Remember to say honorifics
Earth Goddess Hall, in front of the main hall.
You squeezed the book of cornerstones, was silent for a moment, then put it away, and then spread her hands towards Gaia in front of her, signaling that she gave up the idea of ​​domestic violence.
Seeing Yuu’s actions, Gaia, whose face was extremely gloomy, gradually restrained her demon-like expression, and put on a gentle, motherly smile on her face again.
“Violence against relatives is prohibited.” Gaia said to Yuu in a cheerful tone, but the words were full of warnings.
As long as a mother sees her newborn daughter being beaten by her husband with a weapon, she will inevitably fall into a state of rage, and Yu, just “just happened” to see the “dark side” of the ancient earth mother.
“Do you understand?” Gaia said with a smile, but in those eyes there was a force that could not be rejected.
Yu opened his mouth, and immediately gave a wry smile, realizing that Gaia was on the verge of going berserk, he could only sigh, “I understand.”
Naiako, the ghost elf, was hiding behind Gaia at the moment, stuck her head out with a smirk, made a face at Yuu, pointed at her head, and said silently.
‘Hit me, you come and beat me~~ I’m standing here, fight as you like~~’
The corner of Yu’s mouth twitched for a moment, and then his face became expressionless. Considering that Nayko needed to deal with Chronos’ unknown plan, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​exposing Nayko’s ‘impostor’ on the spot.
“Looks like Yuu, you’re afraid of the mother goddess getting angry~~” Naiyazi smiled and provoked Yuu with a teasing expression.
However, there was a ‘boom’ sound.
Gaia smashed Nayiko’s head, neither light nor heavy, in a bad mood.said:
“It’s not allowed to be so rude to God the Father! Also, in the future, you can’t call your God Father by his first name, you have to say honorifics, do you understand?”
“Honor?” Naiyako muttered, raised Yu, looked at the teasing expression on Yu’s face, the smile on her face gradually stiffened.
When she thought that as long as Gaia was present in the future, she would have to call Yu ‘Dad’ obediently, Naiyako felt a stomachache, and Yi Yu’s character would definitely hold on to this title and point fingers at her.
Although, this kind of identity seems to add a lot of fun, but it will also give Yu and even Gaia a reason to interfere with her behavior. In this way, the harm will be much more.
Or else, after dealing with the matter of Chronos, let this vest ‘death’ directly! Naiyako thought about it and thought it would be better to give up the vest afterwards.
“Honor? It’s interesting.” You glanced at Naiako, whose expression was stiff, with a playful face, and suddenly felt that it was a good thing to have one more Gaia to suppress the other party’s trouble-making ability.
Although it is impossible to stay on guard, with Gaia watching, he can save a lot of worry. However, this is what needs to be done in the future. The main work now is to find out Chronos’ plan and extract a rich profit from it.
Thinking of this, Yun narrowed his eyes, shifted his gaze from Naiko’s face to Gaia, and said in a deep voice:
“The goddess of poetry designated by Chronos has been born. I plan to inform the other party now, what do you think?”
Hearing this, Gaia couldn’t help but glance at Nayiko, frowned, and politely declined:
“It’s too early, the Muse is too young, and if you directly participate, it may not reach the target of Chronos, and safety is also a huge problem.”
If it wasn’t for his scruples, Gaia would want to ask him what kind of mentality he had to let his newborn child face the lunatic Chronos.
Gaia is now quite skeptical about whether Yuu has the mentality of being a god of the father, and is strongly not optimistic about his ability to take care of his children.
However, considering Yuu’s age, Gaia suddenly realized that although Yupei’s behavior was young, it was also a bit prudent, so that she forgot the fact that the other party might be the same age as Shiroyasha, actually less than 300 years old. .
He is a child himself, so naturally he cannot be expected to have a fatherly mentality. In this way, it seems that her daughter will be raised by her so that there will be no educational problems.
Yuu, who was standing in front of Gaia, didn’t know that he was judged to be a youthful young man. Because of his trust in Naiako’s strength, he was not worried that the other party could not meet his requirements, so he said quite firmly:
“I don’t think the ‘Muse’ will fail to meet the target! Don’t forget that Chronos’ request is only to achieve darkness and birth the goddess of poetry.
I am afraid that from the beginning, what he needs may only be the existence of the goddess of poetry, and use a certain part of her theocracy to do something, rather than the professional quality of the goddess of poetry. ”
From the moment Chronos designated theocracy, Yuu guessed that what Chronos needed was the application of this authority, not the goddess of poetry herself.
So in the beginning, Yu didn’t worry about the safety of the goddess of poetry at all. What he needed to worry about was Chronos’ plan that didn’t know the truth, because Yu couldn’t estimate whether Chronos’ plan would harm his own interests.
And after Naiako replaced the position of the goddess of poetry, things became simpler. Although Yuu was quite helpless to Naiako’s ability to do things, she had to say that with the ability of the other party, she played the role of the goddess of poetry and investigated Ke Luonuo. The whole picture of Si’s plan is estimated to be easier than everyone else.
“It is indeed possible, but the risks…”
Gaia murmured, although this was a decided decision, she didn’t want her children to be at risk, but with Chronos intervening, things obviously couldn’t develop according to her wishes.
She sighed, turned her head, looked at Naiyako, and said helplessly.
“About Chronos, I transmitted information to your mind before you were born, so what is your opinion now?”
After finishing speaking, Gaia remembered the previous child’s words, and said with a slightly warning expression: “If it is a funny opinion like another mother, be careful that I will let your father beat you!”
Naiako, who was just about to speak, coughed a few times and glanced at Gaia with a speechless expression, then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his chest confidently and said, ”
“Actually, let me tell you, I’m very experienced in dealing with time gods~”
Does this sentence mean that you fight with His Majesty Yog every day? The corners of your mouth twitched, and he murmured in his heart.
“Don’t be stubborn.” Gaia smiled and touched Nayazi’s head, thinking she was a kid’s joke, but although it was a joke, she also knew Nayazi’s attitude to some extent, so she was touching After messing up Naiako’s hair, he sighed.
“Then, let’s inform Knicks, how can she contact Chronos.”
You narrowed her eyes and nodded slightly.

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