Grandpa, please go inside!
[49] Outer Gate, Garden of Eden.
At the top of the seven heavens, above the clouds, is a magnificent palace like a giant’s residence.
Returning to heaven, sitting on the throne, the figure whose face could not be seen clearly lowered his head slightly, as if looking down.
And under the throne, the archangel Michael with long red-gold hair and a beautiful appearance is leading a group of six angels with Gabriel. They looked at the earth, stared at the red carpet spread on the earth, and waited for Yahweh’s instruction.
However, at this time, Yahweh’s attention was not on his two powerful archangels. Even the weak angels could sense that their Lord was looking ahead of them, looking at where they were floating in mid-air, dripping A spinning ball.
It was an oval ball that was only the size of a fist.
It was suspended in the air at a height of half a meter above the ground, spreading itself like a planet, and uninterruptedly exuding dazzling and eye-catching silvery-white brilliance.
And this sphere is a piece of sovereignty of the sun!
Sitting on the throne, the saint who couldn’t see his face clearly asked in a concentrated voice.
“.When did this happen?”
Hearing the inquiry, Michael did not raise his head, but lowered his head a little lower, and then replied respectfully:
“About 20 minutes ago, the angels patrolling the sky of Mars discovered this sovereignty and reported it to the higher-ups. After learning about it, I waited for the archangel to block the information, and brought all those who knew about it to the Holy Land during the transmission process. Listen to the teachings of the Lord.”
20 minutes ago, this sovereignty was the first time after the original star was cut, it fell in the direction of the Garden of Eden… Yawei estimated the time and came up with the answer based on his own experience.
And from this answer, he noticed something strange.
…Are the twin goddesses really fighting Shiroyasha? In terms of probability, the Hakoniwa Continent, which is comparable to the stars, has such a small probability that one in twenty-fourth of the Sun’s sovereignty can hit his Garden of Eden?
Is it the twin goddesses, or White Yasha… Yawei recalled the anxious battle situation before, and locked the suspicion target on the twin goddesses who had the upper hand.
Only the two goddesses who have the upper hand can deliberately change the trajectory of the Sun Sovereign’s fall, and the other party’s goal of letting the Sun Sovereignty fall to his domain… an alliance? Yahweh’s fingers on the throne trembled slightly, then he stood up and said to Gabriel below:
“Here!” Gabriel, who was under the throne, raised his head slightly, looked directly at the steps in front of the throne, and said softly.
Yawei nodded slightly, stared at Gabriel, recalled how he looked at the archangel when Yu visited last time, and pondered for a while.
“You lead a team of angels, take the Sun Sovereignty to the [69] outer gate, hand it over to that person, and execute the order immediately.”
“Yes!” Gabriel nodded, then stood up, took away the sovereignty of the sun in mid-air, turned around and walked out of the palace.
Yawei silently watched Gabriel leave, and then sighed softly.
“Chess players, chess pieces, let me be an extra outsider in this game.”
Under the throne, Michael continued to lower his head, as if he couldn’t understand or see anything, silently staring at the red carpet on the ground.
[333] The outer gate, in front of the dilapidated Celtic temple.
Shiroyasha, who had shrunk to the size of a child, was sitting on a piece of broken city wall wreckage, dangling his little feet covered in foot bags, and yawned lazily.
And just when Bai Yasha was sleepy, You came to the edge of the city wall below without a sound, raised his head, and smiled at Bai Yasha:
“Why, are you tired after only chasing for such a short distance?”
“Oh~woo~~!” Bai Yesha yawned, then sniffled, and said angrily, “Anyway, it’s okay to catch up, or not to catch up. Why do we tire ourselves?”
Chasing the twin goddesses for more than ten outer gates, no matter how interesting things are, if you do too much, it will become a boring repetitive exercise. Therefore, after chasing the 333 outer gate, Bai Yasha made sure to get rid of all the pursuits, and went straight out of it. Some ran to the Celtic ruins to fish here.
You shook his head, leaned his back against the city wall, and said indifferently:
“Then just rest for a while.”
In fact, Yu knew very well that Shiroyasha was exhausted because of the division of essential authority. This was a phenomenon that had been expected a long time ago. If he hadn’t needed to act on the spot, he would have taken Shirayasha to the lower level as early as after the separation of the sovereignty of the sun. cultivated.
“It’s better to take a rest for a while. If we sleep here directly, we will fall into the dormancy period directly.” Bai Yasha yawned and said with a sleepy face.
Once she falls into dormancy and cannot wake up in a short period of time, things will be a lot of trouble. At least without her, Yuu will have to spend more effort to lock the position of the sun’s sovereignty.
Thinking of the sovereignty of the sun, Bai Yasha squintedSquinting, enduring sleepiness, looked at Yu and said:
“Speaking of which, after the tracking fails, what we need to do is to recover the sovereignty of the sun, right?”
After thinking for a while, the corner of his mouth slightly hooked and said:
“You’re wrong. It should be about taking back the sovereignty of the sun.”
“Snatch?” Bai Yasha’s golden eyes shone slightly immediately, she jumped off the city wall, stepped to Yu’s side, and said eagerly, “You mean you can do it?”
Yu nodded slightly, then grinned, and said with a playful expression:
“To be more precise, the stronger the performance, the better. Only when we show the momentum that we would rather be broken than broken, will those gods and Buddhas really believe that this attack was an accident.”
“Don’t tell us these things, just ask if we can do it?”
Bai Yasha curled his lips, then raised his head, rolled his eyes a few times, and then smiled at Youhe.
You paused, looked at Bai Yasha suspiciously, and asked tentatively.
“What do you want to do?”
“I just asked if I could do it casually?”
Bai Yasha didn’t reply, but took off the folding fan at his waist, and spread it out with a bang, covering half of his face, only revealing a pair of crescent-shaped eyes.
You squinted your eyes, thinking that it would be harmless if Bai Yasha got into trouble, so he said casually.
“If you insist on saying yes, it probably means ‘yes’.”
“Very good, then now, come with us! We will take you to fish… No, no, it is to recover the sovereignty of the sun.”
Bai Yashayi and the folding fan immediately took off from the spot and landed on Yu’s back, wrapped his arms around his neck with one hand, pointed to the west with the other, and shouted expectantly.
I’m not a mount… The corner of Yu’s mouth twitched slightly, but thinking of Bai Yasha’s current weakness, he acquiesced in the other party’s behavior of lying on his back.
Then, after thinking for a while, he got up and quickly shuttled in the direction of Bai Yasha’s finger.
The Egyptian God’s Domain, the underground of the central temple.
In a huge space like a crypt, clusters of flames floated above the crypt, like a sky full of stars, providing a source of light for the crypt.
In the silent crypt, densely packed golden scarabs gathered together to form a golden torrent, attacking towards the center of the crypt, and in the center of the crypt, there was a huge space with a height of over a thousand meters.
A huge pyramid with a height of 333 meters sits there.
Like a tsunami, the scarab hit the pyramid, stopped in front of the two sphinxes in front of the door, circled the stone statues, slowly climbed onto the face of the stone statues, and got into the mouth the void.
It looked like two sphinxes were devouring the countless scarabs.
After all the scarabs poured into the belly of the stone statue, a female voice suddenly came from the shadows.
“The preparations seem to be complete…”
I saw a beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes, wearing beige cloth, walking out of the shadows, holding a golden slate in her hand, and walking to the middle of the two human faces step by step with bare jade-like feet. Before the door of the pyramid.
“Y… Xi… Si…”
Empty and longing calls came from all around.
Isis ignored the empty call, and slowly knelt down on the ground, holding the golden slate, and inexplicably read out the inscription on the temple.
“O sun that symbolizes rebirth, you wake up in the darkness and sleep forever in the darkness, the great one who repeats the rising and setting of the sun, the mother who lives and dies calls your honorable name, may you wake up from the lonely darkness …”
Accompanied by the goddess’ melodious and long voice, the huge stone statues on both sides of the door slowly emitted light. At first it was a faint golden yellow, and then it became stronger day by day. At the peak, it turned into an orange like the rising sun.
While the light was blooming, the door of the pyramid suddenly made a strange sound.
Amid the sound of gacha, a pair of bleeding hands came out from the crack in the door, and then pinched the sides of the door, slowly but forcefully pulling the door open.
Accompanied by the crackling sound of the door being pulled open.
The figure of Amon Ra appeared.
“Thank you for your hard work, Isis.”
Amon Ra, who was resurrected from the dead, said with a gloomy expression.
“How long has it been since I died?”
“1 hour.” Kneeling on the ground, Isis reported with a slightly pale complexion.
Amon Ra frowned, a smile appeared on his gloomy face and said:
“From this point of view, Ahura should still be alive, so maybe I can see a good show in the near future.”
Snatching the sovereignty of the sun from a God King who was willing to return it, Amon Ra was already imagining the expression of Ahura Mazda who was blocked by two truths.
However, the next second Amon Ra showed a smile.
A dog-headed god, Anubis, the god of death, came to the door of the crypt tremblingly, stretched out his hand cautiously, and introduced to the crypt:
“You two, please come in. This is the place where His Majesty Amon was reborn.”
Amon Ra’s smile immediately froze on his face.

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