Willful Queen
Meath City, the back garden of the Central Temple.
In the center of the cropped landscape plants, in a pavilion made of marble, full of rude Celtic style, the Halloween Queen lying on a reclining chair pulled off the blindfold on her face, blinked, and stared at the ceiling blankly, It seems to be thinking about something.
On the other side, Skaha, who was standing beside the Queen of Halloween, beckoned to the maid next to her after seeing the queen wake up. The maid who was nodding her head in the afternoon was instantly rejoicing, and then quickly took out the gift of space storage. A full set of tea sets, brewed black tea for the Queen of Halloween.
Skaha watched a maid take out the fresh goat milk from Midian that was delivered 15 minutes ago. After watching another person pour the spring water of the right temperature into the black tea, after confirming that the procedure was roughly correct, he turned around. Come to the Queen of Halloween, and wait for the queen with the spirit of getting up to gradually wake up.
After about 3 minutes, the Queen of Halloween regained focus. She narrowed her eyes slightly and glanced at Skaha.
“How long did I take a nap?”
“90 minutes, including 360 minutes last night, you have slept for 450 minutes today, and there are 10 minutes left. The chefs will deliver today’s afternoon tea here. It is expected that the prophet Kesba will deliver it in an hour and a half. I’m here to show you today’s official business.”
Skaha, who was standing upright beside her, replied quickly, she was like an experienced housekeeper, and she reported the Queen of Halloween’s next itinerary.
Although she is actually Yu’s favorite concubine, for Skaha, the Queen of Halloween is an object that cannot be ignored. As far as the Queen is concerned, the demigod within Skaha is always within the grasp of the other party.
Therefore, after the Queen of Halloween asked for a housekeeper, Skaha quickly began to perform the function of housekeeper.
“Well… I’ve had enough sleep… Then start using afternoon tea to pass the boring time.”
The Queen of Halloween blinked, then sat up on the reclining chair, glanced at the brewed black tea, stretched out her hand to squeeze the handle, put the teacup to her mouth, and touched the corner of her lips to the tea.
She frowned suddenly, then turned her head and looked around.
“Who made this milk tea?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
A maid walked tremblingly in front of the Queen of Halloween.
The Queen of Halloween raised her brows, moved her arms, raised the teacup to the side of the grass, and then turned it over and poured all the tea into the grass.
“The order of milk and black tea is wrong. You put milk first and then black tea. Really, can’t you do such a trivial thing?”
“I’m so sorry!”
The maid knelt down in fear.
“Okay, I’m not interested in listening to your apology, and leave this temple before tomorrow.” The Queen of Halloween sighed lightly, waved her hand, and said indifferently. “Skaha, you soak it again. Another lady, please read Skaha’s process clearly, I don’t want this kind of low-level mistake to happen again.”
“Yes!!” The maid holding the bag of fresh milk looked nervous and quickly lowered her head in response.
“Go back.” Skaha said to the maid who was kneeling on the ground, then ignored the other party, picked up the tea set aside, and started to make black tea for the Queen of Halloween, and then said with a smile: “Queen, you It should also be clear that for these ordinary people, it is impossible to brew black tea to the extent of the crown.”
The Queen of Halloween sighed softly, and then said a little unhappily:
“Of course I didn’t expect them to reach the level of Yuu. After all, when he was making tea, he used to use material authority to interfere with the substances in the black tea, so that they reached the right proportion. It is impossible for these servants to meet the requirements for authority alone, but At least don’t make mistakes in the program, milk tea should be put in milk first, black tea or something is completely evil!”
“Your Majesty has been enjoying it quite well.”
Skahallo shook his head helplessly, and used his authority to make tea. You would also think that this method would use up her power in vain, and it would also trick her. She has always been very confident in her tea-making skills. , but in the finicky mouth of the Queen of Halloween, it has become a reluctantly imported product.
At this time, the Queen of Halloween was a little tangled and said: “Hmm!! Speaking of which, this should be the 7th maid I recently expelled, right? Among the Celts, women who are good at serving people seem to be extremely rare. It seems that Now the rest are all the things that I drove out of the temple, right?”
“Yes. It seems that you finally realize the evil of your actions.bad. “Skaha said half-jokingly.
The Queen of Halloween nodded, then snapped her fingers and said:
“Sure enough, it’s not very good to let a martial Celtic woman do such a thing, in that case…”
Skarhar paused, looking at the Queen of Halloween nervously.
“Since this is the case, there is no way to do it. Let me know that from now on, the Celts are only allowed to have girls, and they must receive an elite maid education at a young age! In this way, in twenty or thirty years, I will be able to Have you successfully harvested a large number of excellent maids?”
Looking at the Halloween Queen with bright eyes, Skaha couldn’t help but raised his forehead and said:
“I knew you had a crooked idea again, please restrain your self-willedness, and make it impossible to restrict the gender of the next generation of Celts, even if you insist on it, your majesty will not agree. ”
Hearing Skaha’s reply, the Queen of Halloween immediately issued a different opinion:
“Why don’t you agree? As long as you tell Yu that you can exercise the first night rights over beautiful women at will, he should be very happy, right?”
“…Your vileness has reached the point where I am speechless.” Skaha was stunned for a while, and then handed the brewed milk tea to the Queen of Halloween in annoyance: “Please enjoy this cup. milk tea.”
The potential meaning is ‘Shut up, it’s not good to be a person! ’
The Queen of Halloween squinted and said with a smile:
“Skaha, my orders need to be executed.”
Facing the Queen’s veiled threat, Skaha responded without fear:
“What if His Majesty wants to exercise such a right against you?”
The Queen of Halloween frowned a few times, and then said without changing her color: “Oh, this plan seems to be a little out of place, so let’s put it on hold for the time being.”
“You’re right.” Skaha nodded with a smile, and then continued: “By the way, an hour and a half ago, the guards communicated that His Majesty had returned, but His Majesty Angela, who was receiving Zoroastrianism, added Queen, you are taking a lunch break, so I didn’t bother you.”
The Queen of Halloween raised her brows and said a little unhappily:
“Huh? You only informed me at this time. Are you planning to do something bad?”
Skaha didn’t answer, expressing his acquiescence.
The Queen of Halloween nodded clearly and sighed:
“That person~ In his own words, he is really a teddy dog ​​walking on two legs!”
Skaha continued without saying a word. After all, if she answered, the Queen of Halloween would definitely make fun of her, that she was a woman who was ridden by a ‘Teddy’, and the lord she served was just like that, with a bad personality!
At this moment, the door of the main temple opened, and a maid walked quickly to Skaha’s side and muttered a few times in her ear.
Skaha’s face changed slightly, then turned around and said to the somewhat surprised Queen of Halloween:
“Presumably you should have heard that His Majesty Knicks is already waiting in the side hall, waiting to meet with you.”
“Knicks…” The Queen of Halloween frowned, while guessing the purpose of Knicks’ visit, she put down the milk tea in her hand, stood up and said. “Then let’s go, let the goddess of the night wait for a long time, the consequences are quite serious.”

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