Speeches That Shake the World
Itogami Island in midsummer.
Two days have passed since the filming ended.
After spending a day in Gozo Island, the blue feather onion, who had eaten almost all the local delicacies, blocked the Zhouyou space express, and returned to Itogami Island in the early morning. After adjusting the time difference, I was able to use normal The state walks in the sleepless streets of West Island.
The people who traveled with Lan Feather were Yuma Xiandumu and Akira Nagisa.
The three made an agreement yesterday morning to solve the daily necessities for Xiao Nagisa who just arrived on Itogami Island today.
In fact, to put it bluntly, the three of them planned to go shopping in private to get in touch with each other.
“Hey, I’m saved~~”
In a lively cold drink shop, Xiao Nagisa drank a large glass of watermelon juice and expressed the emotion of the rest of her life.
“I’ll just say it, compared to the mainland, Itogami Island is really hot to death.” Yuma Xianduki, who was drinking lemonade, sighed “to death by heat” while fanning herself.
Hearing such a complaint, Lan Yu Shallow put down the plum juice in her hand, looked at the two with a little surprise, and asked with some doubts, “Is it hot? Why don’t I feel anything.”
“That’s because you have lived here for a long time, Shallow, and you are used to pulling.” Xiandumu Yuma replied weakly.
“The original plan needs to be revised. The sunscreen and anti-heat medicine have been successfully upgraded and become the next items that must be purchased.” Xiao Nagisa stretched her fingers and began to estimate how many shares she would buy for storage.
“Eh~” Lan Yu Shallow took another sip of sour plum juice, then looked at Xiao Nagisa in front of him, and said casually: “Speaking of Nagisa, you just came to Xianjin Island like this, do your family have any opinions? ”
“Ah? It’s not like you have no opinion, right?” Xiao Nagisa raised her head, frowned, and then smiled bitterly: “Fukamori-chan agrees very much, and said that she will come to Itogami Island soon to take care of me, Gu Gucheng is a bit temperamental, but he also said that he hoped that I would pay more attention outside the house, and don’t worry about my family, even if Yacheng Jun kept crying on the phone, I just hung up because it was unpleasant.”
When Lan Yu Shallow heard this, she took another sip of sour plum juice, and said calmly, “Ha, it’s easier than I thought, but your father really has no human rights.”
“No no no, Yacheng-kun’s status is a little higher than Xiao P.” Xiao Nagisa immediately shook her head and denied it.
Lan Yu Shallow was surprised for a moment, and then asked, “Little P, who is that?”
“The Bulgarian female hamster raised by Nagisa is a very cute little guy.” Xiandumu Yuma, who was on the side, responded immediately, and then suggested: “I remember that it seems to be raised in Nagisa’s dormitory now, and I will go there later. Have a look?”
“Ah, that’s it.” Lan Yu Shallow put down the juice, and then muttered, “It’s fine now, I don’t have any opinion.”
“By the way, how is Sister Liuli? Her emotions started yesterday.It’s been wrong all the time, Lady Shallow, do you know what happened? “Xiao Nagisa asked slightly worried.
Due to her natural shrine physique, she has always been very sensitive to the emotions of the people around her, so she quickly noticed something wrong with Lanyu Liuli yesterday.
“Sister Liuli?” Lan Yu’s scallion eyes turned up slightly, recalled carefully, and then continued: “Probably because our stinky president has caused her a lot of trouble again. When I woke up, I heard Sister Liuli yelling in the dormitory.”
“What ‘damn bad embryo, just squeeze me during the day, squeeze me at night, quickly pull me out.’ and so on, keep shouting things that make people confused, I really don’t know what we do What mental retardation decision did the president make… eh, why are you all blushing?”
Lan Yu Shallow said at the end, full of surprise, she looked at Xiandumu Yuma and Xiao Nagisa with blushing faces in front of her, and made a confused voice. This is so good, why is your face red?
“Shallow? Didn’t you listen to what’s going on in Sister Liuli’s room outside?” Xiandumu You Mahjong put his hand to his ear, made an eavesdropping gesture, and then said with a blushing face: “For example, listen to To my father, uh no, heard the president’s inexplicable gasps, or your sister’s weird voice like crying?”
Lan Yu Shallow blinked her eyes, and then her face turned slightly red:
“Well, in fact, I broke in directly.”
“Ehhh?!!” X2
Xiandumu Yuma and Xiao Nagisa immediately covered their red and hot cheeks and exclaimed in unison.
“Shallow, you are so bold!” Xiandumu Youma looked at Lanyu Shallow in shock. She didn’t expect that the other party would dare to break in directly on that occasion.
“It’s too bold. You should hide at this time. If you break in directly, it will embarrass everyone.” Xiao Nagisa muttered shyly.
And at this time, Lan Yu Shallow waved his hand with a wicked smile and said:
“But there’s only my sister in there~”
Xiandumu Yuma and Xiao Nagisa suddenly looked confused.
Seeing the confused faces of the two of them, Lan Yu Shallow smiled wickedly as if she had succeeded in the prank.
“Although Sister Liuli is only wearing tulle, her face is quite red, and her body is covered in sweat, but if I go in with a broom, the idiot president is not at all, oh, it’s not that he’s not there, someone else is on the computer On the screen, I heard Sister Liuli say that it seems that the idiot president moved Sister Liuli’s computer and inserted a USB flash drive with a virus into it, which caused the system to be alert and woke her up, so she lost her temper. .”
“It turned out to be a USB flash drive.” Xiao Nagi made a very disappointing voice from the sofa.
Hearing this, Lan Yu’s shallow brows twitched, and then she raised her tone with a teasing expression:
“Eh~ It’s not a USB flash drive, what do you think it is?”
“Yeah~!!” Xiao Nagisa, who consciously lost her words, blushed, covering her face, not daring to look at Lan Yu’s face again.
On the other side, Xiandumu Yuma looked at Lan Yu Shallow with a wicked smile. She always felt that the other party was deliberately avoiding a certain possibility. possible.
However, Lanyu Shallow didn’t want to think about it, so she couldn’t say anything, so she could only help the other party to change the subject and say:
“Speaking of which, what does the president do when he has nothing to do with Sister Liuli’s computer? He doesn’t seem to know how to operate programs?”
Lan Yu Shallow thought for a while, and then said:
“Probably depends on how far the trailer has fermented.”
Saying that, Lan Yu Shallow turned her head, looked around at the diners around, and then said a little distressedly:
“Look, the three of us are chatting here without anyone looking at us, so it’s obvious that the popularity of the trailer is not enough, compared to our president, who is also worried about it. After all, the sudden appearance of the Fourth Primogenitor is considered a gimmick by everyone, right?”
“Ah~~ I can’t refute it, and I always have a bad feeling that my hard work was wasted.” Xiao Nagisa also looked around, and then lay down on the table in frustration.
“I guess it’s because of lack of time and the lack of popularity. Look, don’t the current videos all need popularity?”
Xiandumu Yuma, who was on the side, laughed dryly. In fact, although she knew that the instant popularity of the trailer was delusional, she still had certain expectations for it, but the cruelty of reality was still hit to a certain extent. she.
“I don’t know when the heat will be enough. After all, even the president is nervous to go to the computer to check the heat in the morning. It is estimated that he has not slept all night. It is really torturous to be unable to get up and down.” On the table, Xiao Nagisa said in a very distressed tone.
Hearing this, Lan Yu thought for a while, and then saw the wall TV in the store, watching the cartoons playing on the screen for decades, claiming that the world will not be destroyed, and we will not change TV Tokyo, shrugged. road:
“If you can make a temporary break in TV Tokyo, I guess the popularity will be enough.”
At this time, the scene of TV Tokyo playing an animation suddenly turned into a scene of a press conference.
Then, the voice of the female announcer sounded.
[A news is being broadcast temporarily. At 9 o’clock today, Mr. Geng Zhishuang, the diplomatic spokesman of the Sanctuary Treaty Organization, issued an important notice. The following is the live report. 】
[Reporter: GengzhiMr. Shuang, regarding the recent videos that have appeared on video websites of various countries, there have been a large number of rumors about the resurrection of the Fourth Primogenitor, Flame Night Uncle, on the Internet recently. What do you think of this? 】
[Geng Zhishuang: According to this matter, it has been confirmed to the Empire of Night that the three true ancestors have all been confirmed. The fourth true ancestor shown in this video is himself, and also the Ye Bo of Flame Light. At present, our holy ancestors are The regional treaty bodies are actively reaching out to the Fourth Primogenitor. We hope to actively reach a consensus with the Fourth Primogenitor, seek common ground while reserving differences, strive to maintain the balance of the world, and contribute to world peace. 】
[Reporter: Please wait a moment, Mr. Geng Zhishuang, are you sure…]
[Reporter: Mr. Geng Zhishuang, you said that the three true ancestors have been confirmed, is this what the three said in person…]
Looking at the chaotic scene on the screen, Lan Yu Shallow, who was already stunned, turned his head and looked at Xiandumu Yuma and Xiao Nagisa, who were also unable to close their mouths, and suddenly fell into silence.
It seems that the heat really appeared, and it was in a way that they couldn’t imagine at all.
At this moment, the child’s tender voice rang out.
“Mom, mom, are those three big sisters the witches in the video soon? They appeared in the video of the real ancestor.”
“Eh? Really?”
“It’s really like, wait, isn’t that me?”
“Although it’s a witch, do you want to go up and get an autograph?”
Lan Yu Shallow and Xiandumu Yuma suddenly stiffened, and Xiao Nagisa turned pale.
They suddenly discovered that the three of them seemed to be surrounded by onlookers.

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