The most suitable ability
The three-headed evil dragon, the son of extreme evil, the incarnation of absolute evil, who alone can compete with millions of gods.
With such a terrifying description, the terrifying dragon of calamity, Aziz Dahaka, is now just a newly born, wrinkled, scaly face, and an ugly baby that is completely invisible. Where can I be worthy of these terrible titles.
Yu looked at the baby deeply, and even pressed her face to the front, her eyes widened, and under the illumination of the torches around, she carefully observed Aziz Dahaka, who seemed to perceive Yu’s gaze, which was different from human babies. , opened his pale gray eyes, and giggled.
“These eyes are very similar to yours…” Gabriel held the baby quite skillfully, and placed it in the most suitable angle for you to observe. As a logistics staff of heaven, she has come into contact with too many angels Toddlers, have had considerable experience with this, at leastCrushing Yu’s experience.
You frowned, then straightened up, looked at Ahriman with a gentle face, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said.
“I can’t see it at all!”
Not only can’t see the baby’s future vicious performance, but Yuu feels strange about this baby. Although it is the fragments torn off by Ahura before his death, this child has indeed inherited his dragon breath, and Ahriman was the mother who directly contributed to his birth and gave him the curse of name…
The father in the concept of mythology… what is this, happy to be a father? It doesn’t count, it can only be said that it is a product of strength. Compared with him, Madas on the side is the real happy father. Energy, and had to endure the scandal that the queen sent down the son of God… It seemed very miserable… Yu persuaded himself not to care about Aziz Dahaka’s affairs.
After all, you can’t take care of this guy’s affairs. He can’t possibly kill Ahura once in front of Ahriman, right? Killing for no reason, destroying the Mother of Evil immediately when she gained hope, no matter how you look at it, how hated it is, and completely wasted the energy he spent before.
Just leave it alone, anyway, there is my power left in the spirit grid. In essence, Ahura’s reincarnation is the guy who can’t resist me. After all, the essence of life – the spirit grid, is created from my power .
Thinking of this, Yu sighed in his heart, intending to ignore the existence of Aziz Dahaka, no matter how strong he is in the future, your father is still your father, if he wants to beat his son, who else can Aziz Dahaka turn to for reasoning ? You can kill them before reincarnation, but after reincarnation, it will be easier.
“Let’s go, we have no reason to stay here anymore.”
A huge hat was given to King Pals. Although nothing happened, Madas definitely did not welcome them. Since they wanted to let the other party raise them, at least they would give him some face.
Didn’t look at the kneeling guards and ministers over there, did the eyes look a little different when looking at the top of Madas’s head? Those were the eyes looking at the green prairie.
“Wait a minute, I want to make sure of something.”
Ahriman, who was teasing the baby, responded with some hesitation. She is indeed confirming some things, such as Aziz Dahaka’s spiritual problem, such as whether the other party has memory or residual essence, these all need to be determined.
Hearing this, You cast a comprehensible look at Ahriman. Although he knew how serious he was, it was an indisputable fact that Ahura died tragically in his hands, and it was a fiasco without accident. Ahura was afraid of leaving Injury is also a problem.
I waited for about 2 or 3 minutes.
While Yu was willing to wait, no one showed the slightest thought of objecting, even King Pals and the ministers who were kneeling on the ground did not complain at all, even if it was only superficial.
“Sure enough, although seeing the dragon scales on the face is sure, is the process of becoming a dragon seed irreversible?” Ahriman, who finally finished the inspection, sighed helplessly, glanced at You and said. “This bloodline is too strong.”
Can I understand that you are describing me as being strong… Yuu raised his eyebrows subtly. He didn’t believe that Ahriman didn’t have the means to expel the blood of the dragon species. Leave such a bloodline to Azdahaka.
But now, this bloodline is incomplete. If it is not stripped, there will be risks in adulthood if it is not completed.
It’s like Yin Youyou’s dragon breath extended to the heads of those in the starry sky, the risk is really huge.
“Okay, I understand what you mean. If you want me to complete it, then say it as soon as possible without beating around the bush.”
Yu rolled his eyes at Ahriman, who lowered his head a little shyly.
If it is compensation, what should I use… The mother of evil took a few steps back, made room, and began to think about how to make up for Yuu’s loss. As far as La is concerned, it may be the capital to settle down.
The power revealed from the fingertips of a truth is enough to drive any existence of gods and Buddhas crazy.
Simply put, he won’t need the artifacts of authority hidden by his brother anyway, so it should be possible to exchange them… Ahriman thought with some hesitation.
And at this moment, Yu also gave something because of it.
Blood is completely impossible, and he is not a real son. He is a girlist, so the key blood is absolutely not acceptable, but it must also involve the essence of the dragon species, and it must reflect Yu’s importance to Azdahaka ‘, or in other words, it reflects the importance Yu attaches to Ahriman.
Thinking of this, the corners of Yu’s mouth twitched, feeling that his promise was too hasty.
He struggled for a while, carefully sizing up the baby’s face under the light of the torch, then he fixed his gaze, turned his head sideways, looked at the overlapping shadow of himself and Gabriel on the ground, and frowned slightly.
“Just this.”
On the ground, the light black shadow suddenly swayed, like a demon dragon with teeth and claws, roaring and circling on the ground.
Then, an insignificant shadow almost the size of a fist merged into the shadow of Azdahaka.
“The concept of shadow plus the transformation of matter and energy, let’s call it ‘Shadow of the Dragon’. This is a very suitable ability for him.”
You said meaningfully that although it is powerful, it is a small part of his shadow, which only involves the characteristics of the tenth particle.The ability to transform into a shadow blade, but in Yu’s eyes, this is the most suitable ability for Azdahaka, right?
At least in his impression, this evil god has this “ability”.
Isn’t that the ability that will definitely be available in the future?
“Legacy of the Dragon…” Ahriman repeated, and then his face showed a bit of joy. Although Yu didn’t care and wanted to limit the strength of the gift, in Ahriman’s view, this was the best choice. .
Giving a child an ability that is too strong can’t be mastered, and that ability involves a part of Yuu’s power. For Azdahaka, it has huge benefits. At least through that part, you may be able to comprehend the material or the is an energy-related power.
“Enough is enough, with enough dragon factor, in this case, even if you are an adult, there will be no problem.”
After confirming that the problem was solved, Ahriman turned around and warned Madas.
“Then this child is up to you.”
Madas raised his head and was about to say something against his will, but saw Ahriman’s lake-like, mysterious and deep eyes.
He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the past. After he obtained the divine nature and the divine personality and became a god and Buddha, at the outer gate of 226, at the foot of the holy mountain, he saw the two lofty figures, his face turned pale and hurriedly replied :
“Madas understands that from now on, Aziz Dahaka is the crown prince of Pars and the only heir!!”
On the main road of Pars Palace.
After handing over the baby to Madas and refusing to say goodbye, the group left the inner hall and came here, preparing to understand the angels in the city, and then leave.
In this world of leisure, the corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, joking Ahriman with a little surprise:
“I didn’t expect you to choose to expose yourself. Are you so worried about that King Pars messing around?”
“I’m worried that the child will be used. After all, the king is not as honest as he seems.”
Ahriman said truthfully, although she didn’t say it clearly, but now she and Yuu are on the same front, so there is no need to hide some thoughts.
Yu replied irrefutably:
“That’s true. After all, it is impossible to maintain a city-state at the lower level without any ability or ambition.”
At this moment, the door of the palace slowly opened.
But it wasn’t to say goodbye to Yuu’s departure, but someone from the outside world was entering the palace.
“Huh?” Gabriel raised his head in surprise.
“What’s wrong?” Yu glanced at Gabriel, then turned around and looked at the crowd of people who entered the palace under the guidance of the guards.
“I just saw some familiar faces.” Gabriel shook his head and explained softly. “The reinforcements who fought the fire together before, a group of blood clans calling themselves the ‘Knights of Hakoba’.”

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