Friendly Notice
On the sixth floor of Thousand Eyes Office, the president’s office.
Sitting on the sofa, Yu looked at the LCD TV in front of him, and watched the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lotarincia speak on the screen.
[We are deeply saddened by the attack on the first princess of Aldikia, and strongly condemn the horrific acts of Rudolf Ostach and Rand Browne. We have the responsibility to In time, punish those madmen who are trying to split the Lotarinchia Sacred Sect and attempt to list themselves as gods…]
Before he finished speaking, Yu pressed the button on the remote control, looked at the screen that went black in an instant, sneered, and said to Ra Furia Lihavain who was sitting beside him:
“The level of this abandoned soldier is not bad, but I don’t know if it was the meaning of the Holy See Jim or the instruction of the Archbishop Arnold Humphrey. Speaking of which, I thought that the people of the church would scream at me. Offense, but I didn’t expect the top to be quite rational.”
“Since two thousand years ago, after the disappearance of Adam, the ancestor who established the Holy Sect of Lotarincia, although Lotarinchia relied on the inheritance and the battle king’s realm, there was no difference, or even a slight advantage, but to be honest, there are no shrewd people. It is impossible for the leadership to compete with an ancient ancestor like the Forgotten War King.”
La Furia chuckled lightly, then opened a mandarin orange, tore off the tangerine, and put it into Yu’s mouth.
You Shun took a bite, while enjoying the sweetness of the juice of the pulp splashing in her mouth, she narrowed her eyes and looked at the side, with a file bag under her arm, wearing a short skirt-style black and white maid outfit, and Towards Jiada Kukokan, who winked at You, he responded to La Furia and said:
“I’d rather call the Pope a politician now than a religious leader, and for a politician, destroying his power is a more efficient thing than threatening the other side with force.”
“If you want, Aldikia is willing to follow your command.” La Furia replied with a smile on the side.
“The Realm of Chaos will not refuse my orders, and I will not refuse any of your wishes.” Jada Kukokan glanced at La Fulia and said with a smile.
On the other hand, Yaase Ikima, who had been standing by the side, kept his mouth shut, lowered his head and admired the floor, responded immediately:
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the TV station, the man-made island management commune, and the headquarters of the magician are all ready and waiting for your instructions.”
Hearing this, Yu stood up with a smile, and before walking out of the room, he said:
“Okay, then before I set off to tease the little girl, it’s up to you to send a ‘friendly notice’ to the Pope for me.”
In the Cathedral of St. Lanus, in a simple guest room, the three giants who joined hands together are enough to turn the entire political arena of Lotarinchia upside down, like ordinary old people, surrounded in front of a TV, watching TV broadcast, his face twitched slightly.
There was a show of Rudolph’s battle with Yukina Himira and Sayaka Hwangsaka, and at the end of the battle, Teacher Jie fell to the ground with diarrhea as the final picture.
It was not until the end of the broadcast that the villain Lotarincia, the teacher, was knocked down by the “just” swordsman and Wu Weiyuan, and the three of them were in the mood to speak.
As the Pope, Jim put his palms on his knees, rubbed the backs of his hands, and looked at Archbishop Arnold Humphrey of Lotarrincia with a very serious expression.
“Arnold, after watching the video, I have a question. A fourth-level bishop is the highest level a combat teacher can achieve, right?”
In the Papal State of Lotarincia, the Pope and the cardinals designate the policies, while the archbishops and the bishops are responsible for the implementation. The relationship between the two is analogous to politicians and civil servants, so some details in practical affairs Question, even Jim, the Pope, needs to ask Arnold to find out.
But there are still some related impressions. For example, the fourth-level bishop is the pinnacle of the general combat clergy. He is a master who can fight the vampires of the old era head-on, and he is the core combat power of the church.
But now, Jim has doubts about the level of this core combat capability.
“Yes, Holy See, the fourth-level bishop is the highest level that can be achieved by a full-time fighting teacher, and the third-level bishop is a clerical job, so there is no need to question the combat effectiveness of the fourth-level bishop. They are ordinary people. The combat power ceiling reached.”
Archbishop Arnold, with a deep hairline and clear facial features, responded with a formulaic smile.
After getting this reply, Jim pointed to the TV in a rather disappointed and helpless tone, then covered his face and said:
“But our general combat power ceiling lost to two little girls who looked at most sixteen years old on Itogami Island, and it was a fiasco without any suspense. A sword wizard of the Lion King mechanism who is good at melee bunts, a good atWu Weiyuan, who has a long curse, and the combination of the two can make a battle-hardened J teacher fail miserably. I have to suspect that there is a problem with the talent selection mechanism within the church. ”
“No, Holy See, this just proves the excellence of our church’s selection mechanism.” Arnold spread his hands and said with a smile on his face.
Jim was stunned for a moment, straightened his back and asked:
“Being easily knocked down by two little girls whose combined grades are younger than me is our criterion for selecting talents?”
“No, no, no, Holy See, you have to think this way, for nearly 3 minutes in the hands of two witches who have been trained by the Lion King agency for many years and even cultivated by the terrible original ancient snake, Rudolph Os Bishop Tach is worthy of being the fighting elite of our Lotharincia, if he is not on the wrong side, I would even describe him as a ‘genius who works hard’.” Arnold flicked his right hand, pointing to the convulsive Teacher Jian who fell on the ground in the picture, He vented his praise indifferently.
Hearing this, Jim rubbed his chin, nodded with relief and said:
“Thinking about it this way, it seems that our Mr. Bishop really worked very hard. After all, she is a witch who was noticed by Satan. It is a normal result that mortals cannot resist.”
“That’s right. Bishop Rudolph worked hard for three minutes before being knocked down by the two little girls. He really tried too hard. We want to call on all the bishops to learn from him.” Cardinal Bonner nodded in a serious manner.
The atmosphere was momentarily cold. Jim and Arnold looked at Bona expressionlessly. It wasn’t until the cardinal covered his mouth guiltily and played with his mobile phone that he turned his head and discussed:
“Arnold, our previous calculations were a bit wrong. We thought that the person who was arrested was an insignificant J teacher, so we let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs make such a prevarication statement, but now things are big, Rudolf Aosta As the direct executor, He knew too much, and in the video, he made a statement that threatened the lives of 600,000 people in Xianjin Island. As a direct member of the Inquisition, his speech can completely represent the Inquisition This is no longer an issue that can be avoided by simply shirking responsibility.”
Hearing this sentence, Arnold’s wrinkled face showed a slightly funny smile:
“Holy Throne, I don’t understand what you mean. Who are you referring to when you say that you can’t explain it away? The people? Or the high-level officials of those hostile countries, or, that ancient snake, that original demon?”
Jim stared straight at Arnold, and then said:
“I mean… the public? The current situation, demonstrations and protests, signs of pressure from public opinion are already obvious, aren’t they?”
“Oh, Holy See, the people are ignorant, ignorant, and can be manipulated by all kinds of information.”
Arnold stood up from his seat, walked behind the sofa, pressed his hands on the back of the sofa chair, and said with a smile:
“For example, a couple who imitated a celebrity cheated, for example, a certain pianist did not help his wife to pay a salute, or for example, a certain celebrity made a bad movie with a salary of hundreds of millions. These irrelevant, time-wasting news can divert the attention of the public, making them pay attention to these trivial matters, and ignore the really important things.”
“What’s really important?” Jim frowned slightly, covered his mouth with a little distress, and said, “For example, that Satan broadcast the signal released by Rudolf Ostach’s arrest? He was in Holding this vital point, coercing us to obey his instructions?”
“Your idea is very logical. Judging from the current situation, it is possible.” Arnold glanced at Jim, then nodded and said.
Jim almost bounced off the sofa, and said with an incredulous expression: “o, my, god! We are the lambs of God, and I am God’s shepherd on earth, being manipulated by the devil? God will not allow this to happen! But the danger of the devil is at hand, in order to protect the Lamb of the Lord, I will…”
Before the words fell, a voice rang out.
“Holy Throne, although I don’t know if God will allow us to be manipulated by demons, I still know that our God was killed by the Fourth Primogenitor two thousand years ago. How can a god of death allow us? It seems a bit ridiculous.” Bona on the side reminded him kindly.
“Shut up, Bona!” X2
Arnold and Jim scolded in unison.
Then, Arnold looked around with a little palpitation, and after confirming that there was no one around, he patted his chest, stared at Bona and said:
“Bona, if you want to retire early, you can immediately submit a resignation report to the Holy See. We will not stop you. If you don’t want to, shut up immediately.”
“Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue.” Bona lowered his head in embarrassment, glanced at his mobile phone, then raised his head and said, “But before shutting up, there is something I want to say.
Just now the Minister of Foreign Affairs contacted me by text message. Just 10 minutes ago, the Kingdom of Aldikia announced economic sanctions against Lotharincia, and the Chaos Realm of Central America issued an announcement at the same time, embargoing 220 special resources for us. It did not confiscate all the assets of Lota Lynchia in the realm of chaos. Similarly, the officials of Xiangami Island also announced the confiscation of all our assets in String Kami Island, and launched a technical blockade against 11 state-owned enterprises in Lota Lynchia. ”
Arnold and Jim’s eyes widened suddenly, and they looked at each other from behind.

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