The Silver Sun Turns the Sky
“Three three three” outer door, the other world!
Fairies, goblins, druids, and some giants gathered in this demonic realm at the intersection of life and death.
The towering buildings all around towered into the sky, and the wide streets gathered all kinds of vendors.
The bull’s head the size of a wheel is placed on the ground, and the delicate snowflake beef is placed on the ground.On the clean wooden board, the beef dealer let the fragrant blood with spiritual power spread, trying to attract every hero who walked by.
The fairy with a delicate face sat gracefully on the rattan chair, allowing a warrior to take away the fine wine from the booth in front of her, and threw down pieces of white stones with a strange smell, and occasionally cast contempt at the men who passed her.
In the majestic building at the rear, wanton laughter and feminine voices can be heard from time to time, and a strong fragrance wafts out of it, mixed with a little girlish fragrance, and also mixed with the peculiar smell of heather, this unique smell , so that a poor man who was shy in his pocket gathered at the door, unable to prepare, and listened enviously to the charming laughter and cheerful applause inside.
Food, fine wine, and women, these are the three most favorite treasures of the so-called Yingjie in Celtic mythology.
Barbarism and primitiveness permeate this ancient myth.
Maybe these heroes all have shining points of humanity and are admired by the world, but their filthy behavior is even more criticized by people.
The so-called hero wields force, hunts and kills ferocious beasts, earns money, and then spends the money he earned with his life on a jar of fine wine or goblins, and continues on the hunting journey with a breeze in his sleeves.
If there are no accidents, this will be a daily routine in this other world.
However, accidents always come unexpectedly.
The first to discover the anomaly was the god species of the northeast wind.
They were in charge of the power of natural disasters, and they were the first to discover the unnaturalness of the atmosphere. The temperature, which was as wonderful as early spring, jumped to the scorching summer in an instant, and then climbed steadily. With just a few breaths, it reached the level that even the gods could not bear. .
That feeling is like being close to the surface of the sun. The 6,000-degree scorching heat is like the cruelest incinerator, burning everything on the earth.
However, the intense temperature has not yet caused any harm. The air pressure difference caused by the temperature change suddenly landed on the earth like a pawn in front of Pluto.
The buildings on the ground glowed faintly, flickering like candles in a strong wind, because the runes engraved on them were resisting sudden changes.
Amidst the whistling and terrifying howling of the wind, the terrifying hurricane was like a hot spring gushing out of an endless abyss, sweeping up everything on the ground.
The huge load-bearing column was rolled up into the sky, and rolled towards the big silver sun in the sky, like Icarus who was trying to reach the sun, and was purified into pitch-black residue in the golden flames of his expression.
“Enemy attack——!!!”
Barely surviving in a terrifying environment, the gods mustered their divine power and let out a hoarse cry.
Boom! Boom! Boom——! !
The bell that only rings during wars keeps ringing, overpowering the violent howling of the wind, warning every existence on this land.
Suddenly, the high temperature and hurricane disappeared.
The remnants of the residents who were fighting against the strong wind suddenly let go, and many of them collapsed to the ground. At this time, the noisy voices of inquiries gradually began to sound.
“The enemy is attacking? Where is it? Where is the enemy?!”
“Where’s the knight! Where’s the brave! Where’s the hero! Where’s our leader?”
“What are the gods doing? The enemies have attacked the house and there is no movement!!”
However, in the next second, in the high sky, the parchment paper glowing with black light fell like raindrops.
All the remaining creatures were stunned for a second or two by this sudden change.
And at this moment, the faint dark light on the parchment turned into an abyss-like darkness, and a round of silver panicked sun suddenly appeared on the paper.
At that moment, the legal principles of heaven and earth were proclaimed here.
“The Last Trial of Humanity (Lastembryo)”
——”Theory of Heavenly Movement”
Come here——! ! !
“Ha ha ha ha!!!”
The wanton laughter shook the atmosphere, and circles of ripples appeared in the air. They quickly condensed together, and then suddenly exploded, sweeping away to the entire world.
In just an instant, the majestic buildings collapsed, countless remaining heroes bled from their holes, fell to the ground and died, and the weak gods and Buddhas wailed and turned into wind and sand.
The laughter stopped abruptly.
It seems that even the person involved is amazed at the tragedy caused by his carefree smile.
“That guy, Bai Yasha… I guess he’ll have to play a guest role as a psychological counselor afterwards, after all, he’s still a brat~!”
Among the broken ruins, the silver-haired young man in black sighed helplessly, then turned into a breeze and disappeared into nature, leaving a few terrified gods with their eyes wide open, silently looking up at the sky. turned into wind and sand.
Above the sky, a round of silver sun is high above, overlooking the mortal beings below.
And in the silver sun, the gorgeous woman in twelve single kimonos looked down blankly, her eyes flashed with a hint of unbearable, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes were as indifferent as snow.
In Little Garden, where gods and demons roam, kindness and generosity are the sincere praises engraved by the enemies on the tombstones. This point, Bai Yasha clearly knew.
She took a slight breath, and said coldly towards the broken ground below:
“Nu Anda get out!!!
–get out! !
–come out! !
–Come! ”
The screaming sound disturbed the thin atmosphere that was almost evaporated, and the shouting vibrated through the heavenly space strengthened by the gods, and one could faintly feel the invisible and colorless chains maintaining the order of time and space, restraining the panic overflowing from the day. strength.
This sound, like the roar of the demon king of hell, shook the whole world.Trembling at this sound.
At the core of the prosperous palace, standing in front of the throne, Nu Anda put on the long-lost battle armor. He put his hand on the hilt of the sword around his waist, raised his head, and looked at the sky from the overturned roof. Panic day.
“Is it too late after all? No, maybe it won’t be too late!!”
Thinking of the report he just received, Nu Anda barely showed a smile on his face. Although he was not used to placing his hopes in the hands of others, he knew that Dagda was in the Temple of the Goddess of Creation behind him. , An inexplicable perseverance poured out of Nu Anda’s chest.
He still has a chance to win, or this sudden chess game has left the possibility of a draw from the beginning, and what he has to do is to rule out countless possibilities and guide the game to the final draw. Bureau!
He pulled out the sword of light, and with a flick of his body, he cut through the sky like a golden sword, like an arrow from the chamber, and shot towards the silver sun above the sky.
“Danu God Clan, God King Nuanda is here——!!”
“Come on, the demon king of Tiandong talk!!”

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