God’s Curse
The dust is flying and the rumbling is rolling.
Jesus, whose lower body was buried in the ground, was stunned for three to five seconds, until Yu revealed a murderous intent, and then he came to his senses, realizing that Yu seemed to have misunderstood something.
“The Slate of Destiny is quite suitable in His Majesty’s hands, yes, quite suitable.”
Just raised her foot, Yu, who was about to step on it, immediately paused, put her leg down again, leaned down with a caring face, and stretched out her hand. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Due to some physical changes recently, I can’t master my strength. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”
Hearing Yu’s repeated apologies, the corners of Jesus’ mouth couldn’t help twitching a few times, he gradually lost his expression, stretched out his hand and cooperated with Yu to pull himself up from the soil, and then put on a formulaic face and patted the dust on his body. , said indifferently.
“How is Your Majesty’s research on the function of the Slate of Destiny?”
Knowing that Jesus didn’t take the opportunity to ask for slate, Yu’s face was quiteGentle, he smiled and said in a kind tone. “It’s just a little bit of understanding. It’s not as proficient as His Majesty the Son.”
That slate has been in my hands for a thousand years, can I not be proficient? Jesus frowned a few times, suppressed his emotions, forced his face not to collapse, and said as calmly as possible.
“Then, Your Majesty must know the application of the curse of name on the Slate of Destiny?”
Yu raised his brows slightly, using the real name engraved on the Fate Tablet to cast the spell of name, which can play an effect almost equivalent to sovereignty. This is very clear to Yu, and after Jesus mentioned this, he inexplicably turned his eyes. Throwing to the side of Ishtar.
Could it be that Jesus wanted to use the Slate of Destiny to curb Ishtar’s behavior? Thinking of this, Yu suddenly felt a little moved. He has seen Ishtar’s own way several times, ignoring the appearance of the other party. The character of this goddess really makes his stomach hurt. In contrast, it is Eresh. Kigal was more in tune with him.
How can I use the Slate of Destiny to contain Ishtar’s words…Yu narrowed her eyes and smiled at Jesus.
“For this application, what ‘unique’ views does His Majesty the Son have?”
Seeing Yu’s gaze towards Ishtar, Jesus reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, raised his hand and drew a strange symbol in the void, and said. “I just want to remind Your Majesty that the tablet of destiny records the real names of the Mesopotamian gods.”
Does it mean that the Tablet of Destiny is not only effective for you, but also for Ishtar directly? However, in the previous private research, it seems that this function was not found… Wait, the symbols that Jesus wrote now… have a special activation spell? Yu kept her previous smile, and secretly made an abacus in her heart.
Whether this symbol is valid or not, Yuu intends to give it a try. Even if there are traps in it, the big deal is to force it into a state of instability before a problem occurs, so as to recover the loss… Thinking of this, the smile on Yu’s face brightened.
At this moment, Yu and Jesus raised their brows together, turned their eyes away, and looked at Ishtar beside him.
The goddess who was enveloped in the dark light finally achieved transformation, gradually revealing her figure in the dark light.
Looking at the other party, he noticed that the two strands of broken hair in front of the other party’s ears had changed from deep purple to pitch black. At the same time, the divine nature naturally exuded from the previous spirit had disappeared, replaced by a simple and majestic powerful texture and its own celestial spirit characteristics. chaos and distortion.
Just showing the figure, the lawn around Ishtar fell into a withered yellow distortion. At the same time as the vitality was deprived, the chaos factor of the devil also skyrocketed. With just a few breaths, the grass was forced to become blood-devouring, Withered demon jungle.
At this time, the faint resonance of the highest-ranked chaotic spirit filled Yuu’s heart, and at the same time, Ishtar, who felt the resonance, also opened his blood-red eyes.
After staring at each other for a few seconds, Yu frowned, but Ishtar obviously didn’t notice this. She picked up the mirror and kept looking at her face. After looking at it several times, she turned around. Circle, open his arms, and let out a cheer full of surprises.
“Finally, finally, finally crossed that damn boundary. Woah~~ Ishi-chan, the most beautiful~~”
Seeing Ishtar ignoring him, not even bothering to explain the behavior of stealing good and evil, and directly praising his beauty, Yu’s expression lost all emotion.
At this time, Jesus took a step forward and said to Ishtar in a flat tone.
“Your Majesty Ishtar, due to the inheritance of mythology, please cooperate with you to inscribe the essence of spirituality into the cross religion’s cosmology, and according to the transaction between me and Zhou You, our cross religion will Responsible for spreading your mythical heritage and securing the spirituality of the protoss for you.”
“Is it a requirement for the last step? An annoying thing, but there is no way, this is a necessary process.” Ishtar pouted with obvious displeasure.
Before crossing the class from a half-prototype and officially becoming a protoss, an important step is still needed, that is, through a mythological view of the universe, linking the relationship between itself and the planet, and achieving the inheritance of protoss.
This is a necessary process for a god or a dragon species to transform into a protoss. In contrast, it is a lot more convenient to be born as a primordial protoss. Much harsher.
“I’m so grateful, if it wasn’t for the convenience and your old friendship with Marduk, I wouldn’t agree to such a condition.” Ishtar raised his head slightly arrogantly and snorted softly.
“It’s best if you can understand nature.” Jesus didn’t get annoyed by Ishtar’s attitude, just glanced at Yuu with a smile, then immediately spread his right hand and took out the core cosmology of the Crusaders – the law.” Torah”.
It was a quaint slate carved with the life pattern of Kabbalah and full of Hebrew characters. Just staring at it from a distance, you can feel the divine power contained in it – a powerful force full of holiness. The vitality of breath.
Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the universe view in Jesus’ hands with curiosity. He had seen similar things in Index’s hands, but the nun’s hands were different from those in Jesus’ hands. The pure treasure that contains the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the blueprint for creation, is the blueprint for the construction of the forbidden universe, and this book in Jesus’ hands is a treasure that interprets the religious values ​​of the Cross in the form of laws.
heartRoughly comparing the strengths of the two, Yu suddenly felt a sense of happiness from the bottom of his heart. He was glad that the nun God had no malice towards him, and even made an act of giving in the flesh, otherwise he would have Naiyazi to cover the bottom, it is estimated that Even if you don’t die, you have to peel off the skin.
As for the book in Jesus’ hands, it really made a fuss, but Yuu was able to make this holy son ‘skin off’.
After gathering the essence of spirituality released by Ishtar, Jesus turned to God with ‘Torah’ in his hands, and spoke to Yu. “Next, there is only the part of the spirit that crowns you.”
You frowned, thought for a moment, and gradually revealed his spiritual essence. After a while, a pitch-black dragon and snake with a title and a tail emerged from his eyebrows. Among ‘Torah’.
The alternation of reality and reality made the observant Jesus unable to figure out the details, but after entering the cosmology, it was hidden in the core, making people unable to see the root cause. After realizing that this was the bottom line problem of You, Jesus gave up the investigation. Detective, put away the cosmology, and then sent an invitation to Yu.
“In order to celebrate the transformation of the crown of Ishtar, it is better for the two of you to stay for a few days…”
Before Jesus finished speaking, Yu interrupted. “No, I still have some personal matters to deal with.”
“Celebrating or something, it’s not very good…” Ishtar just spoke when she sensed Yu’s icy gaze, she felt a chill in her heart, and she was suddenly speechless, so she rationally chose not to say anything.
“That being the case… Gabriel, send off the two crowned princes.” Jesus immediately confessed to You, and then gave Gabriel a wink.
Gabriel immediately went up, gestured towards Yu, and then took small steps towards the realm gate.
Yu glanced at Ishtar, who pouted reluctantly and followed Yu’s footsteps.
Looking at the gradually shrinking backs of the three, Jesus frowned slightly.
“It seems that Ishtar has already angered that one!”
A little bit of starlight gathered around Jesus, and under the starlight, the previously demonized lawn suddenly let out a shrill howl, and in the howl, it returned to the green lawn.
Then, in the starlight, a figure wearing a loose white robe, whose face could not be seen clearly, appeared beside Jesus. He was facing the direction where Yu left. After pondering for a few seconds, he said.
“Take the ‘Torah’ out.”
Hearing this, Jesus immediately took out the sacred stone tablet, held it in his hand, and handed it to Yahweh.
After Yawei took it, he reached out and stroked the surface of the slate, and said indifferently. “There is only one person in the position of extreme evil, and the chaos of the magic star is not what we need after all.”
Only one Satan is needed, and all other evils are negated? Jesus immediately understood Yahweh’s intentions, and he had no opinion on this, because past experience told him that Ishtar was essentially an unstable factor, even if the combat power was tyrannical, it was the most powerful Protoss This kind of thing, but for the Cross religion, it is only the icing on the cake, and it is completely different from the importance of the existence of Yu, who can stabilize the cosmology.
“My lord, what should Ishtar do?” Jesus bowed his head and asked.
Yawei was silent for a moment, and an illusory overlapping river appeared around the palm of his hand touching the slate. “A few days ago, the god of time, Chronos, deprived himself of the “time of destiny”, embedded it in the center of the small garden, and worshipped him to survive by cutting his tail. I have made a certain breakthrough in the way of destiny.”
“What do you mean…” Jesus’ eyes gradually lit up, and he thought of one of Yahweh’s great tricks in the way of destiny.
Yawei nodded slightly and said:
“[The Evil Play of Fate] This is the best way to deal with protoss like Ishtar.”
“At a critical moment, are you being tricked by fate? If you can’t take action, this is probably the best way to deal with it.” Hearing this, Jesus immediately sighed in admiration.
Accompanied by the voice of the words, a rich but not dazzling brilliance gathered in the slate.
The faint fluorescence flickered for a few seconds, and Yahweh’s figure immediately disappeared in the sun. Jesus picked up the slate that was gathering light, looked at the inheritance of Ishtar written by Yahweh, and looked at the drawings on it. his real name, he breathed a sigh of relief.
Holding the slate, he turned his head, looked at the direction Ishtar was leaving, and said with a little humor.
“I wish you bad luck, the unlovable goddess of harvest Ishtar… Wrong, now it should be called: Protoss ‘Lilith’!”
“I expect you to have countless wonderful harvests under this curse!”

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