I’ll lose if I research it
“Are you asking ‘His’? Oh, just a poor brainless bastard.”
Hearing those disdainful words, Sakyamuni and Yawei fell into silence.
“Amitabha.” Sakyamuni recited the Buddha’s name lightly and said nothing more, but he was extremely shocked in his heart.
Just before, he tried to disperse the [death] power of this land with his own authority, but that strange force seemed to be a variant from the authority of time, and its quality was so high that it was terrifyingly high, even he couldn’t Dispel it without resorting to special measures.
The person who makes the shot must be the existence of the truth series, and the strength is higher than him and Yawei. This is something that Sakyamuni and Yawei have confirmed.
However, this kind of existence has only received such a contemptuous evaluation from Youkou as a ‘brainless poor bastard’.
Are you bracing yourself? There is no reason. At their level, strong is strong and weak is weak. There is no need for jealousy and ridicule. Therefore, it is the problem of the unknown existence itself. Although its power is strong, even surpassing the truth, but because of its own The problem was despised by Zhou You and regarded as the wrong route… When Sakyamuni thought of this, his heart was shocked.
He subconsciously turned his head, looked to the east, and looked at the pillar of the sky that connected the sky and the earth in the distance, piercing the earth and the starry sky.
So that’s the case… Its backhand, this really can only be described as a poor worm… Sakyamuni sighed clearly, and agreed with Yu’s description in every possible way.
At the same time, Yawei also shifted his gaze to the center of the box garden, looked at the pillar of the sky, and sighed:
“Poor fool, what an apt description.”
In the existence of the truth series, the Hakoniwa center is the strongest, but it is also the weakest.
What’s strong is that it covers the universe and commands all order. What’s weak is that it’s just a collection of rules, without any intelligence or flexibility.
The former is feared by truth people, while the latter is the result of the concerted efforts of all the gods and Buddhas who built the center.
Therefore, as long as there are gods and Buddhas in the world, and the truth of the universe like them still exists, there is no possibility for the birth of wisdom in the Hakoniwa center.
“Although you need to be on guard, you shouldn’t be afraid.” Sakyamuni sighed softly, and then smiled.
If a strange existence really appeared suddenly, Sakyamuni would have to deduce the possible changes in Hakoniwa, but if the power of the center leaked, then the matter would be simple.
Facing the “powerful man” who was heavily restricted, everyone present had at least four ways to deal with him. That’s why Sakyamuni uttered an assertion that was nothing to be afraid of.
Compared with this matter, Sakyamuni is more concerned about why Yu immediately judged the existence of Ruin Gao Tianyuan, which is closely connected with the “Hakoniwa Center”, and is the intelligence of Greece? The possibility is very small. In contrast, the possibility of Kunlun is better.
It seems that it is indeed necessary to contact Kunlun. No, or rather, it would be more appropriate to contact this person… Sakyamuni glanced at You, then kept silent and fell into a trap.into contemplation.
“Since it can take out a hand to annihilate a group of gods, it means that there is a gap in the system we have built. This is not something that can cope with the past without fear.” Yawei said calmly, the center of the small garden can directly sanction , for them, it is okay to say, it is a devastating disaster for the next-level omnipotent realm, and even the lower level.
It can be seen from the tragedy of Gao Tianyuan that a group of three almighty realms and eight million hair gods was destroyed in an instant, and even the signal for help could not be sent out, which is enough to prove the disaster caused by this gap. terrifying.
“But we don’t have much information on it.” Sakyamuni replied with a smile, but those two eyes stared straight at Yu, as if waiting for Yu to express his attitude.
This is a hint, implying that the exchange of favors, that You pay a certain amount of information, and Buddhism and the Cross religion owe an equivalent benefit… After realizing this, You slightly frowned, thought for a while, lightly laughed:
“The final trial, the wind of decadence.”
After speaking, his figure became brighter like an oil painting, the white was whiter, the yellow was more yellow, and then these bright colors were quietly distorted, turned into a spiral, and disappeared in the air with Yu’s figure. middle.
“The final trial? The wind of decadence?” Sakyamuni chewed these two words silently and took them in his heart.
This wave of exchange is not a loss. At least, they locked the target, determined the enemy’s attributes and the direction of future research.
“Take the destruction of Gao Tianyuan as a model to investigate.” Yawei, who was beside him, also realized this, and immediately suggested.
“Alright!” Shakyamuni nodded and chanted the Buddha’s name.
“The two old guys are afraid that they will study why Gao Tianyuan was destroyed, and want to find out the mechanism of the wind of decadence, so that’s fine. I can use up the energy of these two people, and save them from going out to make trouble…” The corners of Yu’s mouth Slightly upturned, a nasty smile appeared on his face.
Why Gao Tianyuan was destroyed was purely an accident, even Yuu didn’t know after the fact, Taiyi took this group of gods to the knife.
This kind of pure coincidence, only if Sakyamuni and Yahweh can study it out is a ghost.
“It’s almost there!” You muttered.
The pitch-black void suddenly became brightly colored.
Yu, who stepped into reality from the realm, stopped, stood in front of a snow-white mountain range, looked at the steep mountain range covered with white ash, frowned, raised one leg, and kicked the rock wall.
The dull impact sounded, the huge mountain trembled, and then slowly began to squirm.
The sky was full of white ashes, and bright white scales were exposed, and the huge mountain range finally showed its prototype – a giant snake like a mountain.
Suddenly, eight huge snake heads protruded from the ‘mountain’, and lowered their heads in unison. As they moved, Yu’s figure appeared in the sixteen eyes, and then, the eyes secreted A lot of tears, like seeing a long-lost relative, let out a dry howl.
Yuu blocked his ears with his fingers very foresight, and then said a little irritably:
“Stop yelling, shrink your body size, and I’ll take you out of here. Really, that Emperor of Heaven has a head and tail in his work. He sent someone to tell me what the hell is to recover pets.”
The huge eight heads nodded one after another, and then quickly shrank in size. After a while, they became the size of a bracelet.
The Orochi Yachi danced for a distance in the air, flew to Yu’s side, rolled up, wrapped around Yu’s wrist, and then stopped.
Yu glanced at Orochi Yachi, then took a step and entered the transmission of the realm again.

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