Hearing the dog barking in Shekou, You’s face twitched, and without thinking about it, he kicked the Orochi Baqi, kicking the stupid snake thousands of miles away, turning it into a meteor.
“Things that get in the way, get away from me!!”
The eight-headed snake that was kicked away silently tightened its body, wrapped it into a ball, and honestly turned into a shooting star.
Being able not to face the monster Chronos, even if it was brutally kicked by Yu, it would have no complaints, and even felt that Yu’s kick seemed to be a little gentle~
Why did it think that even if Yu kicked it so brutally, it seemed natural? This is a very confusing question for Orochimaru.
“Wise choice!” Chronos on the other side clapped his hands and said with a light smile: “It is still unknown whether the snake god who has just integrated authority can exert his power. .”
“You seem to like chatting a lot?” Yun Yin, who was partially guessed, said mockingly.
In addition to getting in the way, the reason why he kicked the Orochi Yachi is also because Chronos has seen its role. When the opponent is on guard, it is basically impossible to use the Orchid Orochi to make a plot, so he took advantage of the situation. Kick the opponent away to avoid getting in the way in the center of the engagement.
And the direction of the yo-kick was also taken into consideration. Considering the characteristics of the Orochi Orochi’s final trial, he deliberately kicked it to the east, intending to let the Queen of Halloween over there use it for waste.
“I don’t like chatting, but I don’t mind using words to achieve my purpose.” Chronos half-closedeyes, and smiled lightly.
“Oh?” Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and on his left hand holding Chronos’ severed palm, there was a faint trace of jet-black flame, which was the flame of annihilation originating from Dirac’s heart.
“The reason why I am hostile to the primordial god is the limitation of ‘dark breeding’. To breed a god needs to consume the life of another god. Because of that unnecessary family affection, Gaia gave up all the conditions I promised and chose brute force to fight. , I clearly understand this, so I also understand that fights cannot be avoided, but…”
Chronos laughed, his smile was quite pleasant, and even the goatee with the vertical collarbone shook naturally.
“Just as Gaia sees you as the greatest help, I also agree with this.”
Yu raised his brows indiscernibly. He estimated the speed of annihilating the stump of Kronos, and continued to choose Xu and Wei Snake:
“I don’t think I would choose to help you ‘transcend’.”
“Indeed, you don’t necessarily choose to help me, but it has nothing to do with your ability to help me solve this problem.”
Chronos shook his head, then looked at You’s dignified face, the corners of his mouth curled slightly.
“Your unique ‘Self Phylogenetic Tree’ seems to me quite complete, and even in my estimation, it may be ahead of Taichi’s ‘Dao’ and my ‘Time of Destiny’.”
“In the final analysis, the so-called self-system tree is a system that is independent of the world and belongs to itself. It is normal for you, whose system is more complete than mine, to have the power to exert effects that I didn’t expect before. .”
When Kronos said this, he paused, looked at Yu’s face with deep eyes and said, “It’s like the intervention and recovery of the ‘Lingge’! I can do the former, but I can’t do the latter, and you , but it can be done!”
Yu’s face froze, and he immediately understood what Chronos wanted to express.
“‘Spiritual level’ is the essence of life, and the first gift bestowed on life by the center of the small garden. Do you want to use the operation on the spiritual level to achieve the conditions of ‘darkness’ without harming the life of the primordial god? ”
“That’s right!” Kronos nodded affirmatively and said, “The condition for the birth of darkness is that a god who is related to Gaia gives his life, and this life can be replaced by spirituality, and you The material phylogenetic tree of my body just has the spiritual control conditions that I don’t have.”
Yu suddenly looked bright, and Chronos was referring to the power of the ninth particle “Lilith (unstable)” in his material system tree.
The essence of “Lilith” is to interfere with the ‘matter state’ and ‘energy state’ of all things, from [stable] to [unstable], and reversing the process, from unsettled to stable, only a simple experiment is needed for Yuu. It can be achieved in a few times.
It is not difficult for Yuu to use this ability to interfere with the spirit in two states and divide it to a certain extent. What is difficult is how to obtain the spirit and authority of the “Almighty Domain”.
Compared with the latter, which can be operated with the divine weapon of authority, the spirituality of the former, as the essence of the life of the gods and Buddhas, is the most difficult thing to obtain, because it must be complete and complete, which is destined to be paid by a powerhouse in the omnipotent field. life.
“Then, according to what you said, who should be responsible for paying the spirit?” You raised his brows and looked at Chronos with a playful look on his face.
Chronos’ eyes flickered with a hint of golden light, he stared at Yu’s face and looked directly into Yu’s eyes. “Of course you are in charge!”
“Me?!” Yu was suddenly amused, but at this moment, his pupils collapsed slightly, and then he heard Chronos say this.
“Your “spiritual status” is abnormal. It is the only one that I have observed through the center of the small garden. In the Almighty class, you have a spiritual status equivalent to the level of the truth of the universe.”
The golden light in Chronos’ eyes became brighter and brighter, he continued.
“It stands to reason that a spirit at a level like yours should have reached the realm of “universal truth” long ago, but for some reason, you are stuck at the door, and the overly powerful spirit oppresses the physical body and causes no physical damage. Body disintegration, this is something I’ve always wondered about.”
Yu tried his best to maintain a calm expression, pretending to be calm and looking at Chronos, he can indeed become the truth of the universe at any time, but to him, the seat of truth that countless gods and Buddhas dream of in the small garden is a tiankeng.
After all, he himself is not a native of the small garden, and if he wants to become a corner of the truth, he must fit himself into the rule system of the small garden world.
In other words, if he wants to be the truth, he must become a god of faith like Chronos.
This made him embarrassed. When Taiyi and Chronos, maybe even Alpha and Omega, the four truths of the universe were trying to detach themselves, he, who was detached himself, jumped into the pit actively?
In addition, there are two butcher knives in the pit, the “limitation of almighty refutation” and the “limitation of the appearance of the truth of the universe”.
Even a eunuch slashed himself with tears for the sake of prosperity and wealth. How stupid would he be to take the initiative to take these three swords, and there were still three swords with no benefits, only bad ones?
Yu is not stupid, so he thinks the omnipotence field is good, so if he kills him, he doesn’t plan to advance to the truth of the universe and become a corner of the world of Hakoniwa.
“But it doesn’t matter. Your spiritual power is of great benefit to us now. This means that even if you cut off the spiritual power equal to the share of an Almighty, you will not hurt yourself excessively. This means, Gaia is most worried about the cost of ‘the death of a loved one’, which can be done by this meansavoid. ”
The golden light in Kronos’ eyes had already occupied the entire pupil, but Yu didn’t notice it, instead he frowned and began to think carefully.
‘Indeed, if only part of the spiritual power is paid, the battle with Kronos can be avoided, and the source of the conflict between Gaia and Kronos can be eliminated. The price of this level is still worth a try, and it is not impossible to be so stable be compensated by Cronos…’
Just when Yuu was halfway through his thoughts, in the depths of his soul, a milky white oval sphere seemed to be provoked, and while trembling, it burst into a terrifying jet-black flame.
The slight pain caused by this made Yu’s face suddenly darken.

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