Female pet? !
After 8 minutes, Yo leaned into a casual suit.On the wall of the aisle, after estimating the time, he narrowed his eyes.
“It’s almost time, that guy Rappi probably failed, but with that fake rabbit on top of the tank, Shiroyasha’s anger should be relieved a lot.”
From the very beginning, Yuu didn’t have any expectations for Lapuzi’s words. What he hoped was that the fake moon rabbit could take advantage of his appearance to calm Shiroyasha. As for whether Lapuzi is willing or not, it is none of his business. It’s a matter, after all, isn’t the subordinates to take the blame?
Thinking of this, he turned around and held the door handle of the locker room, just in case, he released his perception, intending to confirm the situation in the hot spring pool, but the next second after he released his perception, his face suddenly froze.
“It came out just at this time? This fake rabbit, is it so efficient today?”
Yoo murmured, let go of the door handle, and took five steps back. At the same time, he planned to sneak away immediately if Shiroyasha continued to start. After all, he knew very well that he was at fault for breaking into the hot spring pool before, so it seemed to him to give in to Bai Yasha.
Not long after, the door opened. Shiroyasha, who was wearing a lavender kimono, walked out of the room. She held a folding fan and patted her palm lightly. She looked quite happy with a smile on her face.
However, when Shiroyasha saw Yu standing in the doorway, her face froze, she glanced at Yu with a little annoyance, then remembered something, and tilted her chin. Said slightly proudly.
“Hmph, you were allowed to move freely, and not long after, the two goddesses took over the nest directly. You are really useless!”
The words fell, and Shiroyasha’s chin was raised a little more, and he said with a smile:
“But since you begged us to come forward like this, there’s nothing you can do. Since the two of us have a very good personal relationship, let’s help you with reluctance.”
Lapuzi, what did he say to Shiroyasha… Well, it’s not a good word anyway… You raised his brows, looked a little speechlessly at Lapuzi behind Shiroyasha, and then put the Knowing that he was pretending to be confused, he smiled a few times in a flattering tone, and said.
“Since you understand everything and are willing to cooperate, that’s even better.”
“Cooperation? What a joke, as the leader of the group of gods, we must be at the forefront and kill all those guys who maliciously plunder our property~”
Shiroyasha snorted lightly, clenched his right fist, and waved it fiercely, then raised his chin, and walked slowly towards the exit of the temple, saying as he walked:
“It’s just two goddesses, let’s see how we can deal with them~ But I heard Lapuzi say that the two goddesses are first-class beauties, and now Omega is the only one to come forward, Yu, tell me, do we want to…”
Saying that, Shiroyasha gave Yuu a wicked smile as if he was about to watch an adult movie.
An old-fashioned Cosmic Truth, where did you get the confidence to take care of them? For people of our rank, which one does not have one hundred and eight ways to save lives… Youlue, who followed behind Shiroyasha, looked at Shiroyasha speechlessly and thought about it for a while, but she still didn’t have a bad idea of ​​hitting Shiroyasha.
“I understand. You can try it. If we can’t agree, we’ll just do it.”
Yuu said it nicely, but in his heart he had the idea of ​​letting Shiroyasha take the lead to resist Omega’s firepower. He heard from the Queen of Halloween that this goddess of the end is the most explosive truth of the universe in the small garden. If it is true In this way, it is obviously a very reasonable idea to let the most thick-skinned white yaksha go to the top of the knife.
At least, in Yuu’s view, that’s quite reasonable.
“Two goddesses~~” Shiroyasha squinted his eyes, and then sped up the part with a smirk on his face.
Yu paused for a while, looked at Shiroyasha’s back, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to Lapuzi who had just walked to his side:
“How on earth did you fool her out? Why do I feel that instead of negotiating, I will rob a civilian girl?”
“Huh?” Lapuzi was stunned, his hands folded together, his waist twisted, and he said shyly.
“No, I just said a little bit about your grievances, the leader, and a little bit of Omega’s domineering behavior, and then I described a little bit of the beauty of the goddess…”
I’m very suspicious of how much you said… You twitched slightly at the corners of your mouth, then looked at Shiroyasha who couldn’t wait to take on the two goddesses, and sighed a little speechlessly:
“As for the means of demagogic people, you guy, you really don’t have the name of a white blind devil!”
After speaking, he ignored Lapuzi’s pretentious shirk, and quickly followed up with Shiroyasha in front of him.
Lapuzi thought for a while, but still did not keep up with the pace of the two, just prepared the clone in the base camp, ready to peep at the situation at any time.
“Tsk, it’s really disappointing to see you here.”
A slightly dissatisfied voice sounded from behind. Standing in front of the steps of the temple, Queen Halloween, who was overlooking the forest below, did not turn her head back and shook her head slightly.
“That’s why I watched the scenery here in order not to pollute my eyes~”
“What? You actually said that you saw us pollute your eyes?”
Shiroyasha jumped up at the back, ran to the Queen of Halloween angrily, pinched the folding fan, and said to her face.
“Do you have the guts to say it again?”
The Queen of Halloween didn’t answer, she just turned her gaze away with a smile, removed Shiroyasha’s face from her field of vision, and expressed her contempt with her actions.
“You bastard, turn your head back to me!” Bai Yecha jumped in anger, wanting to shootJust grab the head of the Queen of Halloween.
These two price guys… You Xin sighed helplessly, then put her hand to her lips and snorted softly:
Hearing the humming sound, Shiroyasha’s hand that had just been raised immediately froze. She glanced at Yuu with a little hesitation, and then snorted coldly, full of displeasure, and said with a sneer.
“Well, it’s convenient for your words to appear here. At least your escape space ability is first-class in the whole Hakoba.”
Hearing these words, Yu gave the Queen of Halloween a subtle wink and signaled the other party not to take up the conversation, give each other a step back, and don’t die with the other party.
Hearing Shiroyasha’s remarks that were like a war, the Queen of Halloween twitched, subconsciously wanting to retaliate, but seeing Yuzu’s wink, she took a deep breath, and said without a smile:
“I can only use space ability to fight the enemy, I’m really sorry~”
The Queen of Halloween deliberately pulled the tail, and then narrowed her eyes to hide the playful taste in her eyes.
“Speaking of which, I am indeed the type that is not good at head-to-head confrontation, so it seems that my role is indeed only a trivial auxiliary role of space teleportation.”
Support ghost, if the single strongest Protoss can only play support, that’s a joke… Wait, isn’t this guy mad at Bai Yakha and planning to trick her into charging ahead? Thinking about it this way, Yu looked at the Queen of Halloween with a slightly weird expression.
He suddenly felt that it was not a good thing for Shiroyasha to have these two helpers who wanted to use her as a meat shield.
“It seems that you are quite self-aware, but that’s right, your job is only more important to transport us and Yu to the outer gate of 69. It’s better for us and Yu to be responsible for the work of the two goddesses.”
You actually remembered to ask You to be your helper? You are the one who has self-knowledge… The Queen of Halloween sneered in her heart, instead of answering the smug Shiroyasha, she sneered, raised her hands, and patted it lightly.
The surrounding pictures suddenly stopped, and then the surrounding colors began to change wonderfully. The white was whiter, the yellow was more yellow, and even the green of the trees below turned into a deep dark green.
Then, the dizziness of the roller coaster came to Shiroyasha’s mind alone.
With the familiar smell of grass entering the tip of his nose, Shiroyasha squinted his eyes, resisted the thought of retching, turned his head, and looked at the Queen of Halloween, who was looking as usual, and gave the latter an angry look.
“Hum!” The Queen of Halloween snorted slightly provocatively, but at this time, Bai Yasha seemed to have no mood to respond. She looked at the towering and spacious ancient temple that was close at hand, and looked at the corridor and Gengen in front of her. The huge stone pillar, his face gradually became solemn and serious.
Although she said before that the two goddesses were to be handled by her, but when she really had to face the two goddesses, her attitude naturally became very solemn.
After staying with Yoo for a long time, Shiroyasha has learned to be a little careful. After learning from Lapp’s mouth that Omega was the only one who came forward, and Yoo pulled the Queen of Halloween again, she concluded that she was going big this time. There won’t be any problem with Bao Dalan, so she doesn’t mind talking about lip service, but when it comes to facing the twin goddesses, who knows what weird tricks these old witches have, if the boat capsizes in the gutter, the fun will be big .
So, be careful.
“Is it actually teleported directly to the interior? Is it disturbed? Make sure that there is no trap here, right?” Looking around, Shiroyasha, who didn’t notice the trap, didn’t feel the ambush, turned his head and looked at Yu and Halloween. Queen Road.
In her previous estimation, the three should appear around the realm gate, and then activate the defense system of the stronghold on the outside, and then force Omega to negotiate and prepare to tear their faces.
However, now, the Queen of Halloween directly positioned her destination inside the temple, which caught her by surprise, and even began to wonder if the Queen of Halloween was on a whim and wanted to trick her.
On the side, You raised her eyebrows and turned her gaze to the stone pillars in the hallway of the temple. Her pupils gradually contracted, turning into the golden vertical pupils of snakes. “I didn’t find the trap, but the master did.”
“Actually, when I was teleporting, I received an invitation!” The Queen of Halloween squinted and looked at the stone pillars in the corridor.
Hearing this, Bai Yasha raised his brows, turned his head and spread out his folding fan to cover half of his face.
“Is that so? It’s actually at the scene, so the great goddess of the end, it’s not good to continue to hide her figure? Or, is it because you realize the perception and plan to act as a female pet for me?”
Hearing the word ‘female pet’, Yu raised his brows, and in his heart, he whipped the leaky Rappi to death a hundred times. This guy will definitely take the bad statement that the two goddesses asked him to be a male pet. To please Shiroyasha.
Just when You Xin was unhappy, Ta Ta’s footsteps sounded from behind the stone pillar on the side.
“It seems…I heard some unpleasant speech…”
Along with the somewhat sullen voice, Shiroyasha blinked and muttered.
“Why does this voice sound familiar?”
The next second, Bai Yasha, gradually opened his eyes, looked at the goddess who showed her body, and opened his mouth in confusion.
“you you?!!!”
With a bang, Bai Yasha’s feet suddenly softened, and he knelt down on the lawn in the posture of a duck.
At this time, Omega, who stepped out of the shadows, looked sneered.White Yaksha.
What’s the matter, have you been recruited? Seeing this scene, Yu’s face changed, and several particle characteristics were used at the same time to remotely control Omega’s spiritual body.
At this time, the Queen of Halloween on the side also changed slightly, setting up a lot of space around Shiroyasha, trying to weaken the unknown attack from Omega.
While the Queen of Halloween stepped down to defend, Yuu immediately started, preparing to attack.
However, at this moment, Bai Yasha, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly hugged Yu’s waist and shouted.
“Stop it all, I’m fine!!”
Yuu and the Queen of Halloween ate at the same time, looking at Shiroyasha with a slightly strange expression.
At this time, Omega turned her head after taking a look at Yuu, and looked at Shiroyasha where the duck was sitting, and the corner of her mouth curled slightly.
“Have you grown up a lot? By the way, your skin has become a lot thicker, my favorite girl, hum hum~~”
Hearing this, Shiroyasha shuddered, and with a smile like crying, his voice was extremely sweet to please.
“Mom, I was wrong! Just spare me this time.”
At this moment, Yuu and the Queen of Halloween looked at Shiroyasha and Omega at the same time, and their expressions became extremely strange.

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