(There will be another update later.)
Accompanied by a creaking sound.
The heavy door of the tea room gradually opened, and Yuu grabbed Lapuzi by the ear, like carrying a rabbit, and carried her into the tea room.
“Oh, what happened?” The Halloween Queen sitting by the coffee table put down her teacup, glanced at the two of them, and couldn’t help but smile, “Could it be that you, Lapu, have angered the leader again?”
Lapp’s character of being timid and fearful, but extremely good at provoking others is no secret in the entire stronghold, and in the current situation, she knows without guessing that this fake rabbit probably came out of his mouth again.
Lapp, who was held in Yuu’s hand, sniffled, and instead of responding to the Halloween Queen’s words, he squeaked pitifully.
Seeing this scene, the Halloween Queen turned her head and looked at Yu with some puzzlement. She was a little curious about what Lappzi had done again.
You casually threw Lapuzi aside, and the poor rabbit fell directly to the ground. After rolling around twice, he got up from the floor clutching his butt, lowered his head and quickly followed Yu’s footsteps.
And You walked slowly to the sofa next to the coffee table, sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea, “This dead rabbit knocked on the door before and asked me if I had a room. Can squeak! Whenever she says ‘I was wrong’ with her mouth, I’ll let her go.”
“Squeak (I was wrong)!!”
Lapuzi on the side stood behind Yuu, with his head lowered, and he kept opening and closing his mouth, but there was only a cute squeak.
“Ah, it’s really a merciful punishment.” The Halloween Queen picked up the teacup and said with a smile. She was a little curious, and could only use her mouth to squeak, how could she say ‘I was wrong’?
It looks like, can’t tell? This is really a ‘merciful’ punishment.
“Shut up now.” Yuu glared at Lapuzi, turned her head, and asked the Queen of Halloween. “What about you, what’s the situation in Kunlun?”
“Those ‘uncles and aunts’ have been sent to the new heaven. Haotian has already built a new system there. The ancestor gods who returned to the ruins have slowed down and are about to leave as planned. At present, the situation is not bad. Not bad right?”
“Didn’t I tell you something? For example, why did you give me the Kunlun coordinates?”
You took a sip of tea, and looked at the Halloween Queen calmly. Among the four jade stones was a five-color stone that stored the coordinates of the new Kunlun from the outside world, which made him a little confused about Nuwa’s intentions.
The Queen of Halloween and Bai Yasha are okay, after all, they are the heirs of Taiyi. It is quite normal for the other party to give the coordinates of New Kunlun, but why give him this? And it was still hidden in the self-system tree and given to him, instead of giving it face-to-face like Bai Yasha and the other two.
“Taichi didn’t say anything.” The Halloween Queen shook her head and looked at Yuu with a smile.
You frowned, and took a deep look at the Halloween Queen. Taiyi didn’t say anything, but what about Nuwa? This look… It seems that Nu Wa and the Halloween Queen seemed to have exchanged something, but they agreed on terms that could not be explained to him.
After comprehending the meaning of the Halloween Queen’s statement, Yu immediately gave up and continued to pursue it. It was just a beacon, and it had no value in making him break up with the Queen.
“Okay, let’s not delve into this, let’s talk about the reason why you came to the meeting room as soon as you came back.”
Yu put down the teacup, pursed his lower lip and said, “About your summoning ability, that is, the Celtic gods you summoned during the battle with Shiroyasha a few days ago, the ones you summoned can maintain How long has it existed?”
The Queen of Halloween frowned immediately when she heard the words. The corners of the girl’s raised mouth softened instantly, her face was tensed, and she looked quite serious.
“Space” and “Summoning” are the foundation of her life. The former comes from Taiyi, while the latter is created by the Celtic gods pouring out secret treasures. However, under Taiyi’s adjustment, they merged into one and formed her trump card.
——”Independent God Group Call”.
Summoning and using the Celtic gods of the past dynasties, relying on the characteristic of “omnipotent paradox” to limit output, is enough to confront the “universal truth” head-on.
This is one of Taiyi’s tricks to save her life, and the time limit of its effectiveness is obviously within the scope of confidentiality.
‘Then, should we tell You the time limit? ’ The young golden protoss became a little tangled up.
Noticing that the Queen of Halloween was looking straight into each other’s eyes in trouble, he understood that questions related to the abilities of the gods and Buddhas were already private, and it was quite inappropriate to ask rashly, but he still asked straightforwardly.
This is related to some of his future arrangements, so Yu thinks it is better to ask clearly, and at the same time, he can also use this to test the attitude of the Halloween Queen.
After being silent for a while, the Halloween Queen suddenly said, “Will you tell Bai Ye?”
Yuu’s eyelids twitched, and then he said expressionlessly.
“No, and Lapuzi, I will also order to save my life.”
“Then it doesn’t matter.” The Halloween Queen showed her faceHe smiled and said, “If you use all your strength to summon all the Celtic gods, the duration will be about 15 days. If the number of Almighty people is kept below five, it will be about eighty years.”
“Will five Almighty be maintained for eighty years? I don’t think this scale should be used.”
Yu was slightly surprised by the Queen’s staying power, and then calculated the number of gods to use, and came up with an estimate of three to four people.
“I need the appearance of three or four Celtic gods to prove that Celtic has entered the ‘resurrection process’, so as to avoid some gods’ in-depth investigation and come to the information that Shiroyasha and I are the final trial.”
“Wait a moment.” The Queen of Halloween suddenly raised her hand, interrupting Yuu’s words.
“What’s wrong?” Yu asked in surprise.
“If I heard it right, you just called yourself the ‘Final Trial’?”
The Queen of Halloween said with a strange expression, she doesn’t seem to know about this at all. Shiroyasha is the final trial, but she has heard about it from Taiyi, but that is the “sequelae” of Taiyi’s detachment, but why is Yuu also the final trial?
“I can’t do anything about the judgment of the Hakoba Center.” Yu let go of his spiritual identity, revealing the certification of the mentally retarded center.
“…the final trial of gods and Buddhas (atheism).” The Queen of Halloween stared blankly at Yu’s spiritual nature. Is there such a final trial?
“Okay, we exposed our trump cards to each other. Are we considered grasshoppers on the same boat?” You converged on Lingge and said with a grin.
“I think this is an obvious thing.” The Queen of Halloween nodded and smiled.
“Then continue with the previous topic, let the Celtic gods appear in Hakoba…”
“I think it can be added.”
Yu stopped talking and watched the Queen of Halloween motion for her to say the following.
“Why can’t we swallow the entire Celtic interests in Hakoniwa?” The blond girl blinked her eyes slightly in anticipation.

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