The Unmoved Girl
“Open the door. Is Miss Astarotti here? I have your courier!”
The moment the sound sounded, the Lotharincia believers in the underground office held their breath for a moment, their faces twisted for a moment, and then they returned to nature in an instant, and started a lively discussion again. The scene, as if nothing just happened.
The only one who noticed this abnormality was standing beside Rudolf Ostach, a short blue-haired girl with a thin cloak covering her thin body.
After she heard the voice, she reacted immediately, and glanced at Rudolph with ordinary, unwavering inorganic eyes, but Rudolph, who was giving a frenzied speech, completely ignored her and just looked after her. There he said in what he thought was an impassioned tone:
“We must first clearly know that Satan is not an enemy that we mortals can fight against, it is the enemy of God. Therefore, what we have to deal with is not the devil, but the island that serves this devil. The sinful island of the saint’s remains…”
The blue-haired girl in the cloak looked at Rudolph silently. After receiving no response, she turned around and continued to stare blankly ahead, as if planning to continue to be in a daze.
However, at this moment, the previous male voice rang again under the knock on the door.
“Is Miss Astarotti here? I have your courier!”
The blue-haired girl, or the girl named Astarotti turned her head again and looked at the thumping door.
She was a little strange about the abnormalities at the scene.
She can understand the word express delivery, but as an artificial life, she will never buy express delivery without the permission of the controller Rudolph, and if Rudolph wants to buy something, he often asks Lotharincia The supporters in the church were delivered through special channels, let alone express delivery, and naturally she would not be listed as the recipient.
Enemy attack…? Astarotti tilted her head, looked at the thumping door, then turned her head wordlessly, rejecting this possibility. Because the fanatical believers on the scene, especially Rudolf Ostach, did not make any movements. Without orders, the artificial lifeforms that tend to think mechanized will not make any movements.
And as Astarotti looked away again, the ‘courier brother’ outside the door made a distressed voice:
“During this period, every girl really wants to give me an unexpected surprise!”
Astaruti looked over calmly, but did not move at all, standing beside Rudolf Ostach like a statue.
But at this moment, the impassioned Teacher Jian suddenly stopped his high-spirited slogans, and his expression became cold and indifferent in an instant. He turned around stiffly, moved his body like a robot, and moved towards Astarotti. said:
“Open the door.”
Astarotti’s eyes flickered for a while. She noticed Teacher Jian’s abnormality, and deduced that the other party might be controlled. But after a very short silence, she responded flatly:
“The order is accepted.”
After finishing speaking, the doll-like blue-haired girl with a delicate but emotionless face in a cloak walked steadily towards the door, and opened the door in a silent environment.
What catches the eye is a young man with silver hair and gray eyes, clear facial features, wearing a dark suit, no bow tie, open neckline, looking very rested. The moment he opened the door, he stared at Asta with an inexplicable smile Lotte seemed to be looking at some rare treasure.
The person standing outside the door was Zhou You who left Qianyan Office first.
At this time, Yuu was looking at Astarotte with interest, and he could see the latter’s calm spirit in his eyes.
“Is there almost no emotional fluctuation at all… I have to say, the person who named you is of a good standard, Astarotti, the alias of Astarot, the unmoved demon king…”
“Originally, I wanted to study the beliefs of the believers on a whim, and bring a perfect maid to Xiao Nayue by the way, but did you expect such an unexpected surprise?”
An artificial life body with no emotional fluctuations, or very few fluctuations… Yuu didn’t realize that such a life was very suitable for his research on no emotion until after seeing Astarotte. The girl’s flat emotions were like a model, guide the direction of his research.
Astarotti looked at Yu expressionlessly, and after being silent for a while, suddenly stretched out her hand towards Yu.
Yuu looked at the other party in surprise, expecting Astarotte’s reaction.
“Where is the courier?” Astarotti asked in a very flat tone. There was no emotion in her voice, but it gave the illusion that she was surprised.Yu was taken aback when he saw this, then smiled dumbly and said:
With a smile, he took out a candy from his suit pocket, unwrapped it and stuffed it into Astarotte’s mouth, then raised his head when Astarotti tilted his head to express his confusion, and looked around the room The fanatics with numb faces narrowed their eyes.
Accompanied by Yu’s movements, Rudolf Ostach turned his head flexibly and said in a steady voice:
“Astarotti, from now on, your ownership will belong to this gentleman, and I will give up all control rights.”
“The order is accepted.” Astaruti, who was eating candy, raised her head expressionlessly, looking at Yu’s face, as if she wanted to reflect all of Yu’s features into her heart.
After four or five seconds, it seemed that he had memorized Yu’s characteristics. After nodding slightly, Astarotti looked at Yu expressionlessly and said:
“Master, please order.”
Yu looked at Astarotti, who was weak in emotion and seemed to be a robot, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised:
“Temporarily follow Rudolf Ostach to complete his plan, while waiting for my order, and prohibit killing during the process.”
“The order is accepted.” Astarotti replied in a flat tone.
“Are you quicker in your reaction?” Noting that Astarotti had no usual short pauses in her speech, Yu slightly raised her eyebrows, then slightly raised the corners of her mouth and said, “I see. Do you like the fact that killing is prohibited?”
“…” Astarotti looked at Yu expressionlessly, neither admitting nor denying it, as if she was thinking about how to express it.
Seeing this scene, Yu didn’t continue to provoke Astarotti, but said with a smile on his face: “If you are not used to expressing emotions, just keep it like this first, and you don’t have to suppress your emotions in the future, whether it is for you or me. , the enlightenment and germination of various emotions are very important things.”
Gradually changing from an untouched artificial life form to an ordinary person, this process was quite a good inspiration for Yu, so he allowed Astarotte to have his own feelings, both in terms of interests and emotions.
“Then, put on this maid outfit and carry out the mission.”
Looking at the maid outfit that Yu suddenly held in front of her, and the hang tag with the name “Nangong Nayue” written on it, Astarotti said expressionlessly:
“The order is accepted.”
Astarotti, who took the clothes, went to the side room to change at Yuu’s suggestion, and when she walked into the office again, the scene returned to the ‘normal’ just now.
In the office, Rudolf Ostach, who seemed to have nothing happened, expressed his gratitude in the very center:
“We don’t have much time, and we don’t know much about the armed arrangement of Xiangami Island, so your A team must create the biggest disturbance in the fastest time.”
Astarotti walked to Rudolph’s side as usual, and then stared at everything in front of her with those empty eyes.

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