The Gathering of the Powerful
The sky showed the color of dusk and spread out to all directions, like a natural white marble road that stretched as far as the eye could see, surrounded by a fence full of roses, and unknown large branches covered it like a roof.
At the center of this place is a huge circular table with twelve seats.
——The Whispering Garden.
——The meeting place of the Supreme Council of the Sanctuary Treaty Bodies.
It consists of three permanent members and nine non-permanent members. It is an organization that determines the direction of the world.
Similar organizations, probably only the expanded version of the United Nations Security Council.
But in this world, anyone who knows the existence of the Whispering Garden will understand that compared with the Whispering Garden, the Security Council can only be said to be a poor imitation.
Only those kings, presidents, prime ministers, and even the three true ancestors were seated in the Whispering Court.
In this artificial world that can only be reached through special magic tools, everyone in the ranks has the terrifying power to say ‘no’ to anyone in a certain area of ​​the world.
There was once a king who was accused of ‘raping his own princess’ and described them in apt words.
‘The twelve hooligans without the Whispering Court agree that there is nothing that can be done in this world, even if you just want to have sex with your wife. ’
And now, in the Whispering Courtyard, there are nine figures with masks on the twelve seats, and their figures are covered by golden mist.
Although everyone here knows the identities of others, the masks and fog that conceal their identities are the rules set by the three true ancestors at the beginning of the establishment of the Whispering Garden.
Is willing to be the third ancestor who did not want to be named, said that when he saw the leaders of the country who always hindered him, he could not help calling the beast and mashing the person into flesh, so for the sake of safety, he forgot about it. The King of War asked everyone to wear masks, so as not to anger the lady who did not want to be named.
At this time, the Whispering Garden, which had gathered nine people, began to communicate.
“It’s really annoying to have a party on a day like July 7th.”
The processed rough man’s voice sounded.
Several representatives looked at the position of the person who spoke out, and determined that the person who spoke out was King Ardikia, the Viking who was famous for his fear of inwardness. The reason why the other party was troubled on July 7th was naturally not much. Ask, anyway, it’s a meaningless parent who is short, and a dog who is a winner in life.
At this moment, a representative of the column suddenly spoke up.
“Presumably everyone’s national network has been hacked, right?”
“Heh, the Internet Supervision Bureau here is planning to kill a few programmers to sacrifice to the sky, and use magic rituals to stop that video from spreading. Hey, how long has I been a king and this kind of thing has happened. If I knew it earlier, I shouldn’t have accepted it. My old man’s class.”
“Let’s avoid unnecessary complaints. I believe that you have verified the authenticity of the video. The blonde woman who appeared there can already be sure that it is the body of the Fourth Primogenitor Flame Light Yebo, because of the spread of that video, The news of the Fourth Primogenitor’s revival has spread around the world, and that’s why we’re gathering this time.”
“The balance cannot be broken. The permanent directors with one-vote veto power should only have three.”
Hearing this sentence, the nine directors all looked at the three vacant seats in the center.
Unlike most directors who change every eight years, the three immovable seats that have existed since the establishment of the Whispering Garden, the three true ancestors with one-vote veto power can be said to be the witnesses of the history of the Whispering Garden.
Facts have proved that with the powerful force of a single person is a country, if the three true ancestors want something that cannot be carried out, it must not be carried out. This advantage cannot be replaced for the time being even in the modern age where magic technology has exploded.
“Oh, a group of stubborn old stubborn.” After a short pause, the king who had spoken before was interrupted because of his words.Man snorted coldly, then continued the topic with a sneer: “Even if it is exposed, as long as we don’t admit it and control public opinion, the vast majority of people can firmly believe that it is the fourth true ancestor?”
“Little baby, your brain is much worse than your father’s.”
An old voice sounded, and then continued:
“The point is not the exposure of the Fourth True Ancestor, or even the video that has been on the Internet all the time. The point is the organization that made the video spread, the so-called ‘Thousand Eyes Idol Agency’.”
“An idol economy company registered in Ito Kamishima, Japan, with a capital of 13 million. The investor seems to be the famous witch of the gap? It seems that the Japanese government wants to add a seat to this Whispering Garden? If the other party proposes, we Do you want to promise?”
And at this time, another voice sounded, this time it was a thick voice with a hint of disdain.
“You seem to have forgotten who is controlling the right to speak in East Asia.”
Several directors turned their heads, glanced at the person who made the sound, and stopped talking. After all, the ‘rabbit’ who made the sound had fought with everyone here, and he had never lost a match. field.
In an instant, no one was talking about letting Japan join the Whispering Garden because of the East Asian voice.
In fact, the people sitting here have a certain consensus that the person who made the move is a national-level force. After all, it is hard to imagine that the organization that made such a noise is just a small force, because it is too overreaching.
After all, if it’s just a primordial body, any director present at the scene will have the power to suppress the other party.
“Thank you for your information. Didn’t expect an idol agency to be behind it? This is really surprising!”
An undisguised female voice sounded in the whispering courtyard.
Several directors fell silent suddenly, then turned their heads to look at the three seats in the center, and found that a figure with a silver mask covering his face had appeared there.
“Hiss, the imperial daughter of chaos, can’t even sit still with the three true ancestors?”
The youngest king’s councilor couldn’t help taking a breath, vaguely understanding that the incident with the fourth true ancestor was not as simple as they imagined.
“Is it just a small idol economic company that controls Yuanyuan? This is really interesting.” The chaotic princess murmured in a low voice, as if thinking of something interesting, she giggled: “That arrogant Robots are now afraid of humiliation kneeling in front of others and singing conquest, this is so interesting.”
Hearing these words, the faces of all the directors present here changed greatly. They keenly grasped the key points in the words of the third true ancestor.
“Isn’t it a plain body but a complete body? A small company actually has the means to subdue the perfect ancestor? Is it the secret technique of the Tianbu? But wasn’t the Tianbu wiped out by the fourth true ancestor with holy annihilation?”
“It can no longer be regarded as something that can be easily resolved. The manipulation of the true ancestor is an extremely dangerous thing, enough to cause serious damage to any country present here.”
“Send allied forces to attack Japan. We must destroy the forces that control the True Ancestor, even if it turns it into scorched earth. That kind of secret art is too dangerous and cannot exist in the world. We must make sacrifices.” Hundreds of millions of Japanese are ready!”
“Send allied forces to attack Japan? With all due respect, although Japan has an organization that cultivates the descendants of Methuselah, it is basically impossible to manipulate the true ancestor.”
“In other words, is it really a small company planning behind the scenes?”
In an instant, these people at the top of society felt it was funny and ridiculous.
The Whispering Courtyard, composed of the council members of the sanctuary treaty body and the hostile countries that rejected the treaty, was actually troubled and embarrassed by a small company.
Twelve Tyrannosaurus Rex actually found it difficult to face an ‘ant’?
And at this moment, a thick and simple male voice suddenly sounded.
“The secret technique to control the true ancestor does not exist.”
The directors froze for a moment, then turned their heads to look at the center, looking at the three seats full of people. The previous voice came from the middle seat, the man wearing the black mask.
After the appearance of the Chaos Queen, the two true ancestors who had not shown their faces for decades finally came to the Whispering Garden.
The cause of this situation is a small idol management company.

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