirit will collapse and die is purely to disgust me, right? ! !
At this time, Nayazi left and returned, suddenly appeared beside Yu, and Yu stretched out her hand to gesture to fight, she hurriedly raised her hand and said, “The little man has something to report.”
“What’s the matter?” Yu stopped and looked at Naiyazi with a surprised expression.
“There is a problem with the spirituality of the gods and Buddhas.” Nayiko said with a gloomy expression after collecting the funny expressions.
Yu’s face changed, and he immediately withdrew all his strength, especially the blood of the mother of the earth and the personality of the gods on his body were severely blocked by him.
After Yu blocked the personality, the spirituality of “Natural God Buddha” began to disintegrate immediately. This time, it caused an obvious jamming phenomenon in the center of the small garden. It seemed that it could not determine what Yu was based on the database. where.
Fortunately, it seems that mistakes were taken into account when the four major truths were created, so the Little Garden Center took back its previous spiritual status, extended its power for the second time, and re-determined Qiyu’s personality…
Although giving up the spiritual status of “natural gods and Buddhas” made Yuu’s spiritual power drop in an instant, but that itself is the power of grace, and he did not suffer any loss.
“What’s the problem?” After smashing the Lingge, Yuu’s question was long overdue.
“Humph~~” Nayko snorted a few times with satisfaction, Yun’s unreserved trust made her feel particularly happy, she raised her chin, turned around in place and said:
“I just slipped away, no, when I was investigating intelligence, I found a suspicious point.”
She bluntly turned her escape into a search for information, in order to escape the responsibility of Yuu being squeezed out, and now Yuu has no intention of pursuing her small faults, but is waiting for Naiako’s next sentence with a serious face…
“The spirituality of ‘Natural God and Buddha’ contains the binding force of the ‘Almighty Paradox’. poison’!”
Nayazi spread out his hands and shook his head sympathetically.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched. If he accepted the spiritual status of the “natural god and Buddha”, he would also suffer the knife of the almighty paradox?
He put the [Almighty Paradox] into the center of the little garden, and he actually brought such consequences? Fortunately, he found it in time, otherwise he would have to suffer that terrible knife. Although he likes to cheat people, he doesn’t like to cheat himself.
“How did you find out?” Yu rubbed his temples with a headache and said speechlessly.
“Of course it’s a glance…”
Naiako smiled and wanted to take credit, but she got rid of Yu’s calm dead fish eyes, so she could only lower her head and pointed at her finger:
“I just took the opportunity to invite a few friendly gods. They volunteered to be my observation objects. They dissected themselves. It has nothing to do with me. I can prove that they did it by themselves!”
At the end, Naiako gave a thumbs up proudly. After she found something was wrong, she immediately caught a few gods, and deliberately distorted the time, confuse their will by the way, and let them dissect themselves, and then came to the conclusion that the spirit is poisonous.
Based on this, she is considered a great achievement, right? That little accident just now, you shouldn’t care about it, right? If she cares more, she will let the “swollen daughter” accompany you again?
“Okay okay, I understand.” Yu gave up and continued to investigate, ignoring those unfortunate gods.
He shook his head and sighed.
Although he lost some of the power and the “seed of all things” brought by the spirit, the good thing is that he still has the big gain of “simulated star creation map”.
‘It’s barely a small profit. ‘ The corners of your mouth grinned high, forcibly defining himself as a small profit.
However, in fact, he was feeling very proud that he finally had a big killer that he could use.
And right hereAt that time, the second judgment of the center of the small garden was finally issued.
The Hakoten Center estimated that it was the first time in his life that he needed to issue a second species judgment on the same person, and this time, it was executed very slowly, and it kept repeating judgments on Yu while it was being executed.
Initially, it determined that Yuu was a human being, and gave Yuu the “human” spirit.
Then it was judged again.
Yuu was a little puzzled, but he did not resist the judgment of the center of the small garden, but let it judge his own power.
The essence of killing the gods and taking their power was the first to recognize.
——It is “God Killer”
Although the essence of the Reverse Kabbalah Evil Tree is illusory, it is connected with Yu’s power. In the essence of the soul, he is ranked in the last particle “1i Satan (Atheism)”, so he is recognized by the second.
——It is “The Beginning Demon King”
Although the spiritual personality of the natural gods and Buddhas is broken, the reason for its construction – the personality of “God” is recognized by the center.
——It is the “reversed God”
At this moment, the center of the small garden finally completed the identification, and gave a second interpretation to the spirituality of “human”.
——“The Final Trial of God and Buddha (atheism)”
At this moment, Yoo was stunned.
The next moment.
The power expansion that happened to Primordial Star before has already appeared on Yuu.

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