The Declaration of the Ancient Goddess
Yu suddenly felt like a fool!
He released his bloodline aura in a grand manner, acting as a light bulb for others to observe. After all, he was going to showdown with the Greek gods, so as to avoid further misunderstandings, but he forgot the most important point.
——That is the source of his bloodline.
That was when he was still a godslayer. Pandora combined with almost all the mother goddesses to pour out the essence and merged into the “blood of the earth”.
Except for a small number of the Goddess of Earth who defected to the hero who defected to the steel, it can be said that if you catch any Goddess of Earth, and call her sister and mother, the other party will start to doubt themselves in a daze.
First of all, I doubted whether my parents had given birth to one more child. After denying it, I began to wonder whether my bloodline had spread out and gave birth to a descendant independently. Who can fool the ‘IQ contest’.
And now, the familiar nature of the night, which can no longer be familiar, and the hidden power of fate have made the noble goddess of the night of the Greek gods begin to doubt herself, wondering if her blood has leaked out.
The first thing Knicks suspected was the channel of the alliance. It was a loose alliance built by ancient and noble goddesses who observed the rise of male power in the future. It was a platform for mutual assistance of resources.
However, in the next second, the channel of the alliance was denied by the Knicks. Only Gaia in Greece had paid her blood in exchange for the research of Nuwa Stone. Most of her herself traded with others through other resources. In this environment, If it was leaked, she could not have been impressed.
After this denial, the Knicks began to doubt Kunlun.
In the distant past, when the Little Garden was not yet established, Greece and Kunlun, as two detached groups of gods, fought more than once for the supremacy of human history.
In those kinds of battles, even those as strong as the Knicks have encountered several near-death situations. Under such encounters, it is obvious that the power of the bloodline is revealed.
Yes, Gaia once suspected that Nuwa’s request for her divine blood came from Taiyi’s instructions. In the past, after they discovered Shiroyasha, they deduced that they planned to study Gaia’s “breeding” authority and artificially create Protoss.
For this reason, Greece once used a trick to induce Shiroyasha to have the idea of ​​visiting Greece, and at the same time deliberately provoked disputes, which later proved the artificial Protoss speculation, but before the artificial Protoss?
Why does Taiyi have to create celestial spirits, and why can’t gods and dragons? With the cautious character of the emperor, he must have tested the dragon species andThe possibility of the gods was given up.
So, Yuu is the abandoned product? Is it one of the dragon species or the god species? Other possibilities are not even ruled out.
The more he thought about it, the brighter Nix’s black eyes became, like black pearls under the misty moonlight, looking at Yuu without blinking.
Following this derivation, she even had some guesses as to why Yuichi was in Gaia and her divine blood.
Normally, it is almost impossible for Yu to reach the Almighty class with a single bloodline power, and it is even more impossible to reach the limit of the Almighty class, so as to beat the level of Chronos.
However, Yuu has done all these incredible things!
Then the single bloodline power is denied.
Nix boldly assumed that she ignored the conflict of blood, and simply simulated the possibility of mixing various god blood.
Such as her divine blood, Nuwa’s divine blood, even Taiyi’s divine blood, and the blood of Chronos mixed in…
Hiss! !
Thinking of this, the Knicks felt cold in their hearts.
She didn’t understand how Yuu survived the huge and messy bloodline conflict, and she couldn’t even imagine how many failed products were destroyed in the process.
The only thing she was sure about was that Yu must have undergone a mutation in her bloodline and even her soul, breaking through the original boundaries, and only then reached today’s level.
Moreover, the technology of the artificial protoss and the foundation of Taiyi’s transcendence from the “history of mankind” are all based on the heartless experiments again and again. After the deaths of countless experimental subjects, one by one correct data was obtained, and then the implementation began.
For the sake of detachment, that Heavenly Emperor is just like Chronos, completely incomprehensible, and can be called a model of no madness and no survival!
The thoughts in his mind were ever-changing, and Nix, who faintly felt that he had guessed the truth, frowned, feeling the difficulty of the matter.
Nix calmed down secretly, calmed down, and finally looked at Yu’s face again, with a hint of pity in his eyes.
Her change happened within a few seconds. Although Yuu felt that Knicks’ attitude had changed, she didn’t expect her to think so much.
“Your name is ‘Yu’, right?”
“First meeting, Your Highness, Goddess of the Night.”
Feeling that the Knicks’ tone was too much gentler than that of Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween, Yuu’s brain was as painful as a walnut being clamped by pliers.
He lamented that things were getting more and more complicated, and at the same time, he began to lose hope in the idea of ​​trying to unravel the misunderstanding of the Greek gods.
After experiencing several worlds, Yu has a little bit of his own understanding of human nature. In his opinion, when a person believes in the facts of his own brain, how you explain the ‘truth’ is useless.
Regardless of people or the gods created by these beliefs, they often believe in their own judgments the most. It is too difficult to persuade them. He just needs to speak the truth with his conscience. Distance, hello to me, hello to everyone.
“It’s a rather lively title, I think you’re complaining about us?”
Nix’s face changed slightly. She didn’t understand how Kunlun educated Yu, but she wouldn’t say anything nice to them about Greece.
“It’s not that there are any complaints, it’s just that the two sides have misunderstood some things. I’ll tell you plainly. In fact, my bloodline comes from the initiative of some elders, and it has nothing to do with Xi… the goddesses.”
Yuu explained while striding forward, approaching the steps where Knicks was standing.
He originally wanted to say that it had nothing to do with Greece, but the figure of the Mother of Godslayers suddenly appeared in his mind. Thinking of the goddess whose old name was Gaia, now Pandora, he could only change his words with a wry smile.
That’s all for now, he explained and explained it before, he didn’t bother to go to great lengths to justify it. If the two sides have intentions, it’s nothing to help each other.
Nix frowned in distress. She only felt that Yu’s prejudice against her and Gaia seemed to be quite serious. The only thing fortunately was that there was no hatred.
To be honest, now, like Gaia, she began to disapprove of letting Yu join the plan for Chronos this time.
In her impression, Chronos was more mad than Taichi, and she couldn’t predict what these madmen would do to escape, and she couldn’t even imagine what a terrifying sight it would be.
It’s too risky to let a child who has a prejudice against them join in to face an old lunatic like Chronos, but on the other hand, the Knicks hope to ease the relationship with Yuu through this dangerous cooperation.
Only when we share weal and woe can we share the commonwealth. A large part of the current unity of the five Greek primitive gods is cultivated in the battles of life and death.
But this method is quite dangerous, she was in a dilemma for a while, not knowing how to speak to Yu.
At this time, Yu had already come to Knicks’ side. Although he was a little surprised that the other party didn’t say a word, at the first meeting, he only thought that the other party’s personality was like this.
“This visit, seeing you come out to greet me in person really makes me feel terrified.” You smiled and said the scene, soothing the increasingly strange atmosphere.
However, when Yu walked up the third step in front of Knicks, the standing goddess raised her hand abruptly, pressed it on Yu’s face, held up his face, and watched intently.
The sudden action made Yuu think he was attacked, and was about to fight back, but he stopped abruptly, letting Knicks hold his cheek.
He realized that there was no malicious intent, so he didn’t resist on the surface, but he didn’t.Even so, he is also ready to go all out.
Facing this scene, Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween below didn’t feel anything strange.
After all, before they came, Eros and Yu’s harmonious coexistence left them with a mindset that Yu and Greece were closely related.
Even though Yu just explained the source of the bloodline, in their opinion, this is exactly the same as the scene of Shiroyasha’s trouble in Kunlun before.
Even Shiroyasha is still nodding, feeling Yuu’s ‘destiny’ with her! At the same time, I expected Yu to be merciless and ruthlessly lay down a bunch of wool on the Greek gods.
Holding Yu’s cheek for a long time, Knicks suddenly complained.
“Sure enough, you are guarding me!”
Yu raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth slightly, wondering if the Knicks’ mind was showing off. You don’t say hello, but suddenly you put your hands up to hold your face. He doesn’t doubt whether it was a sneak attack. He died in that gutter a long time ago, and he can still live safely until now?
Is this the basic self-protection ability of human beings? ! !
“But it’s okay!”
Nix sighed lightly, and her body gradually bent down. She approached Yu, pulled their faces closer, tapped the latter’s forehead lightly, and declared with a serious face and a solemn tone.
“I will let you slowly eliminate the sense of distance from me! So, don’t suppress your thoughts or the attraction of your blood, I allow you to act like a spoiled brat to me.”
The wet and waxy feeling from his forehead made Yu look strange, and the faint aroma from the tip of his nose made him wonder if Knicks had just taken a bath, and after the goddess of the night made a statement, he couldn’t help but peel.
“Actually… If it’s a negative distance contact, even if it starts now, I don’t mind.”

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