You are looking for Taiyi, what’s the matter with my Taiyi?
Looking at the parchment paper dangling in Yu’s hand, the Halloween Queen was a little confused, and Yu’s expressionless expression was in a bad mood, which made her realize that the price of making trouble at this time must be terrifying.
She temporarily suppressed her thoughts and pretended to be well-behaved. At the same time, taking advantage of Shiroyasha’s astonished opportunity, she hurriedly stepped forward and took the parchment from Yuu’s hand.
After getting the parchment, the Halloween Queen glanced at Yuu, then infiltrated her spiritual power and read the information. Her originally puzzled face suddenly became solemn, and gradually became solemn.
“What happened? What was written on that ragged piece of paper?”
Bai Yasha looked over curiously. She was a little concerned about what was written on the paper. After thinking about it, she leaned over and stood beside the Queen of Halloween, trying to infiltrate her spirit into the parchment.
At this moment, the Queen of Halloween threw a punch, banging, and hit Shiroyasha’s stomach.
“Ouch!” With an indifferent look, Shiroyasha’s mouth widened, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to vomit.
Yuu, who was originally standing next to him, showed a stunned expression.
Bai Yasha, who was overturned inside her body, endured the pain, and was about to fight back immediately, but before that, a piece of brown-yellow parchment lay in front of her.
“See for yourself!!”
Bai Yasha was stunned, then looked at the livid face of the Queen of Halloween, and temporarily suppressed it.With the idea of ​​hitting someone, he grabbed the parchment and flipped through it.
“Interfering with fate…making a coincidence…the time of fate?!!”
The more Bai Yasha looked at, the more livid her expression became. She never thought that the old immortal Chronos would have such a terrifying ability. It was so terrifying that she felt horrified just by contacting her.
Although in the information recorded on the parchment, the other party can only indirectly affect the existence of the universe’s truth series, and can only interfere with the Almighty class to a certain extent, but this is terrifying enough.
At least Shiroyasha is now beginning to wonder whether what he has done recently is his original intention, and what is the guidance of Chronos.
Bai Yasha blushed, gritted his teeth, then froze for a moment, turned his head, looked at the Queen of Halloween in confusion, and wondered.
“Isn’t that right? Does Chronos have anything to do with the punch you just punched me?”
“I just had my mind controlled by Chronos.” The Queen of Halloween frowned and explained seriously.
“Control you, you big devil!!” Shiroyasha kicked up without thinking, but the Queen of Halloween, who had been prepared, used a dexterous backward jump to avoid Shiroyasha’s sudden attack.
“Bai Ye, you have to calm down, you may be controlled by Chronos.” The Queen of Halloween held back a smile, but on the surface, she still had that righteous expression.
“I’ve said it all, I’ll control you as a big head!!”
Bai Yasha chased after him without thinking. What manipulation, fate, interference, she doesn’t care about it now, she just wants to punch the bitch in front of her.
The Queen of Halloween quickly ran to Yu’s side, hid behind Yu’s chair, and said with a smile. “Quick, you, stop Bai Ye, she has been controlled!”
“Dead golden retriever, let’s see if we don’t tear your mouth apart this time!” Bai Yasha rolled up his sleeves angrily, and was about to start a fight.
“Enough!!” With a low drink, Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween immediately stopped and focused their attention on his face.
Yu frowned, tapped his index finger on the armrest, and said in an unpleasant tone. “What time is it, are you still kidding?”
Yu felt a little unhappy, and Chronos started to do something to them. These two girls are still so noisy. With this kind of skill, it is better to think about how to deal with the root cause of the immortality.
Suddenly, a pair of lotus-shaped arms stretched over Yu’s neck from behind, and then overlapped together, gently hugging him into his arms.
Yuluo raised her eyebrows in surprise, but at this moment, the Queen of Halloween’s soft voice pressed her chin to his head, and said softly.
“Cool off, cool off~ No matter how much you stink at this time, it’s useless, isn’t it?”
Yu paused, raised his hand, pinched the center of his forehead, pinched for a while, calmed down, and said in a serious tone.
“I’m sorry, I’m a little rude. Compared to powers like time, powers like “destiny” are actually my blind spot. The location makes me a little irritable!”
“Actually, this is not something to worry about. I think, Yuu, you seem to have forgotten who Chronos’ mortal enemy is?”
The Queen of Halloween hugged Yu’s neck tightly, bent down, and pressed her pretty face against Yu’s face, making him feel a touch of coldness.
You narrowed his eyes, of course he knew who it was, and it was because he knew that he returned to his room as soon as he received the news to find the Queen of Halloween.
“Let me put it this way, Chronos’ ability can’t actually control our thinking directly, but can only be indirectly induced through the world.”
The Queen of Halloween paused and said softly. “The ability to guard against him is actually very simple. It isolates the world from itself, or its constant state changes.”
“The former is based on the fact that the authority of destiny needs to pass through the world, and targeted interference can be carried out through the transit point of the small garden center, so isolating the world of the small garden from itself can effectively defend against the interference of fate.”
Yu frowned. The Queen of Halloween said it was simple, but in reality, it was almost impossible to isolate Little Garden from interference unless he was willing to leave Little Garden.
For Yu, it was easy to get out, but it was extremely difficult to get in.
At this time, the Queen of Halloween continued to explain. “Another state change is the main method used by mothers in facing Chronos.”
“The most important thing for the manipulation of destiny is precision, and state changes are for precise countermeasures. At present, through the essence of “incarnation of Tao”, one’s own state, attributes, and beliefs are constantly switched to avoid it. Interference from Chronos.”
“For example, Chronos began to use fate to interfere with the actions of the Heavenly Emperor’s “Taiyi”, and before the interference took effect, “Taiyi” changed into “Tai Shang Lao Jun”, when he interfered with “Tai Shang Lao Jun”, “Tai Shang Lao Jun” “Shang Laojun” has become “Yuanshi Tianzun”…”
As You listened, his expression gradually became strange. He even thought of Taiyi’s mocking response when Chronos influenced Taiyi.
“You control Taiyi’s fate, what does it have to do with me, Taishang Laojun? You control Taishang Laojun? Sorry, we are Yuanshi Tianzun~”
Speaking of which, the Queen of Halloween said with a slightly amused look.
“You should know, whether it’s Nuwa, the Queen Mother of the West, or every ancestral god of Kunlun, they all have at least five identities, and the reason is because of Chronos’ ability to control fate.”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt that Kunlun’s strength was also due to Kronos’ move!
ThisOne god and five vests, combined with six beliefs, it is unreasonable that Kunlun’s boss is not strong.
“By the way, I don’t seem to be able to use this trick… Wait a minute!” You raised his brows, and he thought of a way to deal with it.

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