Tiamat’s Abacus
At the center of the fortress, on the throne, Eya stood up suddenly, looked at the huge shadow under the sky with an uncertain expression, and said through gritted teeth. “Tiamat! She actually planned to go to the battlefield from the very beginning!”
Although Eya knew in the past that the mother of dragons was lazy and advocated solving chores in the simplest way and gaining the most time for recuperation, but he never expected that the other party would be in the early stages of the war, when everything was unclear. In the case of the situation directly end.
Is there a certainty of victory? Or a mistake caused by character? Eya’s heart sank, and he thought for a while. He was more inclined to the former, and at the same time, he was extremely wary of Tiamat’s possible hidden hands. However, no matter how vigilant he was, he had to stop Tiamat here.
Otherwise, if the first fortress is breached, the gods of Mesopotamia will have to fight hastily at home. In this way, no matter the outcome, the gods will be dealt a huge blow.
“Your Majesty Eya!” The god who was holding the communication mirror shouted hesitantly. Facing the attack of the dragon mother who created the world, this god had lost his sense of proportion.
Hearing the divine call, Eya’s face immediately turned serious, and he ordered loudly.
“Continue the summons, but change the content to ask Enlil to return to help quickly, and at the same time inform Marduk of the current situation of the Lord God. I will try my best to buy time for them.”
“Yes!!” Just as God responded loudly and prepared to send a message.
At this time, under the clouds, a huge shadow broke into the upper layer, and under the entanglement of wisps of white mist, the giant dragon comparable to the mainland showed its real body.
Each of the scales on her body exudes a brilliant blue color in the sun, and the streamlined dragon body is full of explosive power. Just looking at it makes people feel mysterious and feel her beauty.
However, under that beauty, the giant dragon wings, which were several times the size of the dragon’s body and looked like bat wings, just waved lightly, and set off a level 12 hurricane, and the aftermath hit the defense network formed by the Tongtian towers. , making successive noises of gold and iron.
And beside this giant dragon, each one was only the size of her scales, and the colorful dragons were flapping their wings and roaring at the gods and soldiers in the fortress.
With a bang.
“This…how is it possible to win? Impossible, absolutely impossible.” Inside the protective wall of the fortress, a demigod let go of the weapon in his hand with a face full of shock, looked at the giant dragon in the distance, and shouted in a broken heart. road.
The instant the voice fell, the demigod’s neck showed blood lines, and a few seconds later, his head fell to the ground with a bang.
There was a sound of rushing water, and the water god Eya floated above the half-god’s corpse with an indifferent expression. He lowered his head slightly, looked at the terrified soldiers below, and said coldly.
“All of them are there. Build a formation to stop those giant dragons. Tiamat will be dealt with by me.”
Hearing the words of the Lord God, some soldiers with weak hands and feet regained a sliver of courage. They clenched their weapons tightly and forced themselves not to look at the terrifying dragon, but only focused on the lower-level dragons flapping their wings body.
Compared with the previous Tiamat, most of the soldiers felt that the giant dragons, which were comparable in size to the entire fortress, were so weak and deceitful, as if the weapons in their hands could tear apart the hard The dragon scales are average.
Many people swallowed their saliva, with mixed expressions of fear and excitement on their faces.
Seeing this scene, Eya’s expression remained the same, but he was relieved. Let alone Tiamat, if these soldiers collapsed, the defense of the fortress would be under no one’s control, even if he stopped Tiamat. , The invasion of the lower-level dragon species will also deal a huge blow to [Anu’s Heaven].
The most urgent task now is to stop Tiamat and win the aid of Marduk and Enlil. When the three gods gather and their own side has the advantage in combat power, it is enough to consider the next step—negotiate with Tiamat. According to the results, consider It is war and peace.
Just then, boomA roaring whistle sounded.
Eya turned his eyes subconsciously, only to realize that the huge wind whistling came from Tiamat’s simple raising of his head.
The terrifying mother of dragons, just raised her head to block the sunlight of part of the floating continent. The huge dragon head covered the sky and the sun, and even the eyeballs were wider than the fortress.
“Eya?” Tiamat didn’t open his mouth, just shook the atmosphere with his spirit, and called out the name in divine language.
Eya’s face sank, and then he immediately restrained himself. He made a fist with one hand, and bowed towards the Dragon Mother above his heart. “Long time no see, great mother goddess.”
No matter how unpleasant he is, or even hostile to the goddess of creation, it still cannot change the fact that he is the descendant of the creation of the dragon mother. For the etiquette of gods and Buddhas, he must show respect to Tiamat.
Tiamat narrowed the huge dragon’s eyes slightly, looked at Eya below carefully, the dragon’s mouth grinned, and said coldly.
Words and divine power unfolded at the same time, and in an instant, the grace of death was bestowed upon all beings by the Dragon Mother.
Eya looked surprised. He didn’t expect Tiamat to kill the killer without even communicating. At this moment, his spirituality shrank violently, and the grace of death was carved on the sacred spirituality.
“Wow~!” Aya slammed her heart over her heart, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and her body suddenly fell down.
At this moment, Tiamat opened his mouth and roared loudly.
The power of language suddenly turned into reality, and the golden brilliance gathered in Tiamat’s mouth. Two steam bands suddenly spewed out of her nose, and then she closed her mouth, lowered her head, and opened it suddenly, a sky-piercing blast. The flame dragon breath immediately sprayed towards the fortress.
A violent wind sounded.
Immediately afterwards, a deafening explosion sounded loudly.
On the Hakoniwa Continent below, the residents above the city of Kish suddenly stumbled, looking at the second sun that suddenly appeared in the sky with a look of astonishment.
Tiamat squinted his eyes again, and his golden vertical pupils stared coldly at the low fortress surrounded by heat and black mist.
The whistling of the wind whistled, followed by the humming of muffled thunder.
The smoke dissipated.
A whirlwind surrounded the entire fortress.
In the sky above the fortress, the patron saint Enlil was opening his arms, looking at Tiamat’s dragon head with a solemn expression.
“Wind?” Tiamat muttered, and a deep disgust appeared on the dragon’s face.
In Mesopotamian mythology, the wind is Tiamat’s nemesis, a fact inscribed into mythology that can never be enhanced unless Tiamat constructs his own phylogenetic tree, partially detached from human history Resistance to wind.
At this moment, Tiamat felt a chill rise on her neck, and the instinct of the dragon seed made her shrink her body instantly, making the pieces of dragon scales shrink and cling to each other, and at the same time she muttered.
The next second, a noise like a chainsaw suddenly sounded.
I saw that Marduk, the god of thunderstorms, appeared at Tiamat’s dragon neck at some point, holding a giant fire sword several hundred meters long, slashing on the solid dragon scale.
“Sure enough, the body comparable to a pure-blood dragon is not something that my sun authority can cut.” Marduk calmly looked at the slightly black dragon scales under his feet, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and he accepted his attack as a matter of course. Invalid fact.
The nemesis of the Dragon Mother of Creation is the wind, which is the limit engraved by the gods into the myth. However, as a price, Tiamat has obtained a high degree of resistance to all powers except the wind. This is exactly what Marduk cannot afford to attack. main cause of action.
Aware of the existence of Marduk, Tiamat did not dare to be too big. She immediately issued a ‘curse of death’ to Enlil and Eya in the fortress, and at the same time quickly converged her figure, making it comparable to the mainland’s The dragon body quickly transformed into a human form, and as a result, the dragon species that were dragged to the sky by Tiamat broke away from the gravitational field created by Tiamat, with a spleen of energy and a roaring roar, toward the bottom. Soldiers launched a raid.
Seeing this, Enli immediately lifted his protection and wanted to pursue the chase, but was stumbled by the curse of death. He hesitated again and again, turned around and rushed to support Eya, who was hit hard.
On the other side, Mardugao held the hilt of his sword, turned his head, looked at the central temple in the distance, then turned his head and looked at Tiamat with an indifferent expression, letting the opponent complete the change in body shape.
In a few breaths, Tiamat finally closed the huge dragon body, showing that tall and graceful human posture. She was wearing a loose white robe and looked at Marduk with surprise, as if wondering why the other party didn’t take advantage of the momentum to pursue him.
“Where is Ishtar?” Marduk showed a trace of scruples on his face.
Reasonable scruples gave an explanation for not chasing, but Marduk’s scruples expression was extremely false in Tiamat’s view.
In fact, among the Mesopotamian gods, the only two people Tiamat could not see clearly were Anu and Marduk. In the past, it was these two gods who took the lead in resisting the rule of her and Apsu, the god of raw water, and successfully killed Apsu, obtained the Creation Stone Tablets in the hands of the other side, and gained the dominion of Mesopotamia.
In view of this, she was extremely wary of Marduk and Anu, so that when Marduk was unable to break the defense, she had to condense her body to avoid exposing more weaknesses due to her huge size.
At this moment, the patron god Enlil and the water god Eya flew high into the sky, and they joined Marduk.In a triangular formation, Tiamat was surrounded in the center.
“Cough cough!” The battle took shape, and Aya spat out a few mouthfuls of black, stinky blood, which was the poison of death he forcibly forced out. After spitting out the blood, his pale face recovered a touch of ruddy.
Seeing this scene, Marduk frowned, a little surprised at the seriousness of Eya’s injury, but the top priority was to deal with Tiamat’s rebellion, he turned his head and said solemnly.
“Your Majesty, can you hear a few words from me?”
Tiamat’s brows were slightly adjusted, and the hand hidden in the loose long sleeves held a piece of yellow-brown parchment. She pinched the rough surface of the paper, her heart was slightly calm, and then she looked at Eya calmly, expressing herself. Allow the other person to speak.
Marduk pursed his lips and said seriously.
“Presumably, Your Majesty should have some understanding of the current situation of the small garden. Whether it is Kunlun’s recent motives or Greece’s changes in the gift naming game, it all proves that the current small garden has entered a period of turmoil. This is an extremely dangerous period, but It’s also an opportunity full of opportunities.”
Seeing that Tiamat responded in silence, Marduk paused and continued.
“It’s just like now, at least two-digit gods are watching us, waiting for you and me to lose both, and then come forward to divide our interests, and use the demise of the Mesopotamian gods as a nourishment to strengthen themselves, want to compare You know this better than we do.”
Tiamat raised her brows. From the beginning, she did feel a lot of sight. In fact, the number was far more than the double-digit number that Marduk said.
“In order to avoid internal friction and the demise of the group of gods, I sincerely hope that the two sides will shake hands and make peace.” Although the lowly dragon and soldiers are still fighting, it does not prevent Marduk from issuing an invitation to peace talks. Yamat can see the situation clearly, and at the same time clearly understand the greed of the dragon species.
Marduk squinted his eyes and continued: “In order to show sincerity, His Majesty Anu is willing to give up the position of the king of gods to clear the way for you to revise the history of mythology, and at the same time, he is also willing to deliver the creation stone tablet that is the key to the treasure house of the gods. .”
Tiamat frowned, and there was a hint of movement in the depths of his eyes. Marduk was almost the appointed next god-king, and was inscribed into mythology, destined to kill her. With him as a guarantee, the sincerity of Mesopotamia was obvious.
And if she succeeds in becoming the king of gods, she can also rely on the contract Yu gave to protect herself, induce Marduk and others to rebel, let them face the horror of Yu, and test the bottomless power of the other party, while Ke The conditions and costs of Ronos are not impossible to avoid by such means.
As his thoughts moved, Tiamat immediately had the idea of ​​agreeing.
At this moment, Eya, who had been holding on for a long time, suddenly burst out, as if going crazy, compressing the spirit and divine power, and the whole person swelled like a balloon.
Tiamat’s pupils suddenly shrank.
The outer gate of Hakoten 365, a certain mountain range.
“Sure enough, these gods with great power always choose behaviors that I don’t expect.”
Chronos stood up from a boulder with a calm expression, and his figure gradually disappeared into the mountains.
On the ground in front of the boulder, a branch covered with soil was randomly placed aside. On the edge of the branch, a sentence was written on the reddish brown land.
[Due to the anger of the previous plot, Eya was extremely dissatisfied with Tiamat’s behavior, and attacked the creation dragon mother by suicide. Although Tiamat was not seriously injured, he also suffered internal injuries. , she was immediately furious, and subconsciously chose to fight back, which triggered another fight. 】

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