May Odin protect you
At 4:00 in the morning, although the sky is bright in the Kingdom of Ardikia, which is within the reach of the polar circle, most of the residents are still asleep.
For this rich Nordic country that relies on magic technology to make a fortune, nine o’clock is the normal working time. The government and state-owned enterprises do not enter the working hours until after ten thirty. However, in this early morning, there should not be The riots broke out in the heart of Ardikia, in the palace.
“The seventh brigade blocked the main entrance!”
“The sixth brigade controls the surrounding exits!”
“Quick, quick, don’t let the previous king run away!!”
Words like a coup d’état continued to spread in the palace, but Ardikia’s royal guards and maids remained calm about it.
Aldikia’s royal family Lihavain’s family is rich in psychic witches, and the magic technology of the entire kingdom is developed based on super-advanced psychic mediums, so the country of Ardikia has naturally become a female self. In a country in power, even if it is called a king, the power of the country has always been controlled by the queen.
Because of this particularity, none of the kings of Aldikia was not afraid of guilt. Although such large-scale escaping was rare, it was not surprising, and because the frequency of kings escaping was too high, they could occasionally become popular among the people. It’s a joke that brings the relationship between the royal family and the public closer, and it is regarded as a regular royal family program.
This time, however, the royal family’s regular performances are subtly different.
Somewhere in the palace.
In addition to the previous king and the previous queen, the current King Lucas Lihavain and Queen Polyfonia Lihavain of Ardikia, as well as the first princess who just arrived, La Foley Ya Lihawain gathered in this small room and ordered the knight to guard the door, leaving enough private space.
“Father, mother, this time, you suddenly summoned me. Did something happen to my grandfather?”
Known as the “Silver Queen” by the people of Aldikia, she was charming at the age of fourteen. She was as pure and beautiful as a fairy, looking at her frowning parents with a helpless expression.
Just as the knights and maids in the outside world thought that the escape of the previous king was a fixed comedy, La Furia, who was awakened originally, also thought that his grandfather’s escape was another farce, and the reason was nothing more than that. It’s just a few of the few that have an affair with a certain noble lady or a certain singer star.
It’s not surprising that the previous king of the kingdom of Ardikia was a famous libertine.
Although, it was a little abnormal to wake up the eldest princess as the first heir in the early hours of the morning, and retire the knights, so as to free up space for the royal family to talk secretly, but it was still within the scope of understanding.
“Your grandfather, hehe.”
Tall, as strong as a Viking, and a famous warrior in the past, the current king of Aldikia, Lucas Lihavain, who changed his name after entering the family, showed an expression of obvious contempt, and the object of contempt was him. wife’s biological father.
Although the king, who was dubbed the ‘Viking warrior in fear’ at home and abroad, joked a lot, but he was recognized as a good husband, so he and his old husband had been very incompatible since he was young. The contempt of the previous generation was still within the comprehension of La Furia.
However, what made La Furia a little unnatural was that the queen Poliphnia Lihavain, who would still protect her father to some extent in the past, was showing a cold smile and said happily:
“Lucas, don’t worry about me this time. After I catch that old thing, you can scold him in person. Of course, beatings are also allowed.”
Seeing her mother’s attitude, La Furia was surprised for a moment, then said with a slightly strange expression:
“Grandfather, shouldn’t he play it off? Could it be that some noble lady is pregnant?”
Since the Lihawain family is rich in psychic witches, the blood outflow is very taboo, and it can make the previous generation countryThe only thing the king was opposed to by the royal family was the other party’s indiscreet style.
If it weren’t for the previous king’s grandfather’s child, I’m afraid that the other party’s life style would not be able to be the king’s office, but even so, the previous king’s government of Ardikia established for the first time the royal family. The special case of a woman outside the country being in power allowed the outsider bloodline of the previous queen to rule the kingdom.
In the current situation, in La Furia’s view, things are already obvious.
“Hey, it would be better if it was just a noble lady who was pregnant.”
Polifnia, who was sitting on the sofa, sat on the sofa, rubbed her brows with some headache, and then said:
“But she was pregnant with her mother’s long-term friend, and also the Miss Ye Lai whom she brought up.”
“Just now, after that Miss Ye Lai left the country and gave birth to the princess without any safety measures, the members of the Knights of the Holy Ring accidentally discovered that the other party’s daughter was almost thirteen years old. The tracking that you arranged, Filia, this time, we are afraid that we will be deceived by the old guy to the ground, and we don’t even know that there is still royal blood flowing outside.”
La Furia’s expression changed slightly, and she said with a very embarrassed expression:
“Is that so…”
Although it happened before she was born, the “Ye Lai” in Pollia’s mouth was quite impressive in La Furia’s memory, and it was often mentioned in a regretful tone from the mouths of previous queens.
Until recently, her grandmother was still thinking about Miss Ye Lai, and she didn’t understand why the other party would take the initiative to leave and disappear in front of her eyes, but now the mystery is revealed, everything is because of a certain king’s rambunctious and irresponsible the behavior of.
La Fulia couldn’t believe that her grandfather didn’t know how much life it took for a woman to give birth to an Ardikia-level parapsychic, and how much risk she would take without safety measures .
The other party must be aware of it, but in order to cover up his derailment, he took the initiative to conceal it, which indirectly led to the death of that Miss Ye Lai.
If it was just a friendship with a noble lady, my grandmother was prepared in her heart before marrying, which is okay to say, but as a result of the death of that lady Ye Lai because she gave birth to a child, the grandmother is afraid that she is out of anger, she looks at each other For the love of her daughter, and according to the age of the other party, I am afraid that my grandfather started very early, and there is a high probability that it was a deception… La Furia can already imagine the scene of his grandmother picking up the knight’s sword and chasing her grandfather.
Thinking of this, La Furia said a little worriedly: “So, what does grandma mean? Is it to bring back my aunt?”
The royal psychic medium left behind must be brought back, but this kind of family scandal is more or less concerned about the face of the previous queen, and La Furia prefers to bring back her aunt in secret. Treat the other party as a princess, and look for opportunities to restore the other party’s reputation.
“Mother’s intention is to bring back that child named Natsuyin Yase at all costs, and not let the filthy things of the elders hurt each other, but we have encountered great trouble…”
When La Furia heard this and saw the slightly distorted faces of her parents, her heart sank.
She suddenly remembered that her poor aunt seemed to be discovered by the holy ring knights she sent, and the only holy ring knights she recently sent was Justina, who tracked down the vampires of the Karjana family. The purpose is Itogami Island, which has recently become a hot spot in the world due to the advent of Satan and the awakening of the Fourth Primogenitor.
“My God!” La Furia rubbed between her brows, sat on the sofa in a posture that agreed with her mother, and said with a headache, “Is it actually on Itogami Island? And most likely, it is still By the side of Satan and the Fourth Primogenitor?”
“If the voluntary memory search by Sir Justina and Sir Brown, who were driven back to the kingdom by the super-space technique, is correct, it is very likely that Yase Natsune has fallen into the hands of Satan and the Fourth Primogenitor. , although the child’s current adoptive father, the de facto uncle, Ye Lai Xiansheng, the former palace magus, is trying to rescue him, but I don’t think the possibility of success is high.” Lucas sat cross-legged on the sofa and said in a rather distressed tone. .
“Ye Laixian can’t believe it.” Polyfnia said in a fairly certain tone.
Hearing this, La Fulia looked at Pollifnia with a puzzled look, and waited for the other party’s explanation together with her surprised father.
“If Justina’s memory is correct, Ye Lai Xiansheng should have a taboo molded angel beside him, but at most they are half-finished products.” Polyfnia explained in a rather cold tone.
“Molding an angel? That forbidden weapon that came together in the past at the expense of the royal bloodline to defend against the Forgotten War King of the First Primogenitor? Wasn’t that forbidden to be researched by the secret stripes of the Sanctuary Treaty and the secret royal order?” , Lucaston’s complexion changed greatly when he knew the information about the modeling angel.
Ye Lai Xiansheng studied this kind of technique at the expense of the royal family and knew that the other party’s motives were impure even after thinking about it. Moreover, according to the experience of the other party’s sister, the purpose is likely to be revenge on the Kingdom of Aldikia, and according to the conditions of the casting angel, Natsune Haase is likely to become the victim of the ceremony.
Hearing this, La Furia’s expression suddenly twisted slightly.
“Going forward is hell, and going backward is a cliff? My aunt’s luck is really… No, maybe it is lucky to be seen by Satan and the fourth primogenitor, at least according to the scarce information, the other party is not. killOn the contrary, Ye Lai Xiansheng’s uncle is the object of danger. ”
“But leaving the blood of the royal family out, there is a risk that the magic technology will be decrypted.” Polyfnia said with a slight headache. Aldikia’s magic technology relies on royal psychic mediums, a situation that the royal family deliberately formed during the turbulent reign of the king a thousand years ago.
Most of them are the royal family’s stable production capacity of psychic mediums, which makes psychic research extremely convenient, and can gain powerful combat power in a short period of time. Otherwise, the magic technology developed on this basis will be easily cracked by the enemy.
Hearing this, La Furia immediately understood why she was summoned. Knowing her mission, she immediately stood up and said:
“Then, leave it to me to handle the matter, whether it is negotiating with that Satan, with that fourth primogenitor, or bringing back Haase Natsuyin and defending Aldikia’s technological leadership, it is necessary to It’s all a heavyweight to deal with isn’t it?”
What La Furia didn’t say is that even if she sacrificed for this, because she has not been exposed to too much secrets, she can guarantee the advantage of Aldikia to the greatest extent. At the same time, the ‘accidental death’ of the first princess can also bring huge political advantage.
This is something that the three people present knew but did not dare to point out. At the same time, it was also the ‘price’ that the people of the Wang family had to pay for their prosperity and wealth.
“La Fulia, I can handle this matter.” Lucas stood up and tried to stop his daughter.
At this moment, La Furia suddenly smiled and said:
“Even if it’s a demon, seeing a Viking with a bear-like body, I’m afraid it doesn’t have much motivation to negotiate? In comparison, a beautiful and spiritual girl is the devil’s favorite contract partner.”
“I understand what you’re thinking.” Lucas sighed, then reached out and patted La Furia’s head, and said solemnly, “May Odin bless you, my brave child!”

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