The meeting between the primordial god and the super god
Outer gate “12” – Mount Olympus.
This sacred mountain in Greek mythology stands in the center of the outer gate “12”. Its height is only more than 3,000 meters. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are five majestic temples of primitive gods.
There is no night here. It is like the sun, moonlight, and starlight all year round, and it is always in a state of extreme day, just like the meaning of Olympus in the Greek language, “the place of light”.
High-level phantom beasts play at the foot of the mountain, and tall giants live and inhabit here. Except for the Goddess Temple at the foot of the mountain, they are allowed to enjoy everything else on the earth. privilege.
At the foot of the mountain near the Temple of the Earth Goddess, the twelve giants who voluntarily guarded the place found the figure of the outsider. It was a tall old man wearing a white robe, gray beard and gray hair.
Due to the benevolence of the Mother Earth, all the nearby lands allow the creatures on the earth to move freely. However, in order to protect the majesty of the goddess, the giants still stepped down to guard around the temple, so as to repel some children and stray people and avoid them. disturbing the goddess’s tranquility.
The two giants guarding the front raised their hammers full of nails, shimmering in the sun, with a huge body of more than ten meters, and the ferocious weapons in their hands were enough to scare away most of the people who accidentally broke in. living beings.
However, just when the giants wanted to drive the old man away as usual, something strange happened in the eyes of the giants.
In their unblinking line of sight, the gray-hued old man suddenly lost his figure. Their eyes widened and the boss opened his mouth, wondering if he had encountered a ghost, and heard the exclamation from behind. .
They turned their heads quickly, and happened to see the gray-hued old man stepping on the steps in front of the Temple of the Earth.
At the end, the giant guards at the end shouted hummingly, while the giants on the other side rang the golden bell beside them.
For a time, ‘Dong dong! ‘ The bells rang through Mount Olympus.
After the bell rang, the old man of Grey Hu stopped instead. He stood in front of the empty main entrance of the Earth Goddess Hall and quietly watched a giant guard in armor surround him.
“You giants, no matter how many years have passed, have been so stupid.”
The old man laughed wickedly. He seemed to deliberately let these giants ring the golden bell to announce his arrival.
The leader of the giant captain felt that something was wrong, and arranged the giants to maintain the posture of surrounding the enemy with gestures, quietly waiting for the arrival of the priests.
Not long after, clear footsteps came, and some of the giants turned their heads to look, and then suddenly knelt on the ground. The strange behavior immediately alarmed the giants present, causing them to turn their eyes.
The next second, more than a dozen thumping thuds of kneeling rang out at the same time. The giant guard who was blocking the main entrance quickly moved away in a kneeling posture and made way for the passage.
The splendid blonde hair that seemed to interpret the color of life fluttered gently in the breeze, and then, with a playful female voice echoed around.
“You are still doing your own way as always, Your Majesty Chronos.”
“You have grown a lot, Gaia! Well, at least you have dared to contradict me, and you have grown a lot in courage.”
Chronos smiled cheerfully, his expression was like an ordinary kind old man, kind and gentle.
“It seems that it is because of the courage that the little guy who gave me a lot of surprises brought you! Is it a godslayer specially trained for me?”
Whether it was the failure of intercepting the Queen Mother of the West, the phylogenetic tree that you had seen from Yu, or the similarity between the bloodline of the other party and the Greek Mother Earth, these successive changes indeed gave Chronos enough surprises, and he even had some doubts that Yu was It is not that the five primordial gods are fully cultivated to target his killer.
“You are still good at ‘persecution delusions’ as always!” Gaia frowned, mocking Chronos’ neuroticism with a smile.
The relationship between the five primordial gods of the Greek god group and the super-primitive gods of Greek esotericism is like that of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the United States, targeting each other, but from the same source.
However, the interior is more complicated. Kunlun, which has many factions, can work together, but Greece, which has only two major factions, is on guard against each other. This reason is not unrelated to Chronos’ neuroticism.
“I didn’t come here on purpose to play tricks with you.”
Chronos ignored Gaia’s sarcasm and remained as a kind and cheerful old man.
“Let’s get straight to the point, I need to borrow your “Darkness”!!”
Gaia’s pupils gradually contracted, and her face could no longer maintain that formulaic smile.
The outer door [73214], the Celtic base.
This is an ancient European city-state, where wild and huge stone buildings are the mainstream.
The temple at its core, originally used to house the Celtic gods, was temporarily conscripted as aThe halloween queen’s bedroom.
The Celtic demigods who had declared their surrender were a little nervous about this, and the change of the main gods twice within two days brought them a sense of unease.
Fortunately, under Skaha’s consolation and an action by Yu, these unease are gradually disappearing, and many Celts gradually focus their energy on restoring the function of the city-state.
“Wow, wow, it’s really cruel, to destroy the [Outer Sect Dominator] directly with the authority of the Demon King and seize the ownership of the Realm Sect. Is it worthy of being a cruel and ruthless leader?”
In the central shrine, Lapuzi was like a real moon rabbit, bouncing around in the long and narrow corridor. The big leader was not there, and her choreography was like a surging river, endless.
They arrived at the Celtic stronghold the day before yesterday, and the spirits who occupied it at that time were violently brutalized and destroyed by You before begging for mercy. This ‘rare’ behavior was talked about by Lapp and became the one under the cruel face of You. shadow.
“Be careful, Your Majesty Rapp, the master is to eliminate the uneasiness of the Celts to replace the new owner, and then he took action to suppress the enemy. What’s more, the original ownership of the realm gate is the property of our Celts.”
While Skaha was advising Rapp, he pulled the corner of his beige long skirt a little uncomfortable.
This kind of conservative clothes is quite unsuitable for fighting, but considering her status as a concubine, she still forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling.
Yu seems to be a little disgusted that her concubine is too revealing in front of outsiders, and Celtic’s clothes that are easy to fight are a little bit blatant, so Skaha conforms to Yu’s mind and changes her dressing style. adaptation period.
“I see, I know, the leader won’t care about these things, Skaha, your worries are really superfluous.”
Lapuzi waved his hand very casually, the kind of leader who likes Hang’s subordinates, what happened to her arrangement, as for such a big reaction?
Lapuzi pouted, turned his head to look at Skaha, who was pinching the corners of her skirt, as if she was figuring out what length would be the most suitable for sports, her eyes were slightly curved, and she smiled.
“Speaking of which, Skaha, what did you do in the chief’s room last night? Why did I hear a voice very similar to yours, where did you cry all night?”
Skaha, who was still fiddling with her skirt, immediately stiffened, and her face suddenly turned red, “Well, that’s actually, it’s going, what are you going to do, by the way, it’s going to report work, it’s a work problem .”
“What work problem needs to cry all night?” Lapuzi looked at Skaha with a funny face.
“I just cried for a while, why did you cry all night?” Skaha couldn’t help but retorted a little embarrassedly when Lappzi repeatedly asked some personal questions.
“Oh? Cry for a while? Then why are you crying? And what does it mean to say ‘don’t stop’ every once in a while?” Lapuzi tilted his head, his face full of teasing.
“So what a happy thing to bully people~~” some kind of fake moon rabbit thought happily.
Being asked these questions one after another, Skaha’s face darkened slightly.
With a swipe, a blood-red spear appeared in Skaha’s hand. She glanced at Lappzi cruelly and violently, as if thinking about where to put a hole.
At one point, Skaha wanted to use a weapon to stab the unrepentant fake moon rabbit in front of her, but before she couldn’t help but make a move, Rappo nodded in a feigned understanding.
“Is it singing a drama? I remember that there seem to be some minstrels in Hakoniwa recently, and they seem to like to cry to perform some scenes that happened.”
Lapuzi fretted nervously that her talents were all about life-saving and intelligence, and she had no combat advantage over this exceptional demigod who fought for the main spirit. The top priority was to counsel first.
“Yes-ah! That’s it.”
Skahapi looked at Lappzi with a smile, and she understood that this fake moon rabbit couldn’t give her a good look at all. Direct threats with weapons were the best way for Liao Liu.
Understanding this truth, Skahar was about to completely discard the oppression brought by the core members of Lapuzi, and prepared to communicate with this fake demon in the most direct way in the future.
‘The Celts are so violent, they’re savage when they joke around with knives and guns. ’
Lapuzi glanced at the blood-red weapon in Skaha’s hand, couldn’t help swallowing, and walked ahead with a dry smile.
Under the unilateral threat of Skaha, the two moved at a constant speed towards the core of the temple, preparing to report their recent work to the two lords where they were.

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