World Dragon
[220] The outer door, the house in the lost forest.
On the pavilion in the courtyard, Otome with long horns and white hair and purple eyes stepped on the stone bench, put several wine barrels on the table, raised the wine glass in her hand high, and cheered loudly.
“Oh! Sure enough, the fruit wine made by Alpha still tastes the best~~”
“Eh, is it really delicious?”
Alpha, the fruit wine brewer, showed a rather surprised expression. If she remembered correctly, the one in Kuremo’s hand should be brewed with bigan flower and passion fruit, a rather ordinary god bar? But more importantly, she should put these wines in the cellar.
“Mmmmm, this taste is the best~~”
Kurimo poured down the drink, and even the ice cubes in the drink were directly crushed by her, and after drinking it, she let out a sigh of relief.
Thinking of this, Alpha looked at the stone table top, looked at the three small wine barrels in front of him, and laughed dryly.
“Xiaoju, you really like to drink.”
“Like drinking? I’m afraid you like ‘As long as you drink and pretend to be drunk, you can do whatever you want’?”
Omega, who was holding a plate of drinking peanuts, walked in front of Alpha, deliberately inserted herself between the two, and sneered.
“Omega is too much, but I managed to overcome the fear in my heart, and I came here to save you.”
Kulimore suddenly twitched his nose, pretended to be sobbing, and looked at Omega with teary eyes.
However, for Omega, who is already familiar with the temperament of Kurimo, the pitiful appearance is extremely hypocritical. Although it is said that the world dragon Kurimo has never been defeated since its birth, it is also a famous and powerful dragon species in the upper level of the small garden. But in the eyes of those who knew her well, this dragon was extremely cowardly.
Because this dragon can only do one move in the face of a powerful enemy, and that is to indent into its turtle shell.
And the tortoise shell holds the concept of ‘world’ and is fully deployed to be comparable to the size of stars. The ‘world ship’, known as the strongest defense of Hakoba, is the highest level of armor in Hakoba.
To put it bluntly, in terms of defense, this dragon tortoise in the omnipotent field is undoubtedly the strongest in Hakoniwa!
But its own attack power? Although the material realm is the top three, in the conceptual realm… the omnipotent realm is the sixth from the bottom, known as one of the six shames of the upper class.
“Come to the rescue? Can you come here for anything other than being beaten?” Omega squinted at the wine barrel on the table, and then said coldly. “I should have said, don’t go near Alpha’s cellars.”
“Huh? Before you said that, did you have the ability to hurt me?”
Kulimo raised his legs, lifted the wine barrel with a proud face, opened the lid, and poured ice cubes directly into it.
Omega’s brows twitched slightly, and her expression suddenly became dangerous.
“Okay, okay, don’t you smell like gunpowder every time you meet?”
Alpha was accustomed to being a peacemaker, and routinely persuaded him to fight. Anyway, it is definitely impossible to fight, so it is good to persuade verbally to persuade.
“However, speaking of this, I really didn’t expect you to come to watch the house for us, Xiaoju.”
“Anyway, you are also one of the few friends of Xiaoju. Seeing that you have provoked that kind of terrifying guy, although you are not afraid of each other at all, but after thinking about it, I still stopped by to help you guard your hometown. It should be easy to get here…”
“You want to protect the wine cellar, right?”
“Well… I have a little bit of this idea.”
To this, Kulimo was powerless to refute. She glanced at Omega, who had a calm face, blinked, took a sip of the fruit wine secretly, and then changed the subject lamely.
“Speaking of which, Ahriman is actually later than Xiaoju me?”
“She won’t come.”
Omega said calmly. As one of the insiders, it was odd that Ahriman would leave the Holy Mountain for support.
“Hey, did you guys have any conflicts?” Kurimo glanced at Omega suspiciously. The meeting was fine more than a hundred years ago. How could that evil god’s shame suddenly ignore the danger of his friend and be indifferent?
Omega was silent for a while, and it was hard to explain. After all, once the reason was revealed, Kulimo would definitely know the fact that he was excluded from the plan. This reason obviously cannot be brought to the table.
“There’s no conflict.” Alpha replied in a rather brisk tone. “It’s just that something happened to Ahriman’s brother.”
“Ahura, that guy, his temper has been getting worse and worse in the last few hundred years. He didn’t care about Xiaoju taking the holy fire wine before, and even after it was brewed, he told me to come and sit down, but I went there 70 years ago. I took it once, and I actually tried to drive people away, I guess there is something wrong with my brain.”
Kulimo sighed with a sad face, only to feel that the world is getting worse and worse, and even honest people are starting toBullied the dragon.
Although the premise is a bit strange, the result is correct… Is it the intuition of the dragon species? Omega thought a little strangely.
“By the way, is it really good to not let Xiaoju put up the strongest defense? That unknown kin is terrifyingly strong, and it is a monster that completely surpasses Xiaoju in the material system tree. If you don’t take good precautions, it will eat big. loss.”
Kulimo persuaded her friends with persuasion. Although this kind of open-air banquet is very good, when she thought that a male dragon might be staring at the nearby dragon, her neck became cold. He fled after the confrontation between the other party and Chronos. If he was caught here, the fun would be great.
“Don’t worry, the grievance with Shiroyasha has been understood.” Alpha calmly picked up the tea set on the table and brewed black tea. “Are you still drinking the old Dahongpao?”
“Yes, yes, the one with alcohol.” Kulimo nodded again and again and said expectantly: “Sure enough, Alpha is the most considerate.”
Saying that, she turned her head and looked at Omega with disgust.
“Compared to someone, it’s just a small, intimate little padded jacket.”
“Huh~” Omega sneered.
Kulimo raised the corner of her mouth, and just as she was about to respond, an electric arc flashed in her mind, and the breath of a dragon seed forcefully broke her connection with the believers, and she fled with the other party in her arms.
Her face changed immediately, and then her eyes lit up with raging fire.
“Okay, you actually bullied Xiaoju. Don’t these reckless compatriots count? Will you rob a witch who likes others? Alpha, borrow the pupil of farsightedness from Xiaoju.”
“Huh?” Alpha raised his head in astonishment, and without thinking much, he directly took out a pure white crystal ball with lines on his eyes.
After taking out the artifact, Alpha directly handed it to Klimo.
Kulimo took the crystal ball swiftly and hummed:
“Hum hum hum!! Just wait, the wild dragon that appeared out of nowhere, Xiaoju will let you know what cruelty is!!”
She laughed recklessly, but locked the position of the belief break with her far-sighted pupils, gathered energy, and directly tore the space, and shot from the upper layer towards the lower realm.
Kurimo’s palm suddenly turned into a ferocious and sharp dragon claw, and he grabbed fiercely towards the void in front of him!

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