The way of eating, swallowing everything
While untying the sweat-stained white cloth on his head, Indra joked frivolously, “What else can I do, of course, to divide the spoils! What do you think I’m here for a few days as a guard?”
Five days ago, the Kunlun Ancestral God, who lost his strength, actually fell into a low point of strength. In that state, if there were enemies attacking, it would become extremely difficult.
Therefore, Indra took the initiative to stay, and during these days, Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween really scared off a lot of speculators, and now it is quite appropriate to laugh at the “guardian”.
However, the division of the spoils in Indra’s mouth still accounts for a large part of the reason. The three-phase divine artifact he obtained by throwing a lot of effort in vain is used as the target of “human history”. One is to sell you One is human affection, the other is to harm his subordinates who betray the master, and the third is to peep at the power of faith without the master.
The power of belief that has nothing to do with “human history” is a rare commodity in Hakoten. So far, it has only appeared twice when Taiyi and Xiwangmu are detached. The third one is Yu’s hand, which is really too rare.
This is a derivative of “detachment”, and it can even be used as a supplement when the source of power is cut off after returning to the ruins, increasing the success rate of breaking free.
You looked at Indra thoughtfully as he untied the sweat-stained white cloth, and after sizing up the other party carefully, he said with some uncertainty.
When Bai Yasha heard the words, she turned her head in surprise. She looked at Indra carefully, her eyes were like turbulent flames, peeping at the essence of Indra.
Her behavior is quite easy to arouse the hostility of the gods and Buddhas, but fortunately Indra didn’t mind, and he knew that he couldn’t hide it, so he generously allowed Bai Yasha to investigate.
“The spirituality of ‘human beings’? You actually changed the spirituality of “natural gods and Buddhas” to human beings?” Shiroyasha’s tone rose slightly, and he looked at Indra with a somewhat surprised expression.
Today, after the birth of the little garden center for only a month, the spirituality is quite a new thing to the gods and Buddhas. However, in a short period of time, Indra has actually developed the technology of spirituality transformation, and reduced himself to a Humanity.
This kind of feeling is as if scientists have developed the technology to degenerate humans into monkeys within a month without any foundation, which is indeed a bit too amazing.
“Well, it’s just a by-product of healing. I’ll temporarily call this technology ‘falling into the sky’. How about it, is it interesting?”
Indra raised his chin slightly and said something trivial on his mouth, but the expression on his face showed how proud he was.
“By the way, if you use this technology to descend to the lower world, it will be quite easy.”
The upper and lower realms of Hakoniwa are quite strictly divided. The gods and Buddhas of the upper realm, especially the gods and Buddhas of the Almighty class, come to the lower realm, which will inevitably cause earthquakes and tsunamis. Avoiding trouble basically won’t go to the Nether.
“Could it be that the technology was developed for those dependents?”
Yu raised her eyebrows speechlessly. The Moon Rabbit family had recently moved out of the upper floors, and as its main god, Indra, who had deep feelings for the family, obviously kept a certain amount of attention.
After two years of contact with Indra, he has completely figured out the nature of the other person’s urine. This Neng Tiandi is famous for his caring and caring family members.
Nine times out of ten, the other party is the first step, and went to the lower realm to check the safety of the base area for the family. At first, “falling to the sky and becoming a man” may really be to heal the wounds of the previous war, but at the back, it will come to the lower realm safely, it is estimated that it is A new function extended to protect family members.
“My good brother, apart from those skilled goddesses, you are the bestGet to know me! ! “Indra patted his leg, laughed and gave Yuu a thumbs up.
“A goddess with technology?” Shiroyasha blinked, looking at Indra with some doubts.
“Don’t go in-depth, this topic is a little too early for you.” Yudeng retreated from Indra who wanted to explain, turned his head and said perfunctory Baiyasha.
“Tsk, we’re talking like a child.” Bai Yasha tilted his head and pouted a little unhappily.
‘The 200-year-old Protoss is not a child or anything. ‘ Yoo murmured in his heart, then turned his head and said to Indra.
“According to the division a few days ago, you are three and I are seven. By the way, I can still sell 20% of the faith in my hand. Where do you have anything in exchange.”
For Yuu, Wuzhu’s belief is not very useful. He doesn’t belong to “human history”. The so-called detachment from nature is impossible to talk about. In Yuu’s calculation, he will leave half of it for experimental use and see if he can. It’s enough if you can’t develop the technology to extract the unowned belief, and sell the rest to Indra to earn favors.
After getting along for two years, Yu can still give a certain amount of trust to Indra’s conduct, at least not the so-called white-eyed wolves.
“Can it be sold for 20%? It’s beyond my expectations.”
Indra rubbed his chin in a tangled state. He originally planned to take away what he deserved, but he never thought that Yu would be able to take the initiative to sell it. In this way, nearly half of his beliefs can be obtained. The data from the time when the Queen Mother of the West was detached are used as the basis. For reference, half faith, estimated to be enough for him to increase the success rate of detachment from 35% to 40%.
This is a very high amount. The Indian pantheon has always been trapped in the struggle for power and profit. Unlike Kunlun, which collectively invests resources in researching the “transcendence path”, he alone can increase the probability by 35%, which is already quite a terrifying amount. .
For the 5% increase in Yu’s hand, Indra is willing to pay a certain price.
“Speaking of which, if it is five or five points, 11 deals were sold for the Demon King’s authority last time, and the other party used all kinds of equivalents. In other words, do you want to replace it with the distribution ratio of faith?”
Indra suddenly remembered the last collaboration, rubbed his chin, and suggested to Yu. In this way, Indra is a little bit disadvantaged. After all, unowned belief is quite rare. Those equivalents are at best some good-quality artifacts. If you can exchange for unowned belief, it is a bloody profit.
He was reciprocating this, he appropriately gave up part of the benefits and maintained a friendly relationship with Yu.
“No need, just replace it with all kinds of divine tools with authority or spiritual root minerals. By the way, the 20% faith I mentioned earlier can also be exchanged for these.”
Yu picked up the teacup on the table, finished it in one sip, and said in a flat tone. Artifacts that contain authority are not common goods, and are often the trump card of an almighty.
Just like Indra and the “Brahma Spear”, Indra, known as the god of battle, has also reached the level of omnipotence in the authority of “victory”, and it took great effort to make it. The Brahma Spear with the same authority.
The same artifact also has Brionak, who is stationed at the outer gate of “69”. That magic spear was born with self-intention, and it is a terrible magic soldier who is an almighty.
And such artifacts are often the trump card of an almighty person, and they are often the big killers that are brought out only in the battle of life and death. It can be said that it is the most advanced artifact of Hakoba at present.
Yu’s purpose for wanting these artifacts is quite simple, that is to swallow them. Through the devouring of Dagda’s cauldron, he has determined that swallowing these artifacts can speed up his transformation.
Although he is not sure whether swallowing the gods and Buddhas can achieve the same effect, Yu has a hunch that he may have to go all the way to the end on ‘eating’.
“An artifact with authority? Hey, could it be that you took that road to reach the “universal truth”?” Indra gradually opened his eyes and said with a look of surprise.
Indra himself doesn’t know how many paths to the “universal truth”, but there is a conjecture, which is known to all.
That is, when a god or Buddha acquires all the authority contained in “human history”, its essence will inevitably be elevated to the realm of “universal truth”.
The source of this conjecture is “Taiyi”. It is said that this “incarnation of Tao”, who contains the origin of all things in his body, is the founder of this path.
And now, the news of Taiyi’s transcendence is likely to have a point in the hearts of the major groups of gods. According to Indra, this path is likely to become the “mainstream” of Hakoba.
In his opinion, I am afraid that Yu got something from Taiyi, which is why he gave up those unowned beliefs and pursued those divine weapons of authority instead.
In this case, there is too much room for manipulation.
Yu frowned, neither denying nor affirming. Although Indra’s speculation was wrong, the divine weapon of authority was indeed a useful tool for him, which was correct.
Seeing Yu did not deny it, Indra rubbed his chin and finally slapped his leg.
“Since that’s the case, how about I exchange it with an artifact of authority that is useless to me?”
Indra doesn’t want to slaughter You in this matter. The tacit understanding that has just been cultivated is a bit of a loss. Rather than fooling around here, it is better to take this opportunity to get more authority artifacts and go to those who are not very good. Familiar gods and Buddhas, he has always distinguished clearly between doing business and being friends.
“Okay.” The corners of You’s mouth raised slightly, and she nodded.

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