I only have research in my heart
Yu and Eguchi Yutuo looked at each other for less than a second, while the latter reacted in this short time and jumped back without thinking.
As the Void Witch, Nangong’s space transfer speed was extremely fast that month. Almost the next second after several people stepped on the stable ground, the space channel disappeared when they came, so that Eguchi Yutong, who turned around and prepared to jump, staggered. When it was time to escape, he jumped half a meter toward the rear.
Clap, Eguchi Yuki fell to the ground.
“. What are you doing?” Nangong looked back at Yutong Eguchi with surprise. He didn’t understand why the girl in front of him suddenly jumped backwards.
Hearing the voice, Yutomi Eguchi’s expression was a little embarrassed, but she must have been embarrassed, and what made her even more terrified was Yuna’s slightly smiling gaze.
That is the line of sight where the cat sees the mouse.
“I, I… there are cockroaches on the ground!”
The stammered Eguchi Yutong’s pupils shrank for a while, and then his eyes lit up. He pointed at a cockroach on the ground and shouted loudly.
Nangong said at Eguchi Yutong that month, raised his eyebrows, looked at the motionless cockroach on the ground, and said:
“Stupid dog, get rid of the bugs.”
A snap.
Sasaki Cape, who didn’t dare to speak after seeing the blue-haired true ancestor, sent the cockroach to the sky with one foot, and used his superb spiritual power to control the smashing of the cockroach, for fear that he would be slow and annoy Nangong Nayue. After all, she didn’t want to have a fist-to-fist exchange with the Third Primogenitor here.
When the cockroach ascended to the sky, Nangong Nayue sneered at Eguchi Yutong who looked embarrassed:
“Some people have noticed that my dog ​​is not a vegetarian.”
Yutong Eguchi’s expression froze, but at this moment, Misaki Sasaki clenched his fist and sighed in anger.Looking at Nangong that month, what do you call your dog, is there anyone who says that he is a junior girl? So annoying.
At this moment, Yu, who was standing in front of him, heard an inquiry:
“Didn’t Astaruti come here?”
“I asked her to block the blue paradise. There is no middle-level combat power to sit on the scene. It would be troublesome to let the important people of Kusuki Enterprise run away.”
Nangong turned her head that month and responded to You. During this period, she glanced around, her eyes swept across the faces of the huge submarine and the silent researcher, and then she said:
“Isn’t this all under control? The result of my rush here is just the end?”
“No, maybe we can see the end.” You replied with a smile, and then pointed to the gate behind the submarine, which is below the additional island, connecting to the sea, and used for the entry and exit of the submarine: “This Going 30 nautical miles in the direction, one of my goals this time is there.”
“Sorry, 30 nautical miles is beyond my perception.” Nangong responded calmly that month, and then patted his shoulder with a folding fan: “But Leviathan? What are you looking for a god-killing weapon?”
You smiled and said lightly, “Study [God].”
“Then put yourself on the test bench. No matter how bad it is, the true ancestor over there was also a god before. Did you study the god after dissecting her?”
Nangong snorted that month. The aftermath of yesterday’s parade hasn’t been dealt with yet. Today, he ordered the third primogenitor to blow up a large enterprise, and then the follow-up will be left to her. When will this devil give her some peace of mind?
Looking at the conversation between the two, Misaki Kiriha and Sasaki Misaki didn’t dare to breathe, they just looked at Nangong Nayue who dared to ridicule the Satan in front of them and wanted to dissect the true ancestor with admiration.
As expected of that Senior Moon\Void Witch, this courage is really big and boundless! If it was them, they didn’t dare to take a breath now, for fear of being stomped to death as cockroaches.
“Ah, can I pretend that I didn’t hear this?” Jada Kukokan looked at Nangong that month with a little amusing, whether the witch in front of her was losing her temper or really wanted to slice her, she took it all The other party wants to compete for favor. “Is the famous Demon Killer jealous of my stay in the master’s room yesterday?”
The expressions of Misaki Sasaki and Misaki Kiriha were suddenly a little unnatural, and they looked at the petite gothic loli with some gossip.
In contrast, Nangong glared at Jada Kukokan that month, ignoring the opponent’s provocation, reaching out and grabbing, like catching a chicken, grabbed Yutong Eguchi’s neck, and pulled her down in front of him. Zuyou said:
“I brought you the Lilith you wanted.”
Before she could finish her words, Yutong Eguchi, who was still in a daze, suddenly disappeared. The next moment, she appeared in front of Yu, and was hugged into his arms by the latter.
Looking at the face that was so close at hand, Eguchi’s expression turned pale.
You glanced at Nangong Nayue, then lowered his head and said with a smile:
“It’s not advisable to use such a rude way for a cutie like Yutong.”
Looking at the face that was a little closer, Yutong Eguchi swayed, unable to even stand on his feet, the whole person seemed to be paralyzed, and fell softly into Yu’s arms.
At this time, Yu, who bowed his head, said with a smile:
“Okay, my little cutie, go and call Leviathan.”
A gentle male voice came into Eguchi Yutong’s mind from her ears. Suddenly, Eguchi Yutong’s vision changed. She seemed to see a deep and dark world, saw bubbles floating one by one, and saw a There are all kinds of strange swimming fish, and in the middle of the swimming fish, a dark-headed, indistinguishable behemoth undulates slightly.
Leviathan! Eguchi Yutong suddenly understood the dark figure, and at the same time a vague feeling told him that this was a scene thirty nautical miles away, in the depths of the ocean.
‘Gather your mind, awaken it, manipulate it, enslave it, and make it obey your will. ’
Eguchi Yutong opened his mouth, his eyes gradually became empty, he silently obeyed the voice that came from nowhere, and penetrated his spirit into the depths of the ocean and into the body of the behemoth.
It sounded like a cow’s cry, and two huge lanterns lit up in the huge shadow. Then, the shadow began to float upwards, following the ocean current, moving quickly towards Itogami Island.
At the same time, the space in the depths of the ocean gradually changed. The black was deeper and the purple was brighter, as if a bright oil paint had been poured on it. Then, the huge shadow was submerged in the oil paint.
The next second, it appeared in front of a huge metal wall, and with the gradually opening metal gate, it went against the nature of the creature and prepared to enter the cramped area ahead.
At this time, Yutong Eguchi only felt that the big hand on her waist suddenly loosened, and she was completely weak, following the figure leaning on her back, and fell to the ground in a duck sitting posture, and at this moment, her His eyes suddenly regained focus, showing a shocked expression in confusion, turning his head and looking at the figure behind him.
At this moment, the handsome young man with short silver hair curled his mouth slightly, looked at her indifferently, and said in a tone without the slightest surprise:
“I see. Is this the so-called god-killing weapon? It’s interesting to tamper with the essence of the gods as demons.”
My role… It’s over… Unexpectedly, Yutong Eguchi suddenly felt relieved.
However, in the next second, her heart almost stopped.
“Then, let’s studyIs it a new topic about whether Nightmare can get pregnant? “

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