I am your long-lost beautiful son!
After disposing of the impersonation, You lightly stepped on the ground, and in the slight tremor, a pothole was exposed on the ground, and pushed up the stone round stool buried in the ground, and You sat on the round stool, raising his right leg , looking at the dragon mother in front of him with great interest.
The coercion of the dragon species and the mature and graceful figure endow Tiama with a special flavor of royal sister, and the lazy and luxurious demeanor is enough to arouse the courtship desire of most males. Yuu thought that it was quite the right decision for him to volunteer to investigate the situation.
Just as Yu was sizing up Tiamat, the Dragon Mother also squinted her golden eyes, and looked at Yu with an inquiring gaze, and then Tiamat saw Yu’s almost undisguised human spirit at a glance. Grid couldn’t help but sneered.
“Hehe, showing your whereabouts on purpose, but blatantly showing off with your human spirit, Your Majesty, are your hobbies really interesting?”
You shrugged and said in a relaxed tone. “Although you may not believe it, I am really just a human being.”
“Before you tell a lie, can you please change your appearance? I don’t think that the superhuman being who stopped that root in Kunlun Tianshan would be some ordinary human being?”
Tiamat laughed jokingly. When the Queen Mother of the West was detached, she was also peeping secretly from a very far away place. She naturally had a deep impression on Yu, the unknown existence who blocked Kronos and won the game in a short period of time.
Although the possibility of counterfeiting is not ruled out, Tiamat has ruled out this possibility due to the inherent risks of Yu’s concealment ability that came out for a while, and the transcendent existence of pretending to be a combat power that is close to the truth.
And more importantly, Kronos’ devious behavior has proved that there is an existence that is holding him back. Calculating the time and the characters, I am afraid that existence is the one that appeared in front of her.
You spread out his hands, he thought he was honest enough, and showed his spiritual status without any cover, but most of the gods didn’t believe it. Does he have so much free time to cover up his spiritual status every time he goes out? ? And if it is exposed, isn’t it saying that he has a ghost in his heart?
“Whether it’s a god or a human, they will only believe what they see with their own eyes at the first moment, but ignore the possibility that their eyes will deceive themselves.”
“So, you turned into a stool and peeked under Ishtar’s skirt to prove that you were not deceived by your eyes? To be honest, I admire you for exposing yourself to me for the sake of verification. ”
Tiamat raised her willow eyebrows in surprise, and looked at Yu in amazement, as if she hadn’t expected that Yu would spy on Ishtar’s skirt for such a profound philosophical question.
Nodding majestically, he admitted. “That’s right, that’s it. I’ve been thinking about whether the pure white I just saw is a real pattern. In order to be sure, I had to expose myself.”
Hearing ‘pure white’, Tiamat immediately wanted to laugh. She had no idea that a stinky woman like Ishtar would actually like it.She liked that pure color, and she didn’t expect Yuu to be so shameless and directly admit her bad behavior.
“I am amazed by your honesty.” Tiamat held back a smile, afraid that he could not restrain himself and raised a hand to cover the lower half of his face.
The shoulders trembled for a while, Tiamat narrowed his eyes, slowly sat up from the soft mat, raised one leg, and dangled his toes as clean as jade in front of Yun’s eyes. “Then, can you tell me the purpose of your trip? You must know that the God of Time has offered to help me rule the Mesopotamian group of gods? I want to be honest as you, if you want If you hire me, you shouldn’t offer a low price, right?”
Tiamat is very clear that the cooperation with Chronos is to seek the skin of a tiger, but this does not mean that there is no danger in cooperation with Yu. In her opinion, the dangers of the two are almost equal, and now Yu and Yu If Chronos wants to use her as a pawn to play the game, then don’t blame her for fishing in troubled waters and seeking benefits.
Yu’s brow wrinkled indiscernibly. He was quite satisfied with Tiamat’s knowledgeable attitude, but this did not mean that he could accept Tiamat’s lion’s big mouth. Chronos’ plan, to a certain extent , Yu Shi maintains the attitude of fueling the flames, he has absolutely no need to pay the price for hindering the other party, and he thinks that he is poor, and where does the treasure come from to satisfy the appetite of the mother of dragons.
I don’t have any treasures to deliver, so I’ll use things other than treasures, and what Tiamat is concerned about, if it’s based on what I just listened to… While thinking about it, the corner of your mouth twitched, and he said with a smile.
“If it’s a price, I’m willing to make a central contract to guarantee your life for a thousand years. How about this?”
When Yu’s voice fell, Tiamat’s expression was obviously astonished. She glanced at Yu in surprise, and then she was a little surprised, and then said to Yu with some disgust. “Eavesdropping on a woman’s words and trying to figure out her thoughts is a big no-no!”
Yun shrugged, expressing undeniable denial to her eavesdropping behavior, and looked at Tiamat in front of her with calm eyes.
Whether it is the gods of Mesopotamia, or the plot with the tiger with Chronos, it is extremely dangerous. If at this time, if there is a existence comparable to the truth willing to shelter… Tiamat His eyes flickered for a moment, and he raised his chin with a smile.
“Quite interesting proposal, but please allow me to think about it for a while.”
You didn’t refuse, did you express your interest? Or maybe he was worried about Chronos’ revenge. Yu briefly speculated, and with a casual move, he grabbed a piece of yellowish parchment in his palm, his eyes flashed, and the parchment was imprinted with Yu’s spiritual imprint, then he rolled up the scroll and moved directly towards Tiamat threw it away.
“I have listed the regulations of the central contract on the document. If you agree, Your Majesty, you only need to print the spiritual seal and it will take effect immediately.”
After Yu finished speaking, his figure gradually faded. He did not hide his whereabouts, but walked directly in the direction of Ishtar, intending to declare to Tiamat that she was not his best choice.
“…A man who is so confused, I really don’t know what kind of intentions he has towards me.” Tiamat took the scroll and frowned for a while in the direction where Yu left. Then, she spread out the scroll, After reading the conditioning carefully, I could not help but let out a light spit when I saw a certain clause of the ‘mating right’ that was clearly written. “This guy, it turned out to be such an idea, it’s just wishful thinking.”
His mouth was full of disgust. Tiamat squeezed the scroll and thought about it for a while. After rolling it up, he put it away directly. After all, he is also a bodyguard comparable to the truth. It’s better than what was originally created as material.
In the passage of the Dragon Cave, Ishtar had a dark face, and his high-heeled shoes made of colored glass stepped heavily on the floor tiles, making a crisp sound.
Seeing this, the waiters who encountered the goddess all bowed their heads and knelt aside, for fear of angering this terrifying god and demon, causing him to die on the spot.
“Damn Tiamat, damn ugly girl, this is definitely revenge, it’s revenge against me.” Ishtar sounded the cliché of Tiamat earlier, and suddenly became angry, she kindly came to help , condescending to come to help, Tiamat actually maliciously rhetoric, it is simply hateful.
Ishtar, who was full of fire, couldn’t help but kicked the rock wall at the entrance of the cave. In the humming vibration, a distinct footprint was left on the rock wall.
Kicked out, Ishtar, who was a little depressed and vented, pulled back his slender jade feet, preparing to leave the dragon cave and return to his own nest.
At this moment, a male voice sounded from behind her.
“Goddess, please stay!”
Ishtar couldn’t help but turn his head and looked at the silver-haired youth who walked in slowly not far away. He felt the kindness emanating from the other party, and his eyes widened immediately.
“Impossible, how could I have such an ugly blood (child) descendant (child)!!”
The smile on Yuu’s face suddenly froze.

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