The parchment paper with jet-black light falls from the sky like a waterfall.
A terrifying and strange force permeates the sky and the earth, tampering with the rules, blocking everything, isolating the entire astrological platform from the original space, turning it into a divine domain.
Hesiod, who had seen this scene through the poet’s spirit, was instantly devastated. He didn’t have time to hesitate. He completely ignored his concealment and rushed out of the corner of the astrological platform. shouted in Chinese:
“There is no limit to heaven and earth, thousands of miles to follow!!”
The dragon girls who were cleaning the astrological table all around looked at the strange clown who suddenly appeared.
At this moment, the stitched cloth suddenly glowed with a black light, with a black light all over its head, screaming up to the sky, and a lively divine dog appeared on the cloth watch.
This is Hesiod, who sent hundreds of carefully selected ones through his relationship, and at the same time mentally thinks he is a bitch. This is the escape power that was re-engraved from the roaring dog of the heaven. At this time, facing the When the final trial came, he took out the divine right to escape without thinking, in an attempt to escape the blockade of the final trial.
On the stitched cloth, the living divine dog lowered his head, his jet-black eyes fixed on Hesiod’s face, he jumped out of the paper with a bang, and he was about to run away with Hesiod in his mouth.
Hesiod’s face was overjoyed, and he immediately relaxed his body, preparing to escape with the help of the divine dog’s power. However, at this time, the divine dog in the painting saw the black parchment flying in the air, the dog’s eyes were stunned, and then he snorted and jumped. When he opened, he took the dazed dragon girl on the side, turned into a flash of light, and disappeared into the heaven and earth with a swish.
Hesiod, who was holding the canvas tightly, said with a dazed expression:
“Hey, is the god dog also blind? I’m still here!”
At this moment, a warning sign suddenly came from his spiritual sense. He rolled on the spot without thinking about it, rolled out more than ten meters, and then jumped up like a spring. De looked at the position where he was before with the corner of his eyes.
I saw that the place was being madly washed away by a black illusory current. In just a few breaths, the solid and dark ground quickly turned yellow, decayed, and then turned into a pool of dirty yellow sand.
Hesiod’s scalp went numb, and he rolled and crawled, and ran towards the bottom of the astrological platform. The waist became four horseshoe-like legs, running like a hot wheel.
At this moment, the black torrent, which had already discovered that the attack had failed, turned on the spot, like a sinister viper, catapulting and crawling in the air, rapidly attacking Hesiod.
During this process, from time to time guards and maids were involved in the torrent, turning into a pile of dead bones in an instant.
The black torrent circled and ejected, approaching Hesiod in an instant, and with a bang, he was involved in the torrent.
The colorful figure wearing the clown mask screamed, and then gradually melted into a white cotton cloth, which rotted into sand in the torrent.
And in a corner below the horoscope, a sweaty Hesiod jumped out of the shredded paper on the ground and ran towards the stage without looking back.
With a joking voice, it sounded between heaven and earth.
Hesiod’s pupils shrank, and he was stunned to find that his four horse legs had stopped. However, when he saw his front legs frozen in mid-air, his face suddenly turned white.
‘Not stopped, but suspended… time power? ‘Hesiod was in despair and wanted to break out the spirit, and he desperately fought, but found that he could not perceive the existence of the spirit. He wanted to open his mouth to ask for help, but found that the random and natural movements in the past were extremely difficult at this moment. , so difficult that there is no hope of completion.
At this moment, under the horoscope, a white-haired old man with a goatee and an English gentleman’s walking stick, a tall hat, a double-breasted tuxedo, and a goatee was stepping up the steps step by step toward Hesio. De comes.
Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Hesiod fell into deep despair.
As the old man stepped up the steps gracefully, he looked at Hesiod and said:
“Use painting to reproduce power, and use cloth for writing to make avatars. I remember that it was only three years since you obtained the spiritual status of a poet? Did you create this interesting ability in just three years? The possibility of human beings is again. It was beyond my imagination.”
Chronos came to Hesiod, took off his high hat, and gave the latter a salute:
“However, that’s it. I’m sorry to tell you that your story is over, poet Hesiod.”
At the moment when the words fell, Hesiod suddenly let out a scream.
At this moment, his arm glowed with black light, turning into two terrifying dragon heads, biting Kronos’ shoulders from left to right.
With a puff.
Those sharp and sharp teeth were deeply embedded in Chronos’ body, firmly fixing the opponent on the spot.
The black high-top hat fell to the ground, and the old figure was also bitten by two dragons and snakes, and he was about to be torn to pieces in the next second.
Faced with this sudden situation, Chronos was not surprised, but instead happily laughed and said:
“Sure enough, there is an ambush behind him? But since it’s here, why hide it? Your Excellency Chief of Staff.”
Under the scorching sun, Hesiod’s shadow began to spread silently, and then, wearing a black tights., the silver-haired youth with an indifferent face gradually rose from the shadows.
Seeing his young old enemy, Chronos smiled happily:
“Looking at your appearance, you have received a gift from me.”
Yu didn’t say much, just kept silent. The encounter between Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween had already reached his ears through Lappzi’s channel. Although he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he still guessed what the strange power that had hit the two of them was. from whom.
“I didn’t expect that you would actually cooperate with them.” You sighed, and then said calmly, the matter has come to this point, it’s too late to say anything, and Chronos has already tried to see it, and we will see who will come next. The superior skill decides life and death.
“They?” Chronos was surprised for a moment, then said with a smile, “No no no, you misunderstood, I just used those things.”
“Huh?” Hearing these words, Yu looked at Chronos with some doubts, using? thing? This obviously abnormal, basically condescending attitude made him feel a little weird.
Before Yuu could continue to think, Chronos continued:
“Presumably you should know that this is a trap, right?”
Yu snorted in his heart, without words, just sneered at Chronos. When he came to rescue Hesiod, he realized that this was the possibility of a trap, and after seeing the authority of the organizer representing the final trial, he was basically certain.
Whether it’s his past experiences or the information of the twin goddesses, he clearly told Yu that Kronos was divided into two people a long time ago, and one of them became the final trial and became the ancient man who ravaged the little garden. Demon King.
However, just as Shiroyasha is limited by the final trial and cannot escape, the Chronos who incarnates the final trial is bound to be limited by the center of the garden, and now, this Chronos exists in front of him, Then it is obvious that Chronos who is detaching is the one.
And the purpose of the other party’s attack on Hesiod is even more obvious, and only the information leakage of the real body can make this super god impatiently want to do it, or use this to attract him to come.
Chronos smiled lightly, then stretched out his hand, and the tall hat on the ground flew into his hands. He lowered his head, pressed the hat on his head, and said in a relaxed tone:
“As you think, my purpose is to attract you here, to trap your pace with the final trial.”
“For this reason, you don’t hesitate to expose your hidden deity for a long time?” He sighed and stretched out his hand, and a conch flew out of Hesiod. He played with it, brought it to his ear, and after listening for a while, was surprised. He raised his eyebrows: “Do you actually pretend to be a gatekeeper giant all the time? I remember that the giant’s spiritual personality has always been human, right? From the very beginning, did you replace your essence from the center and incarnate into a human?”
The giants of Hakoba and humans actually belong to the same spirituality, and even orcs are included in the category of humans. Using the latest concept to explain, these so-called aliens are humans who have the gifts of ‘giants’ and ‘orcs’.
It seems that there are thousands of races in the little garden, but in essence, there are only four races: protoss, gods and Buddhas, dragons, and humans. All other races are extensions of these four.
“It’s just as you thought.” Chronos shrugged indisputably, then smiled at You: “So, do you want to continue? Fight here? Or watch me escape?”
Hearing these words, the corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and she said with a bit of sneer on her face:
“Neither of the two, do you think you are the only one hiding your cards?”
Chronos frowned slightly, then looked at Yu in front of him and fell silent.
Mount Olympus, holy lake.
Wearing black shoulder armor, the illusory figure of Chronos frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice:
“Anyone behind?”
He didn’t think Yuu was alarmist. It was a matter of course for Chronos that the other party had a backhand, but it was certainly not many, at most three to five, and it was still uncertain whether it would be fatal to him. The damage, otherwise, the other party will not be holding the back hand and waiting for an opportunity.
However, for Chronos, these are just falsehoods. He can’t give up the shackles of breaking free from the shackles of the center because of his hidden backhand, and detached from the long-cherished wish of the small garden, and for him, if he is afraid of the so-called trump card, he will also Can’t reach today’s heights.
“Then let me see, what’s behind you?”
Chronos laughed loudly, then jumped forward and took a step.
Stepping down one step, the world suddenly lost all its color.
The invisible black wind comes from the end of time, and everything in matter, concepts, and rules is consumed by this black wind, like a tyrant who destroys everything, destroying everything in this world.
Chronos sneered, stretched out his palm, and shouted:
The torrent of time immediately began to retrograde, and the black wind that came from the end was roaring and was thrown into the future where it was originally, and the things that were consumed under the black wind were restored to the original by the mighty power of time. .
“If I’m still inside the little garden, I’m still afraid of you for three points, outside the little garden? You’re just a joke.” Chronos sneered, and then took another step.
This step directly crossed Mount Olympus, stepped out of the box garden, came to the cosmic starry sky, and came before a pillar that penetrated the sky and the earth, like a pillar of the sky that runs through the universe.
He looked at the pillar of that day calmly, completely ignoring the hatred and anger that came from the other party, instead he stretched out his hand., tore off a piece of the pillar of the sky, looked up to the sky and laughed:
“Thank you very much, my mother, maybe it’s a bit presumptuous, but please give me a helping hand.”
The Pillar of Heaven, which had been torn off part of it, became more and more angry, and black winds filled its body, causing the entire Little Garden to be shrouded in dark clouds.
“Don’t be so excited, maybe soon, I will come back and talk to you like [Taiyi].”
Chronos shook his head slightly, and then took a step again. In this step, he jumped out of the shrouded area of ​​the center of the small garden and came to the strange and deep turbulent time and space.
And at this moment, a hand stretched out from the nothingness and backhanded towards Chronos…
…press down.

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