Helpless girl in front of the ward
Isogamijima City Hospital.
This hospital, which is supported by the giant multinational medical company MAR, is the first choice for the people of Itogami Island. Using the most cutting-edge magic technology and the latest special medicines prepared by special artificial life forms, this hospital is even among the people. There are exaggerated rumors that it can ‘return from the dead’.
Even among many people, it isI saw with my own eyes that the doctors in the city hospital used only a small pill to save the patient who had stopped breathing from the brink of death, exaggerating the technical level of the city hospital.
However, rumors are rumors after all, just like the opposite. In the process of human medical progress, the diseases faced by human beings are also progressing, and often develop in the direction of fewer people and specialized cases.
There is no drug that can save a patient’s life, but only a disease with a wide audience can have the value of profit, the value of developing new drugs, and the importance of pharmaceutical companies. Realized the brutal truth.
Because her mother was suffering from an unknown disease that was unique in the world.
What’s ridiculous is that she also heard the doctor say that this disease might be “named” after her mother in the future.
“Miss Lan Yu, Miss Lan Yu?”
A soft call sounded, Lan Yu Qian Cong shivered immediately, hurriedly looked up from the indecent position of leaning on the plastic chair and nodding and dozing, and then looked at the smiling nurse who was wearing a nurse’s uniform and her hair was coiled , Lan Yu Qiancong, who knew that she had made a fool of herself, became a little shy.
“Sorry, Head Nurse Marutou, I was a little…”
“Did you get tired from staying up late last night? Don’t worry, this is a normal phenomenon. By the way, do you need me to arrange a ward for you to sleep first?” Nurse Wan Teng looked at the corners of Lan Yu’s eyes with a little worry. Dark circles under the eyes and the haggard face of the other party, and then continued to add: “The glasses are about to fall off.”
“Oh? Oh!!” Lan Yu was stunned, and then realized that her black-rimmed glasses were about to fall off the bridge of her nose. She smiled awkwardly at Nurse Marutou, put them on quickly, and pointed at her Nodded: “Thank you for reminding me, I was inattentive and didn’t notice just now.”
At this time, Nurse Marutou, who noticed that Lan Yu Asagi still had normal eyesight despite losing her glasses, said in surprise:
“Miss Lan Yu is not short-sighted? Then why do you use these masculine glasses to cover your face, and you still have bangs that cover your forehead, so pretty… Ah, sorry, I’m nosy. ”
As she said that, Nurse Marutou looked at the girl in front of her with some curiosity. She had pure black hair and a delicate face. She is slender and straight, and if she hadn’t deliberately covered her face with bangs and glasses, she would probably be a very popular girl in school, of course, it is probably popular with boys.
“It’s all right, it’s not a big problem.”
Lan Yu Qiancong waved her hand. Facing the head nurse who took care of her all the time, she naturally wouldn’t feel disgusted by that presumptuous question from outsiders. The girl thought for a while and smiled wryly:
“It’s just that when I was in elementary school, I encountered some troubles because of my appearance, so since junior high school, I have deliberately covered my face like this.”
Nurse Wan Teng looked stunned, and then shook her head helplessly, as if she had experienced something, and said with some regret:
“Primary school students nowadays are really much more presumptuous than I was back then. I guess it’s the impact of the declining birthrate. They all look like toubobs. Boys like to bully pretty girls, and girls are also excited by their peers. Beautiful girl, if you think about it carefully, a cute girl like Miss Lan Yu is likely to be isolated in elementary school.”
“That’s right…” Lan Yu Qiancong complained deeply, then she pushed her glasses, remembered something, and said nervously: “Well, Head Nurse Marutou, you woke me up suddenly, it was my mother Is something wrong?”
“No, no, Mrs. Lan Yu is still in the intensive isolation ward, but her physical condition has initially stabilized. I just saw you taking a nap in the lobby, so I want to ask if you want to go to the ward to sleep for a while, that’s right. , do you really not need me to prepare the room? Your complexion is really bad…”
“no, I’m fine.”
“Let’s get some sleep, don’t worry. Although our hospital asks for a little money, it’s my lounge and I don’t charge money.”
Just as Nurse Wan Teng was persuading Lan Yu Qiancong to go to sleep for a while, a nurse walked over slowly and whispered in Nurse Wan Teng’s ear.
“Nurse Marutou, a message from the front desk…”
“Oh I see.”
Nurse Wan Teng nodded. After the nurse left, she hesitated a little, and was interrupted by Lan Yu Qiancong just as she was about to say something.
“Is it because of the medical expenses?”
Lan Yu Qiancong, who had somewhat heard the content of the conversation, said with a smile.
Nurse Marutou shrugged helplessly and said:
“Miss Lan Yu also understands that this is a profit-making organization after all, and the dean and the others go to the Street of Sleepless in the West Island with funds all day… Oh, sorry, you are still young, I shouldn’t tell you these things.”
“It’s okay, and I’m already twelve years old.” Lan Yu Qiancong deliberately reminded some nurses Wan Teng that she was already very old, and then sighed under the ignoring eyes of the other party, thinking of the cost issue, hesitated some way.
“I called last night. Calculating the time, my father should have sent someone over to deliver the money. Ha, that’s all he can do.” Lan Yu Qiancong smiled, and at the end, her expression was full to mock.
“Member Xianzhai…”
Thinking of Lanyu Asagi’s father who had never even stepped into the hospital except paying for the treatment, Nurse Maruto couldn’t help but sigh softly.Sigh, although I don’t know the reason, it’s too much to let the two young daughters take care of their wives without paying attention to them. It’s no wonder Lan Yu Shallow would show such obvious dissatisfaction with the father. .
“Miss Shallow.”
The call of the third person made Aiba Asano and Nurse Marutu turn their heads at the same time, looking in the direction of the main entrance.
Where, a professional woman with a briefcase, a well-dressed lady’s suit, and light makeup on her face passed through the automatic door and walked quickly towards here.
Before coming to the front, the professional woman bowed slightly to Nurse Marutu:
“Head Nurse Marutu, Miss Asano took care of you yesterday.”
“You’re welcome, Miss Fujisaka.” Nurse Marutu bowed politely, and at this moment, Lan Yu Shore on the side looked at the hospital door and whispered to her father’s driver:
“Aunt Jin, where is my father, is he here yet?”
Sumire Fujisaka, who originally wanted to say something to Nurse Marutou, was a little stunned and defended, “Mr. Sensai is meeting with Director Yaase Kenshige and the Prime Minister, so I’m afraid I don’t have time to come to the hospital today.”
“Enough, I understand, you go to the counter to pay now.” Lan Yu Shallow replied in a low voice.
Sumire Fujisaka opened her mouth when she heard the words and glanced at Lan Yu Shallow. Just as she was about to turn around and go to the counter, a nurse trotted towards Nurse Maruteng.
“Head nurse, the patient in ICU 6 is sick. The director asks you to go to the operating room immediately.”
Hearing the sixth room, Lan Yu’s pupils suddenly dilated, it was her mother’s ward…
In the haze, Lan Yu Shallow did not know when she came to the operating room, leaning on the cold wall, looking at the girl who was holding her head and squatting on the waiting chair. She had a face similar to hers, but she was more mature and beautiful.
Fujisaka Sumire had temporarily resigned before, and now he is still on the phone on the side of the aisle. Even if he is more than ten meters away, Lan Yu Shallow can hear the other party’s voice begging his father to come over quickly.
Lan Yu Qiancong was very grateful to this aunt who took care of her very much, but now, her heart is only cold to the bone.
“Sister…” Lan Yu Shallow shouted in a hoarse voice.
The girl in front raised her head, revealing bloodshot eyes, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and forced herself to smile:
“What’s the matter? Shallow onion.”
“Sister Liuli, Mom… is she… going to be okay?” Lan Yu said in a low voice, and then muttered to herself, “Dad, will he come over?”
“Yes, yes.”
Lanyu Liuli smiled, but at this moment, the door of the operating room opened, and a doctor wearing a surgical gown and mask came out.
“Who are the family members?” the doctor shouted in a low voice.
“I am!” Lanyu Liuli quickly stood up, and then asked, “Doctor, how is the situation?”
“.Follow me.” The doctor glanced at Lan Yu Shallow, who was in a trance, his eyes showed the calmness and a little regret that he was used to seeing life and death. He turned his head and called Lan Yu Liuli, and the two walked to the side of the aisle. , Lan Feather Shallow heard words such as ‘success rate is less than 10%’, ‘be mentally prepared’, ‘signature’ and so on.
Lan Yu Shallow stared blankly at the ceiling, her body slid down the wall and fell to the ground, muttering softly.
“Dad, where are you…why…don’t you come…”
The gray mist surrounds the small corridor, and a shrill sneer resounds faintly.
“Little girl, you seem to be in a little trouble~”

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