The old man looking down on fate
The breeze slowly passed over the yellow-brown earth, blowing up fine yellow sand and dust.
The yellow sand and dust together formed a faint yellow mist, which spread out in all directions, dyeing the green weeds that had just exposed their fangs on the ground with turbid colors.
The misty yellow mist drifted to the front of a pool of water about the size of a washbasin with a yellowish brown color.
The pond water exudes an amazing stench, like the dental feces of some kind of erect ape that has been left in a stinky ditch for more than ten days, and it also seems to be the rotten and sour fish bones that have been exposed to the sun for a long time.
However, in front of such a foul-smelling pool, an old man with gray hair and a sturdy upper body, crossed his knees and bowed his head, silently looking at the water beach.
Handwriting gradually appeared on the beach surrounded by mist, which were words composed of finely broken yellow sand, and then pictures began to appear.
“On the third day of returning to the base from Kunlun, Zhou You communicated with an unknown being on the structure of his self-system tree at the core temple of the base.”
It didn’t take long for the picture to appear, and it began to be distorted and confused, each word biting like a living creature, and even dark octopus tentacles grew.
The water pool trembled, it squirmed like a living creature, erased all the words of fighting, and cut off the tentacles on one side. This behavior made its yellowish brown color a bit white.
It was wriggling tremblingly, as if struggling for something, and writings continued to appear on the wriggling body.
Only this time, the appearance of the handwriting seemed a little difficult.
“The Orochi Yachi, who was originally in Gaotianyuan, was anxious all day long after waiting for the spiritual status of the final trial. It understood that the three main gods of the Gaotianyuan group were monitoring itself day and night, and sooner or later they would find out the identity of its final trial. The secret hand I prepared earlier escaped Susanoo’s surveillance…”
The handwriting on the water pool changed from slow to fast flashing, and the picture immediately appeared. It was the figure of the Orochi Yachi scrambling forward in a black and red passage, and a black-haired man with his knees crossed in front of the crater, watching intently. .
“…The homeless Orochimaru accidentally remembered his arrogant and weak neighbor – the Korean god group. He occupied the Yalu River with peace of mind and used it as his temporary shelter, intending to digest the spirit of the final trial on the Yalu River. grid.”
This time, the writing on the water surface of the pool floated faster and faster, like a happy rabbit.
“However, the Orchid Orochi that occupied the Yalu River was not happy for a long time. The Korean god group discovered the mutation of the Yalu River and disturbed its purity. It killed Tangun in anger and revenge. The bird monster orderer who killed it seems to be still alive.”
The picture of a bird monster soaring in the sky appeared on the water pool, and below the bird monster, the eight-headed and eight-tailed snake god stared blankly at it.
“The Orochi has a bad feeling. It chases and kills the bird monster, but the bird monster, which is clearly only a demigod, looks like it has hundreds of wings, so it can’t catch up no matter how much.”
“In the end, the bird monster returned to Miaoxiang Mountain and issued a warning to the three guarding gods. However, this bird monster did not know the real body of the messing water god, which made the three gods make a misjudgment and launched a campaign towards the surrounding gods. After receiving the expedition order, the Celtic remnants in the same outer gate received the news as a matter of course.”
“And of course, the big devil who is monitoring the Celtic remnants and is in charge of all-knowing also received the news and informed Zhou You of the news logically.”
A white-haired, charming and lovely moon rabbit girl appeared in the water pool. She sat on the top of the tent, looked at the tent below curiously, and seemed to see the scene inside.
“At this time, the Queen of Halloween was explaining her methods to Zhou You, and the big devil was fortunate enough to overhear the information. The words she heard were as follows:
‘If it is full power, all the Celtic gods will be summoned, and the duration will be about 15 days.If the number of able persons remains below five, it will be about eighty years. ’
“The main gods of the three generations of Celtic? That guy Taiyi is really a good trick.” The old man with gray beard frowned and said coldly.
The water pool has become powerless to this point. Controlling Yamata no Orochi and searching for the words of the Halloween Queen seem to consume a lot of it. Aware of this phenomenon, the gray-bearded old man stretched out his hand and injected power into it again.
The pool became a bit whiter again, but words continued to emerge on its surface.
“The remnants of the Celts sent reinforcements, and the reinforcements happened to encounter Yamata no Orochi, who was being teased by the bird monster and lost his temper, and was slaughtering the Korean gods.”
“Coincidentally, the great demon who has maintained concealment for 24 hours was a little tired, so he temporarily relaxed his concealment, and then he was spotted by Yamata no Orochi and forced to commit suicide.”
“Subsequently, the remnants of the Celts were hunted down by Yamata no Orochi, but Finn’s good and excellent command allowed some Celtics to return to the stronghold, and also attracted the attention of Yamata no Orochi to Kyle special.”
“Because of the death of the avatar, the great demon fueled the evil deeds of Yamata no Orochi in front of Zhou You, Zhou You…”
Alienation appeared in the handwriting in the water pool again. Like poisonous snakes, they raised their heads and grew scarlet eyes, staring at the gray-bearded old man in front of them.
“Hmph! Even the power of “Fate” can interfere, and the “Material System” is really difficult to deal with.” Kronos snorted coldly, waved his hand, and erased the alienated handwriting.
He sits cross-legged here, exerting the power of fate to infiltrate Hakoniwa’s center, and one of the purposes of interfering with “History” is to probe Yuu’s essence, but now it seems that even if the other party is defenseless, his essence is not so easy to pry.
After erasing the writing, Kronos hesitated for a moment, and then the writing in the water pool reappeared, but this time the writing began to be half-covered and appeared quite blurry.
“Zhou You saw Yamata no Orochi showing the final trial spirit, and in order to achieve his goal, he used his biggest hole card, which was: … (The handwriting was unstable again, and was erased by Kronos.) ”
“The Queen of Halloween and Zhou You had a conflict over the disposition of the remnants of the Celtic army. Due to the disagreement between the two, they fought… shot… (The words of the whole paragraph were burned by golden flames)”
Kronos was silent for a while. Feeling a little bit unwilling, he stretched out his hand and started writing on the dirty pool with his index finger.
“Because of Zhou You’s behavior towards Celtic, there is a loophole in the Halloween Queen’s blockade of the surrounding time and space, and this loophole will appear after 4 zodiac signs, that is, at 13:00 noon tomorrow.”
The handwriting floated on the pool, and then gradually sank until it disappeared from Kronos’ sight.
Kronos remained silent. The words of the biggest hole aroused his curiosity. He hoped to use the method of “time” to peek into the past and check Yu’s biggest hole, but in fact, he didn’t have much hope for it.
Just like the Queen of Interfering in Halloween turned against Yu and encountered strong resistance in nature, peeping at Yu’s hole cards will also create strong resistance from his power.
In response, Kronos sighed.
Immediately afterwards, words appeared in the pool again.
“Ahura Mazda and his group came to the No. 12 outer gate, and met Indra at the boundary gate. Due to disagreement, Ahura and Indra had a quarrel, and then they parted ways. At this time, the evil Mother Angela Mainyu stayed, hoping to resolve the unhappiness between Ahura and Indra.”
Shuitan didn’t show any handwriting this time. It seems that he has learned his lesson. When facing incidents involving big bosses, it’s better to be on the safe side.
“Indra invited Angela Mainyu to accompany him out of his displeasure with Ahura and also because of his similarity to the spirit personality.”
“During the journey, the two met Zhou You in front of the Temple of Olympus…”
The handwriting started to squirm again, as if it had fallen into an unstable state. This time, Kronos didn’t let it continue to squirm, but stretched out his hand and wrote it with his fingertips.
“Due to the nature of the mother of evil, Angela Mainu is very resistant to the touch of all outsiders, but Zhou You’s breath seems to make her feel inexplicably at ease, so when Zhou You stretched out her hand, she did not resist the other party’s behavior, Zhou You held his hand.”
After writing this, Kronos was a little puzzled, because when he contacted Angela Mainu, he didn’t have much resistance to Zhou You’s interference. He noted this down, and then continued to write.
“The same essence of the two seems to stem from the similarity in their spiritual status. Because of this, the spiritual status of the two took the initiative to contact and blend, revealing part of their essence.”
“And all of this was happened to be seen by the giant guard North who had just arrived at the foot of the mountain.”
The handwriting has temporarily come to an end here.

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