Seeking Progress While Steady
Carved from snow-white marble, it is in a solemn palace.
Accompanied by a babbling sound, the door was gently closed by the Queen of Halloween. After engraving the space technique, she left the room and went to the nearest bedroom. She took out a green potted plant to deal with the impact of the previous recording.
After handing over the Nether Realm key to You, she took the initiative to leave, but she didn’t dare to stay too far away from You, in case something happened to prevent accidents.
In the palace next door.
There was a smile on Yu’s face, and said softly. “Very good quality.”
He quite appreciates that the Queen of Halloween maintains a cautious attitude even in the territory of a friendly force like the Greek gods. With such an ally, he can more or less handle his own affairs with confidence.
In contrast, the other…
Youyou leaned on the back of the stone chair, and kept rubbing a handful of pitch-black balls with her left hand, with a slightly dumbfounding expression on her face.
“Bai Yasha, he didn’t even know that the key to the Nether Realm was taken away by Wan Sheng. This guy really is!”
Going around, the Nether Realm key was passed around in the hands of the three of them, and then returned to Yu’s hand. Sixteen artifacts of authority were hidden in it one after the other, without any loss.
Although he understands that this is the advantage of the Halloween Queen’s space authority, Yuu is a little speechless about Shiraiyasha’s laxity.
He planned to store the treasure in his own or the queen’s hands next time, at least in this way there would be no oolong incidents like loss.
Just as Yu was feeling emotional, Naiyako suddenly appeared beside Yu, sitting on the armrest of the stone chair, and said jokingly.
“I remember that this thing walked away when Bai Yasha was furious. It seems that he planned to give this to you a long time ago!”
“Guessed the ability of the sea code, and thought it was necessary to use these authority artifacts, so you are provoking Bai Yasha, and decisively choose to follow the Nether Realm key? You are really strong enough in action!”
Youlue sighed helplessly. He knew very well that the Halloween Queen’s act of taking without warning would definitely add fuel to the flames. It would drive Shiraiyasha crazy in all likelihood, and the two would definitely fight in private.
But now he has seen it through. The harder the two sisters fight, the more benefits he will get. As long as he keeps the balance, he will go with the two.
“Speaking of which, Yuu, are you planning to absorb all these power artifacts according to that little girl’s idea?” Naiyazi squinted, looking at Yuu’s side face with a little expectation.
Use the ability of the tenth particle “Nahaima” to absorb the power of the authority artifact, and use the huge energy inside it to makeThe quality of his own strength has changed, and no matter how bad it is, he can improve his strength so that he can deal with Chronos.
It is precisely considering this possibility that the Queen of Halloween will choose to take it without asking, but it is estimated that there is also the consideration of stirring up Shiroyasha’s anger.
“The time is too short, the power of ‘Lilith’ has not been completely stabilized, and entering into ‘Adramelech’ will only make my power inflated excessively, which is not a good thing.”
Yu frowned and squeezed the Nether Realm keyway in his hand. The transformation of power is not a simple matter, and it is not desirable for him to rush forward in a short period of time.
He is very clear that at this time when the road has been paved with the power of Yog, what he lacks now is enough resources and time, and besides, the relationship between Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween.
“The authority contained in these sixteen artifacts is beneficial to Baiyasha and all Saints. Although the Dirac Heart can be used to annihilate the authority artifacts, and then simulate it for their reference, but to be honest, the Dirac Heart’s We are all aware of the flaws, and the simulated items are ultimately inferior to the real ones.”
Although Dirac’s Heart, which coexists with Yu Sheng, can re-simulate the power artifact through annihilation, its essence has been completely changed, and it is a different item than the real thing.
Yu knew very well that this difference would make it difficult for the two of them to analyze authority, so she resisted the idea of ​​swallowing the divine weapon of authority. Of course, the main reason was that Yu didn’t dare to rush in.
Otherwise, if he really asked for devouring, the Queen of Halloween and Shiroyasha would not obstruct it.
However, although Yu is still pursuing an improvement in strength, he has shifted from seeking speed to seeking stability, and seeking progress while maintaining stability is what Yu is currently thinking.
“Isn’t it a good thing that it’s not as good as the real thing?”
Naiako leaned on Yu’s left shoulder, narrowed her eyes slightly, the figure of the Queen of Halloween was reflected in her pupils, and she joked.
“Sooner or later, they will all be the ones who will build the “Self Phylogenetic Tree”, and let them get in touch with the rules that are similar and different from those of Hakogawa. Although the early stage is a little more difficult, isn’t it very good for their future?”
“…That’s true.” Yu pondered for a moment, affirming Naiako’s point of view.
Of course, he wouldn’t be foolish enough to think that Naiako really cares about the Queen of Halloween and Shiroyasha. This boss doesn’t instigate the two sisters to kill each other because of his own face, so why would he care about each other?
“It takes time to stabilize the strength. Tell me the solution you think of.”
Yuu didn’t talk nonsense, and asked Nayiko simply and directly. Naiyako has always been very concerned about his strength progress, and even sent a lot of assists. If he wants to come, I am afraid it will be the same this time.
Although Yuu still has doubts about Naiyako’s purpose, the years of getting along have made him maintain a high level of trust in Naiyako. Of course, trust is trust, and Yu has a lot of preparations to prevent the other party’s brainstorming.
This indescribable evil god is so strange. Normally, she is like a playful and cute little girl, but once her brain twitches, it is a neuropathy that desperately desires chaos, so Yucai has to guard against it.
“The solution? Oh, Yu, are you talking about time manipulation?” Naiyako was stunned, and then clapped her hands, as if she had just thought of a solution.
Yuu’s eyelids picked it up, but she was somewhat used to Naiako’s brain twitching.
“I declare in advance that I can’t use my mind to control time with my power transformation. If you control it? You want to use ‘chaos’ to distort time, right? But can you guarantee that the time of the chaos box garden itself is good?”
“But what if Hakoniwa’s time itself is chaotic?” Nayko asked rhetorically with a smile, blinking.
Yu frowned, and then heard Nayiko continue to explain.
“You must know that the parallel universe connected to the little garden is itself a time line chaos, which is enough for me to operate, and, once I chaotic the time and space around you, isn’t it another way to prevent that Chronos from interfering? ?”
Yu opened his mouth and looked at Naiako with a speechless face. He was certain. This guy probably had a lot of means to deal with Chronos in his hands, but he deliberately asked three questions for some purpose.
But Yuu also knew that he couldn’t rely on Nayiko to keep the wind and rain out of everything, otherwise, if the other party’s brain twitched accidentally, he would definitely finish the game.
Just like the ceremony of the Azathoth concert, he is still not sure whether Naiako is ready or not.
After thinking about it for a while, Yu inexplicably felt that it was time for him to take a leap forward, otherwise he would be killed by the impulse of his little lover.
“In that case, I’ll leave it to you.” Yu sighed and chose to accept Nayko’s proposal.
“Then, let’s start directly?” Nayiko blinked.
You slowly closed her eyes and nodded.
The next moment, chaos came suddenly.

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