The Tartarus Theater, originally beautifully shaped, the basin with many statues is now covered with white salt mountains, and when the wind blows, a dry and salty smell is savage.
The white salt on the salt mountain shimmers with a dazzling light, which is the sun’s brilliance reflected by the salt grains.
However, the sun running in the zodiac has already set the mountain range, and in the sky is a majestic sun shining with silver and white brilliance.
The sound of rumbling waves, violent explosions, and the roar of demons continued to explode under the shrouded sky of the silver sun.
“Too weak, too weak, too weak! Hahaha~~!!”
The big silver sun is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. It hits anyone when it sees it, and pushes it from the easternmost to the westernmost edge of the battlefield, and then turns back, catching a hapless person and slamming it to death, occasionally making wild and wanton laughter. .
“Hey hey hey, isn’t it too exaggerated?”
Indra watched as the fist blasted a god and Buddha’s head, kicked a hapless god Buddha’s ball with one kick, and when encountering a male or female, he blasted a high-concentration sun’s golden flame on the chrysanthemum and detonated it. White Yaksha.
Indra couldn’t help shivering, and subconsciously clamped her legs.
He felt that he had to stay away from this madman Bai Yasha in the future, not afraid of being slapped in the face, but afraid that the other party would be unhappy with him, and he would come up with a blow and kick at the magic weapon that he inherited.
Tens of thousands of miles away, the gods and Buddhas who had left the battlefield as early as the beginning of the battle, watching this scene from a distance, most of the gods couldn’t help shivering.
“This… is it too cruel?” A certain god of love said in cold sweat.
“It’s even crazier than those sinister hell demon kings.” A certain sexless angel shuddered, it didn’t want to be enema with a high concentration of the sun’s golden flame.
“Don’t be kidding, where can the devil be so ruthless? This is obviously the brutal devil on the Kunlun side!!” A hell devil who was killed by the wind critic said dissatisfied.
“Let’s go, don’t get involved, after all, this is a matter of Greece and Kunlun.” A god and Buddha suggested, and a large number of responses were immediately printed.
“It’s very, very good!” XN
Most of the people present were from the upper-class gods of the small garden, and at a glance they recognized who the gods and Buddhas who attacked Nuwa and the others were.
The one who was shot in the head was the “Ocean God” Hudlos of the super primitive Protoss, and the “God of the Atmosphere” El was kicked out of his reproductive organs. The firstborn god, Protognos.
Each of the three old monsters is a good player in the “Almighty Field”, but in the face of this madman Shiroyasha, he was humiliated so miserably.
Suddenly, some sharp-eyed deities saw that Bai Yasha seemed to be wrapped around these chains emitting colorful rays of light, and their eyes widened.
“‘Extreme Shackles’? What a joke!!”
“Hey hey hey, the fun seems to be booming, right? The limit shackles that only appear when the output reaches the upper limit of Hakoba’s endurance? Could this fellow Shiroyasha have reached that point?”
Indra opened his mouth wide and said with a confused expression. As an old-fashioned god king who has been fed in the center of the small garden, no one knows the representative meaning of the limit shackles better than him.
This thing has only appeared in the confrontation of the truth of the universe! !
“The fifth truth of the universe, after the appearance of the almighty paradox?” Amon Layao looked at Shiroyasha who was colliding with the defense of the super-primitive Protoss, and sighed with a slightly unwilling face.
“We retreat, and the next thing is not at the level of watching the battle safely.” Ahura Mazda glanced at Shiroyasha with a little envy, and then ordered to the subordinate angel.
A new “Cosmic Truth” appeared and chose to assist Kunlun. This sudden attack can be said to have come to an end.
Originally, the gods who stayed here just wanted to see how Kunlun, who lost the “Heavenly Emperor” Taiyi, could resist Chronos, but now that Shiroyasha has emerged, there is no need to observe.
Even if he doesn’t leave, if Chronos ends up and is affected by the collision of “universal truth”, the taste will not be wonderful.
“Retreat!” Amon Ra, who also realized this, immediately turned into a golden bird and led the Nine Pillars to escape quickly.
The angels including “Power of God” Uriel were captured by the giant hand that had been appearing out of nowhere, and disappeared instantly.
In a few breaths, the surrounding gods fled, for fear that they would be affected by the terrifying battlefield in a second at night.
At this time, a white-haired girl wearing a yellow and yellow dress and holding a sharp sword came to Indra and muttered, “Is it strange?”
“Prince White, what are you wondering?” Indra asked curiously. Originally, he planned to help out on Kunlun’s side, to help Nuwa’s place, and to make some impressions.
But after Shiroyasha intervenes, there is nothing else to do. A cosmic truth catches the three gods and Buddhas in the almighty realm. What is he doing? Go in and get hammered together?
As for Nuwa, she is attacking the venue now, planning to sneak attack on her ultra-primitive protoss to hide from the evil star Bai Yasha. Is it too late to kill her? Let’s save your life.
“Bai Ye seems to be worried about something, but he has not killed these three evil gods?”Said slightly inexplicably.
“I don’t know that.” Indra spread his hands and said.
Suddenly, Ahriman, who was free, appeared beside the two of them, turned his head and asked Indra:
“Your Majesty Indra, have you seen the poet Hesiod?”
“You didn’t find him? Could it be that someone took advantage of the chaos to keep the poet there!”
Indra’s face changed. He first resisted the air god El’s sneak attack on Nuwa, and then protected his family. At the same time, he also rescued the poet Orpheus, and then he was ready to find Hercy, who had left the scene earlier. When he was in Russia, he didn’t pay attention after he found out that Ahriman was protecting the opponent.
However, Hesiod actually disappeared in the hands of Ahriman, can he take people away in the hands of Ahriman silently? Was this level of expert hidden just now?
For a time, Indra felt a chill in his heart, especially the sneak attack of the ultra-primitive Protoss, which made him suspicious. Moreover, he faintly felt a familiar feeling, which aroused unbearable thoughts in his mind. memory.
“It’s over.” With a sigh, Nu Wa suddenly appeared beside Emperor Bai. She looked at the exhausted attacker and shook her head slightly.
“Let’s all go down!!” accompanied by a loud shout.
The three figures were blasted into the ground with a loud bang. Suddenly, the entire Olympus Mountain shook for a while, and countless divine patterns appeared in the sky. After several turbulences, they calmed down.

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