The Dinner Party of Azathoth
As if swallowing all black.
At the beginning of the universe, where traces of the original Big Bang remain.
The darkness has built a palace here. It is not a physical entity, but a conceptual ‘palace’. It is the couch of ‘chaos’, the abode of sublime beings, and the place of the supreme demon.
In this palace, the noble man with four arms and faceless beat the invisible drum, the one-eyed and four-mouthed demon played the flute and made a disgusting sound, and the ruler of eight heads and eight tails played the suona with all his strength, The nameless servants howled wildly.
In the center of the palace, ‘chaos’ was squirming, as if enjoying the symphony that sounded all around.
However, in the next second, the ‘chaos’ suddenly stagnated, as if he was tired of hearing these noises, and indescribable dark flesh began to emerge.
Seeing this scene, the surrounding servants hurriedly showed their singing like crazy, as if begging for forgiveness.
However, everything is meaningless.
Invisible power filled the air, all noble existences disappeared, and the sound of Gacha Gacha chewing sounded in the palace.
At this time, a light appeared here, and then the gray mist filled the air, bubble-like light bodies appeared, the chewing sound gradually disappeared, and the indescribable noble seemed to open his eyes and looked at the dense light body.
Yog-Sothoth, who appeared here, was speechless.
Time stagnated at this moment, and then, like an inverted river, it began to flow backwards.
The servants who disappeared one after another appeared, called out the instruments again, and played the unpleasant and harsh symphony. Except for the trembling manner, nothing changed.
The noble person in the center seemed to be accustomed to this, and just focused his attention on Yog, seeing the past and the future through the other side.
There is no need for [The One Who Returns All Things] to explain, the Supreme Demon already knows everything, his pitch-black body wriggled, the thinker, and then suddenly read out his will as if he had come up with some good idea.
【You come. 】
A pitch-black flute appeared in front of the [All Things Return to One].
His body composed of billions of light bodies turned for a moment, and then a huge human-shaped shadow slowly emerged in it.
The primordial immortal who appeared helplessly sighed, and then the shadow-like body picked up the flute, moved to the position of the symbolic mouth, and blew a melodious note.
The sublime demon fell into tranquility and seemed to be immersed in the world of music.
At this moment, the flickering light body turned again, and a yellow-spotted curtain with a gray background appeared above the palace.
On the canvas, a young man with silver hair and gray eyes is walking in chaos, and not far from it, a beam of light that penetrates the sky and the earth is shining with its own brilliance, and around it, surrounded by billions of stars, the gods and Buddhas within it Aura shines brightly on chaos.
And among them, the principle of Tao covers the whole world, and the glory of the only God fills the sky.
Seeing this scene, the [Supreme Demon] – Azathoth once again issued a clear will.
[Let’s hold a dinner party. 】
[Use this splendid paradise of gods and Buddhas. 】
The Primordial Eternals played wordlessly, and the light bodies that were like stars revolved quietly, transmitting the will of the [Supreme Demon] to every corner of the universe, waiting for the annoying messenger to arrive.
In the chaotic zone between the worlds, Yuu, who had left the blood-devouring and maddening attack on the world, headed in the direction from which he came, heading for the paradise of the gods and Buddhas.
And in a certain corner of its body, the interior of [Dirac’s Heart].
The huge floating continent is floating in the darkness. Above it, the dazzling sun and the bright moon hang high in the sky at the same time, and thousands of stars are suspended in the sky, blooming with their own little rays of light.
A silver-haired girl in a black and white plaid skirt—Nayko is lying on a grassland in the mainland.
The corners of her mouth were glistening, her right hand was scratching her belly lazily, and she made strange noises such as ‘Ya Die’ and ‘We are family, we can’t do this’.
Naiyako suddenly opened her eyes, her face turned pale in an instant, as if she had dreamed of a ghost, the man who caught the hair on his own head lifted himself up, and said in a panic:
“After the bird, the bird, the bird, the banquet, it’s actually a banquet, the blind man with the problem of his ears is going to have a banquet again, and he is still holding a banquet with a small garden. Didn’t he just eat a meal three billion years ago? That meal? The wreckage of the wreck was finally brought back to Yu, and he is here again this time?”
Naiya Ziya’s teeth trembled, and he turned around in a circle, his mouth was full of cursing words:
“Could that blind and deaf-brained person know that I put Bao Bao on Yu, so he blocked me? It doesn’t make sense. Isn’t that mental retardation a fool of Kegtuyan?”
“Wait, could it be Yog? That sullen guy who said he didn’t mind Avogomon, actually not only remembered it, but also avenged my revenge for smuggling to Hakoba last time?”
“Wait for me here together?”
At this moment, the warm sunlight faded away soundlessly, and was replaced by a pitch-black color.
Seeing the dim light around her, Nayiko blinked, raised her head, and looked at the sky, where the dark sun hangs, and a dazzling light in the middle is like an alarm clock in the morning.An eye-catching reminder of his existence.
Yavgomon looked at Naiako quietly, just watching it quietly in the seal, and then, the sound of turning pages sounded in the whole world, as if recording Naiako’s words.
“What are you looking at? Haven’t you seen a beautiful girl like me? Are you still taking pictures of me? Shameless, bah~” Nayazi snorted rudely, and then said with disgust: “By the way, I scold Yuge. Sothoth, what’s your business, Yavgomon?”
Yavgomon: “…”
The violent future itself was silent for a moment, and then said in a calm voice:
[The will of the Supreme Demon cannot be violated. 】
Naiyako’s complexion changed greatly, knowing that her idea of ​​letting Yu avoid Hakoba and find a small world to hide for a disaster would not work, she immediately cursed angrily:
“You actually threatened me? How dare you threaten me? Just wait for me, and I’ll ask my son to fuck you!”
Yavgomon: “…”
At this time, He suddenly discovered that, under the interference of some kind of power, he had changed from a dazzling brilliance to a sick and weak girl with black hair and black eyes, charming facial features, pale skin, and no blood. Fogmon was silent for a long time, and then sighed softly:
[If I enter the gestation state, what should your long-cherished wish be? 】
Naiako’s complexion suddenly changed greatly, pointing at Avogomon’s face and glaring:
“You actually think that the mother is more expensive than the child? Don’t even think about it, that right is exclusively for me and Qiong!”
[Unreasonable. 】
Yavgomon said coldly.
After that, the great sun in the sky returned to white again.
Seeing this scene, Naiako, who understood that Yavgomon had closed her ears, changed her face, and the distortion on her face disappeared instantly. She frowned, thinking carefully, her face gradually took on distress:
“Damn it, it’s too late. According to Yu’s speed, Yu has already reached the vicinity of Hakoba, and he is basically in the game. No, I have to think of a way.”
“Wait, things shouldn’t be that bad. The current timeline should be in a thousand years, and since it’s being taken care of, it means that the tricky guys in the small garden have attracted attention after they have developed, tsk, I hope to be able to. Help a little bit.”
After she finished speaking, she looked around, looked at the full moon and the big sun in the sky, which represented spirit and matter, looked at the illusory full moon, and the afterimage of the stars, and said with a tut:
“After eating Yu that child’s accumulation of several worlds, this tattered universe is still like this bird.”
Naiako thought about it for a while, and felt that this was not possible, so she immediately mobilized the incarnation that she could drive, and secretly collected resources. This was a job that took time, and it happened that she needed time to think carefully about the countermeasures.
In the midst of the chaos, Yu stopped moving, looked at the splendid Hakoba Tianzhu not far away, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly:
“I’m back~”
He sighed with emotion. Before looking at the scenery outside the world, he felt the familiar fluctuations.
“Is this? The Queen’s power…?”
Yuu’s eyes were slightly surprised by the reunion, and then he followed the fluctuation of the space and took a step forward.
But after Yu entered the small garden.
In the chaotic area, indescribable darkness spreads out, and bubble-like shining bodies of light appear in it.
The entire Little Garden was plunged into a pitch-dark curtain.

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