Aztec Domain.
You, who was brought here through the realm, stood struttingly in the central temple, leaning against the wall on one side of the temple under the eyes of the gods and Buddhas, watching the square table in the center of the temple, listening to the arguments.
On the square table, the Aztec god king Tezcatlipoca, the feathered snake god, the sun god Nanahuat, and three gods and Buddhas in the almighty realm are surrounding the center of the square table. One, the Sun Sovereign ‘Si Snake’ made a fierce verbal confrontation.
The sun god and the feathered snake god put their hopes a step closer on the sovereignty of the sun, and jointly launched an attack on Tezcatlipoca, while the god king pointed out the possibility of a trap and rejected the two gods and Buddhas. Request and propose to return the sovereignty of the sun to avoid disasters.
The two sides held their own opinions, and at a square table, they both restrained and focused on the discussion.
And the ‘disaster’ in their mouths is less than 20 meters away from them, leaning on the wall and watching them quietly, but the eyes of the three gods only have the little sun sovereign in front of them. There is a hint of greed in it.
“The one that can be accurately locked for the time being is probably the sovereignty of the Aztec group of gods… The rest are either moving at high speed, flickering, or feeling obscure and blocked by some high-end homologous authority artifacts. If Ahu If that guy really wants to shoot, the Aztecs are a good choice here.”
“Well, at least, these guys can’t fight very well!”
Shiroyasha, who was standing beside Yu, closed his eyes tightly and explained while sensing the direction of the rest of the Sun Sovereign.
You looked at the three gods on the square table playfully, but after looking at it for a while, he lost interest in the clown. This kind of opponent who can be solved only by greed characteristics is completely ignored by him.
He turned around and reminded Bai Ye:
“You forgot Greece and Kunlun.”
“Go there to grab it? Has Ahura’s brain pumped? Oh, you just said that he might be targeted by the center because of the spiritual personality of the One God, and he might really be crazy.”
Bai Yasha immediately opened his eyes full of surprise, subconsciously refuted, and then he recalled it again, secretly what?tongue.
“However, that guy wants to rely on multiple Sun Sovereigns to crush the Spirit of the only God, and break free from madness… Tsk tsk, if it weren’t for the activation of the Sovereignty to smash the Spirit, the Sun Sovereign might be infiltrated by heterogeneous forces. We seem to have grasped it. Hula’s life gate…”
If Yu guessed correctly, it is estimated that Ahura tried to forcibly improve his own essence before and after he pushed the omnipotent paradox into the center of Hakoniwa, and a certain phenomenon of madness has appeared, so in the meeting of the center, he passively obtained He lost the spiritual status of the only god, and was targeted by Hakoniwa Center together with the truth of the universe, which intensified his madness.
This is quite credible in Shiraoyasha’s view, because she obtained the final trial spirit status of [Tiandong Shuo] at the Central Meeting, when the Hakoniwa Central officially started to operate, and at the same time, Yuu was also on that occasion Obtained the spiritual status of [Atheism], and turned into a test that God and Buddha will face in the end.
According to the dictation of Nuwa and others, the gods and Buddhas who were present at the time actually benefited, but at that time all the gods were stunned by the biggest disadvantage of the paradox of omnipotence, so that they left a very deep impression on this meeting. The difference is that even the reputation of the Christian gods is not good.
However, the disadvantages of promotion are also obvious. Shiroyasha was almost completely locked out of the possibility of detachment, and Yuu would become the public enemy of the gods as soon as he was exposed. Even Ahura is now in a semi-crazy state and can only rely on the highest level in the Sun Domain It is also the price of taking a shortcut.
“If it wasn’t for the high price of helping, for Ariman’s sake, it seems that we can just give him a hand.” Bai Yasha muttered.
Listening to White Yaksha’s murmur, Yuu closed his eyes. The half-mad Ahura is a good target. His death will definitely become the sword of Damocles on the head of the god and Buddha. This is an obvious benefit, and helping the other party The disadvantage is that at least three or more of the sun sovereignty has been infiltrated by Ahura’s shattered godhead, which is beyond the tolerance of his two goddesses.
In the end, there can be no more than three Sun Sovereignities lost, which can be released by Bai Yasha according to the filling degree of faith, but absolutely no more than five.
However, the relationship with Ahriman should indeed be taken into consideration. After considering how to deal with Ahura later, he said softly:
“A person who is 80% lunatic, who can guess his thoughts? Who can be sure that he wants to be redeemed by you? It’s not a small amount to eat white-eyed wolves.”
“That’s true, but if he really focuses on Kunlun and Greece, we don’t need to take action. Whether it’s Haotian who doesn’t know if he has stepped into the truth, Gaia and the others are wondering, join hands, basically It is equal to a truth, unless a sneak attack, Ahura has little chance of winning, and it would be troublesome if they really attacked them, we have to find another target for Liwei, and we showed a little bit of truth on the side of Buddhism before…”
Hiss… Thinking that she hadn’t shown much toughness when dealing with the Buddhism’s sovereignty over the sun, Bai Yasha suddenly felt distressed. If the plan fails and the matter is investigated, she will not be able to shirk responsibility at all!
“Sure enough, let’s find a way to kill Ahura!”
Bai Yasha raised his left hand, clenched his fist violently, and said seriously.
Dead friends don’t die poor people. In order not to take the blame for her, it’s better for Ahura to die once.
Yuu opened his eyes, glanced sideways at Bai Yasha, and said in a speechless voice.
“The premise is that you can find him. Don’t forget that you and I are not as good at tracking and divination as Kronos and the laid-off emperor of Kunlun. The only Lapuzi who can detect is too weak and easy to be attacked. Backlash… How can I find Ahura’s whereabouts with the existing means?”
Hearing Yu talking about Kunlun’s “Laid-off Heavenly Emperor”, Bai Yasha’s face was a little unnatural. As the real body of “Tai Yi”, not only could she not show the characteristics of [All Laws Return to Dao], even the sun domain was half-baked. A [quality] that can be shot is simply a weakened, deleted and embarrassing version of ‘Tai Yi’.
That Halloween guy doesn’t like us because of this? This is really abominable, we are only two hundred years old, comparing us with a million-year-old monster, does this have any sense of public morality… Bai Yasha is full of anger at the Queen of Halloween.
At this moment, Yuu rubbed his brows in distress.
An Almighty who has almost stepped into the truth and is likely to go crazy is collecting the Sun Sovereignty, which is a great disturbance to their plan. Although both Yuu and Shiroyasha understand that the Sun Sovereignty is destined to spread, it must be when the gods reduce their vigilance And recognize that the ownership of sovereignty belongs to the case of White Yaksha.
Only by confirming the ownership so that the gods dare not reveal that they hold a very small part of the sun’s sovereignty, Bai Yasha can firmly hold the sun’s sovereignty, control the operation of the sun, and monopolize the solar field, so that even the gods and Buddhas who are interested in this can’t Do not bow down to her.
But the first prerequisite is to solve Ahura… Yuu frowned, and then relaxed slightly. He suddenly remembered that he didn’t need to worry about this:
“No matter which Sun sovereignty Ahura wants to rob, killing and fighting cannot be avoided. If a half-truth god and Buddha goes to war, without a strong person blocking the fluctuation, the movement will be enough to make all the truth find.”
“That’s true…” Bai Yasha nodded thoughtfully.
And not long after You finished speaking, a slightly fuzzy, faintly impatient female voice quietly sounded in his ears.
“The shepherd above the kingdom of heaven.”
“There is an eternal ruler.”
“The endlessness above the spirit treeLight. ”
“Please listen to my request…”
This is… Yu suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

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