The Heart of Dirac
【Dirac universe. 】
AvogomonpinBriefly explained:
[Translated into a language you can understand, it is ‘the universe of the mechanical race’. 】
[The Dirac universe used to belong to a universe where intelligent life dominated the mainstream, among which there were many strange mechanical life that had reached the realm of the original pillar. Extraordinary combat power, for this reason, they invaded many universes to obtain food for further evolution. 】
[And about 4.2 billion standard cosmic time ago, this universe fell into the eyes of His Majesty, and two thousand years later, His Majesty blew the prelude to the dinner, and reported the dinner meeting. After the meeting, Gauze Nicholas and Nyarlathotep was responsible for capturing the ‘Dirac Universe’. 】
[After seventy-six million years of war, at the cost of 2,300 deaths of gauze and 1,700 deaths of Nyarlathotep, the Dirac universe was given a dinner by two people, as The ‘main course’ was served. 】
[Among them, Nyarlathotep killed Gauze 1,900 times, and Gauze killed Niyazi 1,001 times. 】
After answering this sentence properly, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.
At least Yu opened his mouth slightly, expressing in astonishment that this is a basic operation, don’t worry about it… a ghost. Under such circumstances, these scumbags of Cthulhu actually want to kill each other?
And does he have found the origin of the gauze incarnation that polluted the world of the warship girl?
And this so-called dinner party, the so-called capture of the universe, always feels very similar to Hakoniwa’s current experience, the large-scale invasion of Cthulhu’s old rulers… Hastur, the king in yellow, and Kegetua the deflagration? These two are responsible for capturing Hakoniwa this time and serving the main course of the dinner?
While Youxin was guessing, Avrgomon continued:
[After the struggle of the Dirac universe, all the high-level beings in it died, and then the universe was swallowed by His Majesty, and the residue that His Majesty refused to eat is what you think of as the ‘Dirac Heart’. 】
[It is a remnant of the core rules of that universe, a trace left behind by a mechanical lifeform who is good at ‘deduction’ after the final struggle, because the other party has not been assimilated into our compatriots from the beginning to the end, so it was left behind Down, the final destination is unknown. 】
Speaking of this, Avrgomon looked at Yu calmly. This so-called whereabouts was standing in front of him.
“Is this…? So, Hakoniwa is the main course of this dinner?”
[Although I am blocked here, judging from Naiyazi’s reaction, the possibility is very high, and it can even be directly concluded, because through you, I feel the power of the main body. In the past, the prelude to the dinner was started by the main body , and the prelude generally refers to blocking the time and space where the object universe is located to prevent the participants from escaping. 】
You fell into silence. The Dirac Heart in his mind was the final legacy of a strong man in the Dirac universe, but the so-called assimilation? That is to say, in all the captured and devoured universes, the fate of those strong is to become the old dominator?
Then what is the purpose of Azathoth hosting the dinner? Just to devour other universes? Strengthen the group of Old Ones?
He suspected that there was something deeper hidden by Avgomon. After he asked, Avgomon’s silence proved this point even more. It is an indisputable fact that what he or the gods of Hakoniwa have to do now is nothing more than a choice.
Is it a choice to struggle? Or short tail survival?
Youwei sighed uncontrollably. Rationally, he definitely wanted to run away. Having seen Azathoth, he naturally knew how terrifying that Supreme Demon was. To put it bluntly, even now, he didn’t think I can block the other party’s impromptu singing voice.
If possible, he would naturally want to leave, but this matter is no longer his own business, and he still has to ask Taichi and the others for their opinions. After all, he is a passer-by, not the host of Little Garden.
Moreover, he didn’t think he could escape the space-time blockade of the [One who returns everything to one].
Little Garden has been surrounded, surrounded by Yog-Sothoth.
“I always feel like I’m being forced to go to Liangshan.” Hehe, then lay down on the boulder, looked at Avgomon above and said, “Is there any way to cancel the dinner? Or, how can I avoid being swallowed and assimilated?” ?”
[Eliminate us or join us. 】
Avrgomon said coldly.
“You mean to be a young boy?” You raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then shook his head, looked at Avgomon, and said sarcastically, “Then are there any benefits after joining?”
[Walking around in His Majesty’s belly counts? 】
Avrgomon took a rare step.
You choked on this sentence, and said with an unnatural expression after a while:
“Are you sure I still exist?”
He has seen it before. He has seen Aleister in the Forbidden World cast the taboo spell [Azathoth’s Stomach]. After using that spell, he is completely dead. The strongest person in the forbidden universe, the nun God himself admitted.
And this nun God is a high-ranking existence that Naiyako thinks is difficult to deal with. According to Yu’s comparison, he may have to reach the second particle before he can be comparable to the other party.
To put it bluntly, entering Azathoth’s stomach is courting death.
“It means that the only way to go is to eliminate you?” Yu’s face was quite ugly. Anyone who knew that he was facing a dead end would also have an ugly face like him.
【Based on my knowledge, ‘Yes. ’] Afgomon toneIt was calm, without the consciousness of being a prisoner at all.
Inside this Dirac heart, he couldn’t resist Yu’s power, maybe he would be killed, but it didn’t mean anything.
In the existence of the Cthulhu system, there are actually not many figures known for their combat power. The reason why they are hailed as terror is because of their crazy infectious ability and the “immortality” that has not been cracked so far.
The only thing that can deal with them is the seal, but seals, to put it bluntly, will eventually dissipate one day, and the Old Ones are all monsters that dominate the timeline.
From the moment Hakoniwa was targeted, everything was doomed.
Yu, who also understood this point, had an ugly face. He took a few deep breaths, calmed down his emotions, looked at the sky with cloudy eyes, looked at Avgomon and said:
“If I said that I want you to provide information about your compatriots, would you provide it?”
【Although I can understand your feelings, I still regret to tell you. 】
Avgomon was silent for a while, sighed, and then a melancholy voice sounded in Yu’s mind:
[I will provide it. 】
[And I will tell you their weaknesses one by one, please rest assured, this information can at least be accurate until before I was sealed, that is, four months ago, and this time, for my compatriots, even breathing Neither is enough. 】
[If you still think it’s not enough, you can let go of the seal on me. I can track their tracks at the same time. Although I can’t provide a clear address, at least I can give an early warning. 】
Originally, because of Avrgomon, he understood each word and regretted each word, but when he heard the last four words, he immediately lost his temper.
Who is Avrgomon?
[All things return to one] – the incarnation of Yog Sothoth, one of the pinnacles of the Cthulhu system, it can be said that it is almost a part of the uncrowned king of this system, and this kind of mission is willing to provide information about compatriots, Also sure to say back to provide the weaknesses of the compatriots.
what is this?
I developed the enemy’s prime minister into our side’s second or fifth boy?
You was silent for a long time, and finally said with emotion:
“You have refreshed my understanding of the word ‘infighting’.”
[You may have misunderstood, the reason why I appear here is because of the betrayal of ‘I’. 】
Avgomon said quietly in an unclear tone.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched, because the fact that he sealed Avrgomon really came from [All things return to one], so it was his ‘self’ betrayal.
Above the sky, Avrgomon quickly entered the working state:
[It takes time to sort out the information. My compatriots have too many weaknesses. I need a period of time to sort it out. It is estimated that it will take about two months of Hakoba’s time. 】
You opened your mouth, and finally let out a sigh:
“Your success left me speechless.”
[…] Avrgomon was silent for a while, and then said: 【Why do you think Naiyazi allows you to suppress her nature? 】
Yoyo raised her eyebrows, looked at Avgomon, and waited for his explanation.
[Even if you are unwilling to let yourself lose control from the beginning to the end and truly become one of us, in the eyes of Naiyazi and I, you are the only compatriot worthy of a certain amount of trust. This is rare for us. 】
“…” You was silent for a long time, and then said dumbfoundedly: “Should I say thank you for the compliment?”
Box Garden, 2105380, the outer gate.
Yuu, who set foot on this land again through the realm gate, had a rather complicated expression.
He learned a lot through Avgomon, but the more he understood, the more he felt overwhelmed by the situation in Little Garden.
The only advantage now is that Avrgomon is willing to provide information. They still have a chance to fight back in the face of the invasion of the Cthulhu system, but he still cannot think of the final solution.
“Huh, is this the only way?” You shook his head slightly, and sighed helplessly.
What he can do now is to unite more people, strengthen the defensive position, and then improve his own strength. If he can reach the final first mass point and reach a level close to that of [All things return to one], not to mention completely close to this Things, at least to keep the dinner in the state of progress.
Thinking of this, Yu smiled wryly again. It is not easy to reach the first mass point from the fourth mass point, but now, he can only do his best and struggle. Just like what he said to Nihui Izayoi, in this hell, struggle hard!
Thinking of this, Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.
“Cai Niao’s affairs need to be sped up. Now I don’t have much time to let them compete with He Meimei.”
He shook his head, stepped across the space, and arrived directly at the door of Qianyan’s residence. He quickly walked into the store manager’s private residence at the back. His eyes quickly locked on Bai Yasha’s direction, and he saw him in a gazebo.
However, when he saw the waist-length blond figure sitting opposite Shiraiyasha, the corners of Yuu’s mouth twitched indiscernibly.
Queen of Halloween… White Yasha… Is it too late for him to call Taiyi?

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