Miko Candidate
String God Island, the high-rise building of Cornerstone Gate, the director’s office of the artificial island management commune.
Wearing a decent light-colored suit and tie, in the late thirties, with short short hair, the middle-aged man, who looked very capable, came to the door of the director’s office under the guidance of Yase Ikoma.
dong dong!
Yase Ikoma knocked on the door, and then said in a flat tone:
“Director Yase, Prime Minister Oishi, and Councilor Sensai have arrived.”
“come in.”
A steady and powerful middle-aged voice came from the door.
“Please come in!” Yase Ikoma opened the door, gestured towards Lanyu Xianzhai, and then stood at the door with a calm face.
Lan Yu Xianzhai straightened his tie, then strode into the door.
What catches the eye is a spacious and bright office, facing the eyes are four calligraphy paintings of “Li Yi Zhong Xiao” on the wall. some books.
Immediately afterwards, there was no one on the desk below, but on the sofa next to the desk, the author was an old man in a suit with an old face and a receding hairline.
There was a creaking sound of closing the door, and Lanyu Xianzhai, who saw the old man, bowed towards him and said:
“Long time no see, Prime Minister Dashi.”
“Sit!” The old man pointed to the sofa opposite him, and then threw away the tea.
Lan Yu Xianzhai straightened his back, walked to the sofa, and looked around while moving. Then, in front of the French window on the right, he found a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face wearing a dark kimono and combing his hair back.
——Yase Kenshige.
The owner of the famous Yase family in the island country, he controls many chaebols through blood and shares under his name. He is one of the main investors in the early days of the establishment of Xiangami Island. Members of the council that govern the commune.
Lan Yu Xianzhai has heard from political friends more than once, “The Yase family stomps their feet, and the whole island country trembles three times”, “The prime minister of the flowing water, the iron-clad Yase family” can be said to be the middle-aged man in front of him. The uncrowned king of String Kamishima, one of the de facto rulers.
Compared to himself, who is a member of the Itokami Island District Councilor, the opponent’s rank is four or five levels higher.
Sighing in his heart, Lanyu Xianzhai bowed to the man in front of the floor-to-ceiling window before sitting down and said:
“Director Yase.”
“Sit!” Yase Kenshige, who had his back turned to Lanyu Xianzhai, responded, then turned his head, bowed slightly towards Lanyu Xianzhai: “It’s really impolite to interrupt your lady when she is seriously ill, but Since the matter is of great importance, although it is a little unreasonable, I still hope that Xianzhai Councilor Haihan.”
“Where is there…” Lan Yu Xianzhai still maintained a certain smile, as if his wife’s serious illness hadn’t affected him at all.
However, Kenshige Yase, who was facing him, observed that the opponent’s body was tense for a moment, and then he seemed not to want to be noticed.Just relax.
Wife? The director’s eyes were as indifferent as water. Then he came to the sofa, and before sitting down, straightened the sleeves of his kimono in front of Prime Minister Oishi.
The old man sitting upright seemed to have received some kind of signal, and said with a slight smile:
“Speaking of which, Xianzhai, you should have heard vaguely about it, right? The guardian of the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency will have an inheritance ceremony in the near future.”
“A new witch who inherits the name of Xian Gu Yong?” Lan Yu Xian Zhai was stunned for a while. He was born in a local family in the island country, and he has a very close relationship with the Lion King organization. As for the core combat power of the Lion King organization Of course, he has a certain understanding of the inheritance of the Three Saints.
During the inheritance period, the Lion King agency will take measures to reduce its combat power in order to ensure the safety of the inheritance, and as a stakeholder, Lanyu Xianzhai will naturally be affected to a certain extent, but compared to these, the more important thing is that the Prime Minister mentioned at this time. and the meaning of this question.
Prime Minister Dashi is a strong supporter of the Taishi Bureau. Is this warning me not to get too close to the Lion King bureau? Or are they protesting some of their plans by warning the Lion King agency through me? Or, simply, tell me not to think about relying on the Lion King agency… With a thousand twists and turns in my head, Lan Yu Xian Zhai replied plainly:
“The three saints of the Lion King agency have always been our capital to deter the three great night empires. At this critical moment, the local High God Forest is afraid to strengthen the protection of relevant parties to prevent some illegal organizations from deliberately destroying the inheritance of the three saints. .”
“No, no, Xianzhai, you misunderstood.” Prime Minister Dashi shook his head, then raised his mouth slightly and said: “This time the inheritance of the three saints is not in the High God Forest, or even in the mainland. As for going there, due to confidentiality issues, I can’t go on.”
Because you have already told me that the three saints are carrying on the inheritance in Xianshen Island… Lan Yu Xian Zhai tried his best to cover up the changes in his body, but the shock in his heart did not weaken in the slightest, instead it became more and more prosperous.
Even he didn’t know the current location of the Three Saints, Prime Minister Oishi suddenly told him what exactly he wanted to do? Is it bad for the inheritance of the Three Saints? The other party is not a fool. The prime minister’s position is the balancing mechanism of the chaebol, and behind the chaebol are the toys that are remotely controlled by the high-level executives behind the Taishi Bureau, the National Magician Agency, and the Lion King Agency. The other party wants to move the three saints. In the next second, the next Prime Minister will be born. Now, what is this Prime Minister Oishi plotting?
and many more! Lan Yu Xianzhai was startled in his heart, seemingly inadvertently looked at Yase Kenshi, who was silent on the side, and was stunned to find that the uncrowned king of Xianjin Island had been silently observing him.
Is the target me… No, I have no such value… Is Liuli exposed? Didn’t I tell that kid not to operate the computer in a non-secret place… At this moment, a lot of cold sweat broke out from Lan Yu Xian Zhai’s back.
At this time, Prime Minister Oishi said with a smile:
“Speaking of which, those people in the Lion King agency are really bold. Oh, maybe it’s because of the abundant resources of the recently prepared priestess, because there are enough consumables, so you dare to take risks? It’s a prudent approach.”
At this time, Yase Xianshi said calmly:
“In recent years, the birth frequency of high-spiritual witches around the world has indeed increased significantly. Prime Minister Oishi, maybe we can restart the selection.”
Prime Minister Oishi narrowed his eyes, then sighed and said:
“The witch of Cain? The witch of electronics who has reached the realm of the gods in programming, huh, it seems that you have found another batch of preparatory options?”
“Yes.” Yaase Kianshige calmly took out a stack of documents from one side, then flipped through it and said, “In recent years, the intelligence department of the artificial island management commune has found some excellent witches.”
“Eastern Western Eustonia, a girl named Lydian Titiye showed her illegitimate talents in an electronic program contest, and two prodigies appeared in the field of Warlords in the same time zone. Extinction in the Middle East In the dynasty, genius programmers like Yulia Stos also appeared, and fortunately, our Itogami Island also gave birth to geniuses like Miss Aiba Asana.”
“Shallow Onion?!!” Lan Yu Xian Zhai stood up in shock, his expression extremely distorted, isn’t it Liu Li… He said silently in his heart.
At this moment, Yase Xian squinted his eyes, looked at some Lan Yu Xian Zhai, and then continued: “Speaking of which, Miss Lan Yu Shallow seems to be the second daughter of Sen Zhai Senator. It seems that there is a suitable executor for the Miko selection task.”
“Shallow…” Lan Yu Xianzhai sat on the sofa in a daze, and his body shook a few times as the sofa bounced. He found that he and his wife seemed to have overlooked a little, the same genes, the same blood, similar Psychic literacy, which means that Lanyu Shallow has the same aptitude as her sister to some extent.
I was careless, I specially reminded me that the Lion King agency cannot be relied on, is that for this… Lan Yu Xian Zhai said bitterly in the bottom of his heart.
“Then, Senzhai Senator’s opinion.”
“I have no opinion.”
The dialogue ended in this form.
In the basement of the Keystone Gate, after welcoming his special car, Lan Yu Xianzhai got into the sedan and adjusted his tie in the rearview mirror of the car.
As the driver, Fujisaka Sumire just wanted to say something, when she saw this scene, her pupils suddenly dilated, and then she pretended to be calm and pressed a few buttons in the car, her tone deliberately lowered:
“Mr. Xianzhai, the interference has been completed, with Miss Liuli’s technique, Xian ShenNo one on the island will snoop on the sound here. ”
However, after the words fell, Fujisaka Sumire found that Lan Yu Xianzhai covered his head in pain.
“I’m so careless! I didn’t expect Shallow Onion to be the same as Liuli. Damn, how could there be two such qualified psychic mediums at a time? It happened to my daughter.”
“Mr. Sensai?” Sumire Fujisaka in front of her suddenly changed color.
Lan Yu Xianzhai, who was sitting in the back seat, pinched his eyebrows with a headache, then took out a disk from his pocket, gave a wry smile, shook his head and said:
“If you run away now, it’s too late. The program created on a whim in the computer class successfully invaded the artificial island intelligence database. My naughty daughter has caused me a lot of trouble this time.”
Sumire Fujisaka, who was driving ahead, suddenly realized something and said:
“Cain’s Miko Selection?”
“Ah! From all over the world, the witches with superb electronic abilities are selected and entered into the coffin of the god of blame for the screening ceremony. Unexpectedly, I will have a day to preside over this ceremony.” Lan Yu Xianzhai tore off his tie. Then his eyes flickered and he said: “It’s too late, Yase Xianzhong and those blaming gods are probably already in action, I’ve been hiding Liuli’s aptitude, and I’m afraid that they will mistake them for concealing the onion and targeting my actions. It’s about to start.”
“Are you going to prepare a ship and a stand-in for the mainland?” Fujisaka Sumire asked calmly.
“It’s useless, the chief of the three saints of the Lion King is carrying out a secret inheritance on Xianjin Island.” Lan Yu Xianzhai shook his head, then raised his head and leaned on the seat. “Hiju and my efforts were all in vain. The original reason for refusing to reveal her condition was to prevent her from becoming a threat. The harmed Liuli was involved in the war between Caine and the Three Great Ancestors, but…”
The ancestor of the demons, Cain, the ancestor of the demons who was killed by the Fourth Primogenitor in the past, his legacy of “blame gods” will appear in every era and cause large-scale extinction of civilization, while Cain’s witches It is an existence similar to the legacy control center, and such an existence is often the object that must be annihilated in the eyes of many forces who have ideas about the [God’s Legacy], and it can even be said to be the enemy of the world.
But now, Lan Yu Xian Zhai’s second daughter has become a candidate for the enemy of this world.
“From Madam, Miss Liuli sent a text message saying that the operation was a miraculous success, and Madam is no longer in danger.” Sumire Fujisaka said with a smile in front of her.
Lan Yu Xianzhai was stunned, then suddenly cried and laughed:
“Is this a reward?”
“Are ships ready to return to the mainland?” Fujisaka Sumire asked once.
Lan Yu Xianzhai took a deep breath and said calmly, “Prepare the ferry tickets for Feiju and Liuli. Although I won’t use them, at least I have to keep a few.”
“Then Mr. Sensai, you and Miss Onion?” Sumire Fujisaka asked hesitantly.
“The situation hasn’t developed to the worst, has it?” Lan Yu Xian Zhai suddenly laughed. “Perhaps the young shallots are not qualified enough?”
Hearing this, Fujisaka Sumire immediately understood. Compared with the adult Lanyu Liuli, the chances of the young Lanyu Shallow meeting the requirements were significantly smaller, and because the Lion King agency, one of the backers, was too busy to take care of itself, it really wasn’t turning his face. the best time.
“I see, what’s the next destination?”
“Itsujima City Hospital.”
The car gradually disappeared on the road.
The high-rise building of the Keystone Gate.
Yase Xianzhong looked at the far away Toyota car in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes narrowed slightly and said:
“Lanyu Xianzhai doesn’t seem to know his daughter’s qualifications, but the intelligence bureau’s investigation found clues that he covered up his traces. The matter seems to be more complicated than we thought.”
“Do you want to do it? Are you heavy?” Prime Minister Oishi, who was drinking hot tea, asked flatly.
Yase Xianshi was silent for a while, then opened the mouth and said:
“Let’s try it out for a while, after a while, go investigate the Lan Yu family, and inform the commune guard team to temporarily impose certain restrictions on the movement of the second daughter of the Lan Yu family.”
Yaase Ikima, who was standing at the door, nodded slightly, then turned and left the office.
At this time, Prime Minister Oishi asked curiously:
“What did your son seem to be hiding before?”
Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Yasase Kianshige said plainly: “Just being self-righteous, thinking that if you sell a good boy, you will be able to win over the Void Witch? It’s ridiculous, do you think we have no restrictions on trump cards?”
“Huh, you are really cruel, so it seems that it’s no accident that your concubine was infected with drugs, pay attention a little bit, it’s serious, if the scandal is exposed, it will be destroyed after a few moments, but for you It’s also influential.” Prime Minister Dashi on the side snorted softly, and then shook his head helplessly.
“It’s okay.”
Yase Xianshu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking Itogami Island, his eyes were indifferent:
“No one who can disobey me on this island has yet been born.”

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