I have written down this account
Above the sea of ​​clouds, the antique gate of the realm.
A patrolling celestial soldier wearing silver armor and holding a bright silver spear was nervously patrolling around the gate of the realm. A magpie with his intelligence turned on accidentally passed by and flew close to the celestial soldier. Action, a Celestial Soldier saw this, exited the formation, and prepared to drive away.
The screen freezes at this moment.
The patrolling soldiers kept walking forward motionlessly. The curious magpies spread their wings and stood still in the air. The patrolling soldiers’ hands that were ready to drive the magpies froze in the air, and everything in the picture was still.
Just after stepping out of the realm, Nuwa frowned, her face was cold, and her eyes were solemn as she looked at the ground made of pure white clouds. Beside her, the white emperor had already pulled out the sword from her waist, holding the hilt in a virtual way, and stood in front of Nuwa with a dignified expression.
Silently, a hole the size of a wheel was left on the ground composed of clouds. A strong old man wearing an off-the-shoulder Greek robe and a gray-haired goatee gradually floated up from the hole until his entire body was exposed.
The hole in the ground suddenly closed, and the old man also stood in front of Nuwa, showing a gentle smile.
“We met again, Your Majesty the Emperor Wa.”
Nu Wa took a deep breath, looked at the old man with a more solemn face, and said the other person’s name.
“Kronos! Are you trying to ambush me and the other two here to save the failure at Tartarus Theater?”
“Your Majesty has misunderstood. Although I am not afraid of Haotian kid, it is almost impossible to kill His Majesty before he and the other four emperors support him in the scope of Tiangong.” With gray eyes, he locked Nuwa and the White Emperor’s daughter with vigor, and said with a smile on his face. “But it’s not certain if Emperor Bai is crowned.”
Hearing this, Empress Bai subconsciously clenched the hilt of her sword and looked at Chronos with a cold expression.
“I think the two of you should have heard the news that I became the [Final Trial] from Gaia, right?” Chronos grinned, showing his yellowish teeth, and chuckled softly. “So the useless thing like ‘escape’ should be given up. Of course, if His Majesty the Emperor Wa is willing to give up the detached essence and return to the constraints of the small garden, then it will be another matter. After all, in that situation Come on, maybe I’ll be killed by His Majesty in an instant.”
The underlying meaning is that unless I take back all my power and kill him in an instant without the center of the small garden, can I stop him from killing the White Emperor Girl? Nuwa’s brows were twisted together. If she had been detached and returned to Little Garden, she would have little hope of detaching again. But if she didn’t, she would risk her death on the spot, and in the final trial, once she was killed The gods are completely dead, and their own trials can be infinitely resurrected without being cracked.
From the very beginning, did Chronos win the game?
“Your Majesty the Emperor Wa…” Bai Di Nu said in a low voice, but before she could say the following words, Nu Wa raised her hand to stop it.
Nuwa, who stopped Emperor Bai’s daughter from turning her head, looked at Chronos calmly and said, “Tell me the price you want.”
Kolonost’s intention to ambush at the gate of the realm could not be to assassinate Nuwa. Even if this avatar is killed, it is nothing more than waste more energy to create an avatar. As far as the white emperor’s daughter is concerned, this is a lore.
I’m afraid, from the very beginning, Chronos’ goal was not to assassinate her, but to use the White Emperor girl beside her to force her to compromise on certain things.
“Happy! Sure enough, it’s a pleasant thing to communicate with someone as wise as you.” Chronos raised his hands and clapped them.
Afterwards, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he turned his attention to the white emperor’s daughter, and said with a smile: “Although it is a bit presumptuous, my visit this time is actually to borrow some of the essence of the ‘Venus’ from His Majesty the White Emperor. .”
Emperor Bai’s pupils shrank, her complexion gloomy and uncertain.
“The target is the spirit of a half-star spirit?” Nu Wa frowned, her face quite embarrassed. The name Bai Dinu is itself one of the pronouns for “Venus”, so Bai Dinu itself is a semi-proto-spirit of Venus, a deified character of Venus, and its existence is similar to Celtic Halloween’s deified character – the Queen of Halloween .
But to ask the female emperor Bai to lend out Venus’s essence spirituality is to ask the other party to give up the possibility of being promoted to star spirit, which is equivalent to [the revenge of the road]. In the eyes of the Kunlun gods, it is better than killing one’s father and one’s mother. The nature is even worse.
This is basically the same as being immortal. Nu Wa sighed, turned her head, and looked at Emperor Bai. As long as the other party made a decision, she could lose the Avalokitesvara incarnation and break the net with Kronos, fighting the possibility of sending the Emperor Bai away.
After a long silence, Emperor BaiThe woman clenched the hilt of the sword several times, but slowly loosened it. Finally, she closed her eyes and said coldly, “… yes.”
Nuwa’s complexion changed, and she said with a slight scolding. “shut up.”
“Your Majesty, the spirit rank belongs to me, so this is my own private matter.” The White Emperor gritted her teeth, and looked at Nuwa stubbornly and said.
Giving part of her spiritual status does not mean death. It can only be said that it is impossible to become a protoss. If she refuses Kronos’s proposal, she will most likely die, and even cause Nuwa to become a god bound by Little Garden again.
“You’re clearly trying to make excuses.” Nu Wa suddenly couldn’t laugh or cry.
“But what happened this time was due to my dereliction of duty.” Bai Dinu slightly lowered her head and said, full of self-blame.
It stands to reason that Nuwa who is in the ‘weak stage’ wants to participate in the gift naming game. The guards sent by Kunlun will not be just her alone. She volunteered to be Nuwa’s guard at the meeting in the Lingxiao Temple and refused to be accompanied by others. , only bring five poets to the competition.
Therefore, from the perspective of Lady Bai, whether it is the attack on the Tartarus Theater or the ambush of Kronos this time, they are all her responsibility. It is her negligence that caused the scene at this moment.
“Dereliction of duty? I don’t think so.” Nuwa snorted coldly, looking at Kronos with sharp eyes. Using the method of the other party’s fate, Baidi’s dereliction of duty was rooted in the interference of this super god Maybe.
Kronos nodded with a smile, which is a frank admission that he contributed to the flames, which made Baidi’s face extremely embarrassing, but in order to ensure the safety of Nuwa and herself, she could only grit her teeth Hold back your anger.
Under Kronos’ gaze, Empress Bai gritted her teeth with a cold face, and forcibly divided her spiritual status.
In an instant, a dazzling white-gold ball of light flew out from between the eyebrows of the White Emperor, and flew towards Kronos. The moment the light ball appeared, the face of the White Emperor turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye. .
Nu Wa immediately stretched out her hand to stop her, but was stopped by the Empress Bai. She could only sullenly watch as Kronos caught the Lingge and put it away.
After putting away the spirit grid, Kronos took out an ethereal, transparent spirit grid that seemed to have an unstable foundation, and threw it directly into the hands of Empress Bai, then said with a smile.
“According to my rules, you have to give for what you get. This is the spirituality of a goddess about to be born in Greece. It is in charge of war and wisdom. Take it as my compensation.”
The White Emperor had a sullen face, but she did not refuse Kronos’ offer. She knew very well that this was Kronos’s rule. Even if he refused, the other party would force her to accept it, so she gave up the useless work.
“Very good.” Kronos nodded slightly as he watched the Empress Bai accept her spiritual status, and his figure gradually became thinner and weaker. “This cooperation makes me feel very happy. I hope that next time, I can have such a tacit understanding with the two crown princes.”
Hearing these words, Nu Wa and Bai Di Nu’s expressions became even more gloomy.
“This guy!!” Nuwa gritted her teeth, her gaze was gloomy and cold.
“Your Majesty the Emperor Wa.” The Empress Bai wanted to say a few words of consolation, but she didn’t know where to start when the words came to her lips. After all, she was also on fire.
“I’ll take you to recuperate first.” Nu Wa glanced at Empress Bai, sighed, and then looked at the direction where Kronos disappeared with an embarrassing expression. “You don’t have to think about the next thing, I will settle this account with him.”

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