[226] Outer door.
A dark area at the bottom of a huge valley with a surface area of ​​over ten million square kilometers, but because of the steep rock walls surrounding the entire land, it will never be able to enjoy the brilliance of the sun.
Human activities cannot be separated from sunlight.
So in the beginning, due to the too bad light environment, even humans who were good at adapting to the environment gave up this land.
However, as two gods in charge of light and darkness came here, at the bottom of the valley thousands ofOn the land of 10,000 square kilometers, a mountain with the highest terrain was selected and a huge bonfire was lit.
The light has finally come to this dark land, followed by the complicated and diverse lives.
For this reason, the praise of ‘light’ and the fear of ‘darkness’, the belief that has spread around the ‘campfire’ gradually sprouted in this dark area, and under the management of the first two gods, this belief It spread to the entire Hakoniwa, and then affected the human history outside, spreading its name to the infinite parallel universe.
This is the starting point of the group of gods called Zoroastrianism, also known as Zoroastrianism, in Little Garden.
The passage of time, the double belief of light and darkness, the establishment of dualism, and the birth of six angels and six demons gradually led to differences between the two gods who founded this sect, which led to conflicts. Finally, after the gift naming game was held, gradually Intensified.
[226] Outer Gate, Holy Mountain.
A flaming bonfire was burning on the top of the holy mountain. With the bonfire as the light source, the tens of thousands of square kilometers of land around the holy mountain received sufficient light, and the lives living here surrounded this light and built numerous satellite cities.
Lati, a satellite city to the east of the Holy Mountain.
On the empty street, rows of torches released steady light, illuminating the entire road.
A pedestrian walked forward in a hurry. His face was in a hurry, with fear in his eyes, as if there was a terrifying monster chasing after him.
All of a sudden, the torches on both sides of the road flickered, and the shadows on the ground swayed from side to side as the light changed, like countless magic snakes twisting their bodies to the sound of the flute.
Seeing this scene, the pedestrian stopped hurriedly. Fear made his pupils shrink violently. He couldn’t help reaching into his bosom as if to take out something. The next moment, the materialized Shadow Snake suddenly emerged from the ground. Jumping up, he locked the pedestrian’s throat with one bite.
“Woo! Woo!”
A few strange screams sounded, and immediately afterward, the pedestrian fell to the ground powerlessly.
A figure rose slowly from the ground. It was a figure in a blood-red long dress and a veil of the same color covering her face. She could only be judged as a woman from her figure.
The woman in the blood skirt squatted down, and stretched out her hand to press the pedestrian’s dark green face. Immediately afterwards, her figure gradually distorted, wrapping the poisoned pedestrian like a molten red candle.
And at this moment, on the other side of the road, a tall figure with sharp horns walked up to the fiery red solution, frowned and said displeasedly:
“Talomati, you should be kept alive. Lord Ariman is the mastermind who asked me to investigate and persecute the believers. Your actions will only increase our troubles.”
“Does this kind of thing still need to be investigated? Tuowei, the six gods who are also under the command of the Mother of Evil, don’t pretend to be dull in front of me.”
The fiery red solution on the ground squirmed and laughed.
Toway opened his mouth, and then fell silent. In his heart, he had already guessed the mastermind behind the persecution of believers, just as Talomarty said.
Not long after, the blood group woman named Talomati stepped out of the solution, crushed the skull of the corpse on the ground, and allowed the milky white slurry and blood to pollute her soles, turned her head, and looked at the holy place in the distance. The blazing bonfire on the top of the mountain said mockingly and sarcastically.
“Is it an oracle issued by Asa, one of the six angels? Who else can drive Asa, the god of protection of mankind, to order the persecution of believers in ‘darkness’?”
“First, it was the tampering of faith, which reduced the six great gods to the six great demons. This time, they directly issued an oracle to the believers to persecute the believers in darkness. There is no need to endure it anymore, right?”
Toway was silent for a moment. As Ahriman’s subordinate, he couldn’t offside to express his opinions on behalf of his main god, so he could only speak after a short silence:
“Let’s report this matter.”
The flames on both sides of the road wavered for a while, and finally calmed down.
Under the holy mountain, in the palace under the shadows.
Ahriman, who was wearing a veil and sitting on the throne, slowly closed his eyes as he looked at Tuowei and Talomaty who were kneeling below.
“Can the accuracy of the news be confirmed?”
“This is the answer that my subordinates obtained from the Pope’s mind by using their spiritual power.”
The lowered Talomarty lowered his head and replied respectfully.
Then, she raised her head slightly, looked at Ahriman, who was unable to see his face clearly because of the veil on the throne, and said boldly.
“Mother God, Ahura is already eradicating our believers, if we continue to show weakness…”
Tuo Wei, who was at the side, gave a low snort, stopped his colleague’s overstepping speech, and said threateningly at the same time.
“This is not what you should say, pay attention to your own identity.”
Taroman’s face turned cold. Just as she was about to respond, her heart suddenly turned cold. She turned her head and looked at the emotionless Ahriman on the throne. Her body couldn’t help but tremble a few times.
As the mother of evil of Zoroastrianism, no matter how harmless she looks and how gentle her temper is, that terrifying power still exists in this world, right in front of her.
As long as he has a clear thought or an evil thought, even if he is a god, Talomati can’t guarantee that he can survive Ahriman’s hands.
On the throne, Ahriman glanced at Talomarty, and sighed.
“Stand back and wait for my decision.”
“Yes!” X2
two godsSilently, he got up and quickly left the underground palace, leaving only Ahriman sitting alone on the throne, where he quietly watched them disappear from sight.
The palace gradually became quiet, but suddenly, a gentle footstep sounded leisurely in the palace.
“Has Zoroaster fought to such an extent?”
With the sound of his soft voice, Ahriman couldn’t help but turn his head and look at the direction the figure came from. When the vision was clear and the person who was coming was clearly seen, Ahriman suddenly stood up and greeted the person with a salute:
“Due to the unexpected situation, please forgive me for not being able to come forward to greet…”
Speaking of this, Aliman paused for a while, and said with a bit of respect and nostalgia:
“Your Majesty Alpha!”

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