The Cause
History has disappeared… You first felt surprised when he heard these words, and then showed consternation. He looked at Lapuzi, his eyes widened, and his voice was slightly hoarse;
“You mean the past [human history] disappeared?”
【History of Humanity】
The source of all anomalies in Little Garden is engraved in the subconscious minds and inheritances of countless human beings in the multiverse, and even the [history] mixed with planetary memories. A collection with the human will [Alaya].
It defines the protoss, affects the pure-blooded dragon, and directly interferes with the birth of the gods and Buddhas. It is the source of all the powers of Hakoba.
The reason why it is called history is that the power of the existing gods and Buddhas comes from [image and belief in the past], that is, belief in transcendental existences such as gods born in ancient times.
However, now, this image seems to have disappeared, and the only existence that can cause this terrible phenomenon… Yu can’t help recalling that indescribable, transcendental existence, and because of this, he was affected by [knowledge], showing pain on his face color.
Seeing Yu’s painful appearance, Rappo first shrank his head, and then said with a slightly frightened expression:
“Yes, if it hadn’t been mentioned by His Majesty Alpha, I would never have noticed that I only had the memory of more than two years before I contacted the leader. As for the memory of how I was born and how I lived in Hakoniwa, there was absolutely no memory left. Impressed, and it is said that the same is true of Alpha, she even forgot how she built the center of the little garden, and where to apply the memory of the secret hand…”
Saying this, Lappzi said with a terrified expression:
“According to the words of His Majesty Alpha, this unknown mutation has affected the history of mankind in the outside world. According to observations, starting from the birth of Jesus, the old mythology has completely disappeared, and people have completely lost their understanding of ancient times. , but strangely did not find any anomalies.”
“At present, the gods of Hakoba rely on their beliefs in the past two years to survive, and His Majesty Yahweh of the Crusaders has launched a call to rebuild the history of mythology, asking the main gods of the gods to give up the disputes over the stars and go to the outside world to rebuild mythology.”
“Is that so…” Yu squeezed his brows to ease the pain in his brain, and then said, “That’s why Alpha asked you to ask me, ‘Do you know the inside story of this turmoil’?”
Yu overturned the guess that Alpha questioned himself before. The other party estimated that he had no time to worry about the loss of those gifts. Instead, he was more concerned about the existence that deprived the [History] of the small garden. If he guessed correctly, this is probably the The handwriting of the [Supreme Demon].
Swallowing the past of human history in one go? Does it really deserve to be Azathoth? This appearance fee is really high…Yu frowned, and then continued:
“I already have a clue about this matter. I will negotiate with Alpha later. In the meantime, Rappi, let the intelligence department search for the traces of Yavgomon.”
Having said this, Yu suddenly noticed that Lappzi’s expression was a little weird, her eyes widened, her mouth wide open, as if she was stuffed into a ping-pong ball, and she looked behind her in astonishment.
Yu was surprised for a moment, then turned her head and looked at the intact astrological platform behind her, towering like a cloud, and the golden real dragon who placed his head on the top of the platform, closed his eyes and fell asleep with the sound of a mountain-like dragon.
[Star Sea Dragon King]
The long-dead ancestor god of the heavenly court was sitting cross-legged on the astrological platform and fell asleep.
You glanced at the ruins of the astrological platform beside him, watched them slowly disappear in the air, and sensed the fluctuations of time and space around him, he couldn’t help but muttered to himself, “Why didn’t you come here…”
“I’m afraid, it’s for me.” Nayko, who had been silent for a while, laughed dryly.
As if echoing Nayiko’s words, the atmosphere suddenly shook.
ThatThe majestic golden real dragon like a mountain suddenly opened his eyes, and the glazed dragon eyes stared at the two of them, and a howl full of anger roared from the dragon’s mouth.
The sound waves oscillated, the clouds scattered, the atmospheric ripples rippled, and the violent anger was like an invisible boulder, pressing on everyone’s hearts.
“[Hour of Rage] Yavgomon.”
Yoo murmured the other party’s name, and without looking back, said to Lapuzi.
“Release the clone, don’t notify Shiroyasha and the others, let them wait for my news.”
Lapuzi opened his mouth, but he also knew that he was only a drag in this series of battlefields, and this was the case when facing the Star Sea Dragon King, not to mention the existence hidden behind the scenes called Yavgomon.
She thought about it for a while, and dispersed her avatars in front of Yu, but for the first time she disobeyed Yu’s order and buried many avatars at the far boundary of the outer gate to observe the battlefield.
Superfluous little action… Yu said with a little amusing in his heart, but knowing that Rappo was worried about himself, he was not prepared to punish the other party. As long as the other party was well-behaved outside the battlefield, it would be considered an order for Yu.
“How is your situation? Your strength wasted a lot in resisting His Majesty’s greetings, not to mention a part of your body was consumed in the summoning ceremony…” Nayazi said, she almost told Yuu Kuai directly Came to find my way to recover’.
In the face of rage, Yuu, whose power is underestimated, will only become a target, which will affect Naiako’s performance. However, according to Yug’s attitude, Yuu is the key to successfully sealing Avogmon.
That bubble, always doing things that annoy me… Nayiko cursed in her heart, but at this moment, Yu adjusted her breathing, and an illusory pale light appeared on her body.
“Although it may be missed by the central hub of the small garden, but now there is no other way.”
He sighed, and then his body gradually became pale and illusory, like pieces of foam gathered together. In contrast, Yu’s weak aura became stronger and stronger, and even surpassed the peak period of the past.
However, this is, one after another illusory chains stretched out from the nothingness, wandering around Yuu, trying to block his body.
“Using the divine spectrum to replace the essence of Chronos? Let the center of the small garden mistake you for Chronos, and use the characteristics of the final trial to restore your own injuries… It’s a blessing that you can think of this.” Seeing this scene, Nayiko’s eyes lit up involuntarily, with a look of surprise on her face.
Although it is said that this kind of fraud was carried out by using the mechanism of the little garden center, ignoring the fact that human history has been damaged, but in Nayko’s view, this is the safest way to recover in a short period of time. As for the loss of the little garden center ? That’s not on Naiyako’s body at all.
Relying on the center of the little garden to recover completely, Yu suddenly separated her connection with the identity of ‘Kronos’. After the illusory chain disappeared, she looked at the distant Star Sea Dragon King and said:
“Then what’s your clue about Yavgomon?”
“Does it count as perishing together? I summoned [Black Pharaoh] and [Swelling Daughter], and killed each other directly for two lives?”
Naiya blinked and said with a smile.
You twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile:
“Please feel free.”
“Well, I don’t want to be hunted down by Tavel, and if it doesn’t work out, Yog will end up.”
Seeing Yu’s indifferent attitude, Naiyako pouted, then looked at the violent dragon king in the distance, squinted his eyes and said:
“I am afraid that the land in front has been dominated by Aphogmon and become his domain. According to my understanding of him, once I step into it, I am afraid that I will encounter a sniper from the ‘future’ myself. I understand a little bit. Why did Gena Mansao send you to this thousand years ago?”
Yu’s eyes flickered for a while, expressing indifference to this. As early as when he came to Little Garden, he discovered that there was a problem with the ability of Dirac’s heart to return to other worlds, which brought him a certain crisis warning. · The fact that Sotos sends back the ‘past’.
However, according to Naiako, is the timeline of his true birth a thousand years after Hakoniwa… You narrowed his eyes, then thought for a moment according to Naiako’s words, and then continued:
“According to what you mean, once I step forward, I will go to the future and be killed by myself?”
“It’s not you, it’s us. This incarnation of Yog is a bit special. He is one of the few rulers who has no body, and the image displayed on the outside is a dazzling light. It is precisely because there is no entity that he chooses to play with time and space. Create the entertainment of letting the enemy defeat himself.”
“And according to his temperament, only when he is provoked will he show his conceptual image in front of life. Fortunately, that guy is easily provoked, which is his only advantage.”
Being irritable is actually an advantage… He opened his mouth, not knowing how to describe the advantages in Naiako’s mouth, but he understood a little bit about Naiako’s information.
“So the goal is to step into the front, and while resisting his own sniping in the future, anger Afogmon and make him appear?”
“That’s right, do you need me to offer a kiss?” Naiyako blinked and said with a smile.
“Let’s party.” You took a breath of cold air, then narrowed his eyes and said, “And then, how to seal the other party, did His Majesty Yog tell me how to seal his incarnation?”
This question has been guessed for a long time. In his history, Yoger let it go.Nayazi had this part of the consideration when he caught up with him, and now, he even thought that the other party had long expected Nayazi’s behavior and deliberately asked her to follow to release his avatar.
And now, Yu has an additional question in his heart.
What is the benefit of this self-directed and self-acted drama to the One Who is One?
“Didn’t he say it? Oh, I guess you expected to use the annihilation function of Dirac’s Heart?”
Naiako tapped her palm, and then she became enlightened.
“However, that guy really likes to hide behind the scenes. If it wasn’t for the insidiousness of that guy, I really wanted to stuff a black goat into his anus. Oh, he doesn’t have an anus.”
Insidious is more appropriate to describe you… You sighed, and then said:
“Now, go in directly?”
“Almost, in my case, since there is no infancy, I will soon be able to get rid of Afogmon’s game, but if you are in the past, I am afraid that you will reshape your past again, I will later Cast a spell that will allow you to reshape from the recent past, so that the impact should be minimized.”
Nayiko’s eyes flickered for a while, then she put her hands behind her and said with a smile.
From the recent past? Yu raised his eyebrows, expressing his incompetence. According to Naiako, if it is a normal situation, Yavgomon will summon the enemy’s future appearance and snipe him, but the situation is not normal.
He is now in the past, but if he looks back into the future, he will see him who was just born. Such a future will not pose any threat to him, but if he goes back further into the future, only his own strength in the period of magic ban is still alive. OK, but facing the current self, I’m afraid it’s just a drop in the bucket.
And if according to Naiako’s statement, it started in the near future and started back from the period of the forbidden period, then the more backtracking, the weaker and weaker the future self will be, and the accidental birth will be avoided.
Thinking of this, You sighed and said:
“I have no opinion, let’s start like that.”
“Very good.” Naiyako narrowed her blue eyes, then raised her right hand, scratched it, nodded, stretched out her hand and pressed it against her chest, and grabbed it violently.
In the blur of flesh and blood, a beating heart appeared in Nayko’s hand, and was suddenly crushed by him.
Yu looked at this scene without changing his face, but took a step back, and then watched as Nayko’s crushed heart turned into a black mist, gradually wrapping around him.
“It’s time to go!” After doing all this, Nayiko clapped her hands, as if nothing was wrong, and said with a relaxed smile.
“Next time, make the technique lighter.” You sighed, rolled his eyes a little helplessly, then turned around and took a step towards the astrological platform.
Taking a step out, Yu’s figure gradually disappeared into the space.
Naiako, who waved goodbye, immediately restrained her smile when she saw this scene, and the playful blue eyes showed a distressed look for the first time.
“It turns out that the cause is here…”
She sighed and muttered to herself before stepping out:
“I hope you don’t misunderstand after seeing that scene…”
Saying so, the figure of the silver-haired girl turned into nothingness.
Highly recommend (online game: Dragon of Transcendence), I have seen this author enter the industry, and he has written more than me, highly recommended!

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