Operation of Hakoniwa’s top power
steepThe mountain was frozen by ice and snow, and the cold brought by the low temperature of minus nearly Baidu swept the entire mountain range.
A figure stepped on the steep mountain, a white robe fluttered in the cold wind mixed with ice and snow, black hair fluttered in the wind, and the whole body was filled with misty divine light.
–Western Queen.
The oldest Kunlun goddess appeared at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains.
She was barefoot and her expression was cold, ignoring the wind and snow around her, and staring at the top of the mountain.
“It’s started.” On the sky, Nu Wa sighed, and with a wave of her right hand, a colorful glow swept across the sky, like a rainbow, connecting the sky and the earth.
The appearance of the rainbow is like a signal, and the surrounding qi is surging, and it is hooked together on the sky.
The illusory real dragon appeared in the sky; the colorful auspicious phoenix fluttered and soared; the four-winged white tiger entrenched on the side of the mountain, roared in the sky; the dragon with wings on its back and closed eyes opened its eyes day and night.
Various beasts appeared, and various authorities showed their mighty power.
In an instant, space is blocked, time is blocked, and destiny is blocked!
Around the Tiangong, millions of miles were cut out from the box garden, and it seemed that the heaven was going to be separated from the box garden.
At this time, in the distant sky, the huge celestial pillar that pierced the entire box garden glowed brightly, and a seemingly empty and real Tianhe appeared on the sky, wrapped in the sound of rolling waves, flowing from the nothingness.
The voices of prayers are sung, the voices of curses are cast aside, the good and the evil are constantly intertwined, and finally formed the waves, which seem to breed thousands of living beings, and seem to be the illusory Tianhe that curses the heaven and earth.
The appearance of the illusory Tianhe immediately attracted the attention of many Shura gods and Buddhas.
At a certain outer door, a golden divine bird like the great sun exudes infinite divine light, with eight light wheels guarding it beside it, the divine bird’s eyes are open, his eyes are like knives, and he looks coldly at the illusory Tianhe. .
“Is it the “River of Chaos” at the bottom of “Human History”? What exactly does Kunlun want to do by embodying the worst beliefs like this? ”
In another pale and pure pure land, angels and demons surrounded the thrones on the left and right, and the ethereal figure whose face could not be seen was facing the illusory Tianhe, and sighed.
“Another way? Unfortunately, it’s useless to me.”
On both sides of the burning red real flame, good and evil were separated, and the two ancient gods, yin and yang, opened their eyes and looked at the illusory Tianhe.
“To eliminate evil for good, only light is the reason.” An ancient god said indifferently.
“Haha.” An ancient god sneered.
However, just when more gods and Buddhas cast their gazes, Nuwa stretched out her hand and threw out a scroll of simple and vast pictures, covering the mountains and rivers, blurring the mountains and rivers of millions of miles, turning the substance into an illusion.
“A map of mountains and rivers? The preparations are really complete, but after today, Kunlun will no longer exist.” Mount Olympus, the ancient mother of the earth sitting on the edge of the cliff, smiled and looked into the distance.
On the Tianshan Mountains, the ancient goddess at the foot of the mountain finally took a step after the map of mountains, rivers, society and Ji covered the world.
The white jade-like toes stepped on the sturdy ice ground, sinking a distinct footprint, climbing up step by step.
“Huh?!!” On the sky, Yu, who was in the big silver sun, couldn’t help but looked at the Queen Mother of the West in surprise.
The illusory Tianhe wrapped the beliefs of thousands of creatures and swept toward the ancient goddess in white and bare feet. The whining and whistling sound seemed to be the most vicious curse, and the dark and irritable evil thoughts swept in with the waves.
It seems like an illusion, every step you take, the figure of the goddess in white becomes illusory, and every footprint that falls, her figure becomes somewhat transparent.
A little bit of white light is mixed in the wind and snow, the white dot is illusory and ethereal, but with a sublime and sacred atmosphere, scattered on the snow-covered ground with the wind and snow.
On the ground where the Queen Mother of the West walked, on the footprints, a branch of buds broke out from the ground, growing in the wind, from a fresh green to a mature brown. Trees, towering above the ice and snow.
“Huh?!!” Bai Yasha, who noticed this phenomenon, looked around, paying special attention to Nu Wa’s face, then held her breath and closed her eyes to rest.
“Dividing your own beliefs, even denying your own existence, and Tianhe, who embodied the “history of mankind”… You have been taught!”
After observing for a while, Yu couldn’t help but applaud softly, and looked at the snowy mountain goddess underneath with admiration.
The land that has been stepped on, the peach tree manifested is clearly derived from the “existence” of the Queen Mother of the West and her most fundamental belief.
In other words, the peach trees were the flesh and blood split from the body of the Queen Mother of the West, and it was also the source of her gradually illusory figure.
By denying its own existence and blurring its own record in human history, this is the first step of detachment.
Just as Taiyi wanted to use the White Yaksha to constantly switch between falsehood and reality to blur herself, the Queen Mother of the West used her self-weakening to turn flesh and blood into a spiritual peach, constantly blurring her own existence.
However, this phenomenon is obviously in conflict with the “history of mankind”, the illusory river is the feedback of history, the rolling evil thoughts are aimed at the ‘enemy’ who intends to kill the belief of the Queen Mother of the West, and the disappearing good thoughts are far away Yuan constantly replenishes the consumption of the Queen Mother of the West.
In reality, however, it was the Queen Mother of the West who consumed her beliefs.
By killing herself, she motivated the support of “Human History”, kept withholding faith, accumulated strength, and prepared for the final ultimate leap.
In other words, fashionable terms, that is, the Queen Mother of the West is defrauding the “insurance company (human history)”, and she is nowContinue to defraud the beliefs in “Human History”, and practice how to defraud.
That’s why Yuka couldn’t help but applaud the opponent’s methods.
Not long after, when the Queen Mother of the West set foot on the top of the snow-capped mountains, her figure was so illusory that she blended into the snow. To deal with that terrible gas machine.
“True or false, actually got rid of the “Almighty Paradox”! ! ”
Bai Yasha stared blankly at the goddess who was about to disappear below. The other party’s series of methods really refreshed her new vision.
The effect of the “Almighty Paradox” is terrifying. It binds all gods and Buddhas, and even binds the “universal truth”. All gods and Buddhas are restricted by it, and nearly 99% of their authority is sealed.
But now, the Queen Mother of the West broke free from the “paradox of omnipotence” by denying herself…
Bai Yasha’s eyes flickered, and she felt that there was a hidden force urging her to erase the Queen Mother of the West… below.

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