The bottom layer is like grass

Eudemons Forest, border.
Deprived of the ‘Arcadia’ flag, No,name, who can only live in Hakoniwa as an ‘unnamed community’, is carrying out the usual supply of living materials, that is, fetching water.
It is often the orc children in the community who are given this job.
At this time, on the slightly muddy road, a dozen or so children with buckets were trying to adjust their breathing while moving towards home, trying hard not to let the water in the buckets spill on the ground.
“Lily? Are you okay? Are you still holding on?”
At the back of the queue, a little girl stopped, turned her head, and looked at the fox-eared girl at the back of the line. The latter was wearing a dirt-resistant apron. All stood up high, as if they were reaching their limit.
Carrying water across more than ten miles is a struggle for ordinary people, let alone children like them, but there is no way. The community needs water, and there are not many sources of income, so they cannot buy it with money. Under the pressure of survival, they can only Let the kids do the hard work.
That is to say, most of the children here are orcs, and they are naturally strong, otherwise it would be really difficult to complete this drudgery.
“I’m fine, I can still persevere.”
The fox-eared girl called Lily blushed. However, her arm carrying the bucket had begun to tremble visibly.
“I’ll take a break with you… Jake, Minnie, you all go first, I’ll take a break with Lily, and I’ll catch up later.”
The little girl in front explained to her companions first.
“But, Sally, it’s not too far from the community anymore? Can’t you hold on any longer?”
The leading orc child, Jike, was a little worried. The evening is the time of the devil, and a small number of phantom beasts and demons will act and hunt during this time, so it is the best choice to return to the community as soon as possible.
“Look at Lily’s face, can you still hold on to it?”
Gek looked at Lily’s face, thought about it, and shouted to his companion who took a few steps ahead:
“That’s it, then take a five-minute break, everyone has it, sit down and rest.”
The kid who led the team thought for a while, and simply gave everyone a vacation. This was both for physical strength and safety considerations.
Although it is said that this water intake road has been cleaned up by Black Rabbit for three years, there is a high probability that the phantom beasts in the forest will not attack these children, but some ignorant monsters do not.The law is a complete deterrent, so for safety reasons, it is safer to form a group.
“Jick, thank you.”
Sally thanked Lily, then dragged Lily to the side of the big tree, put down the bucket, cleared a stone on the ground, made sure there was nothing dirty, and sat down directly.
After sitting down, both Lily and Sally breathed a sigh of relief. Carrying a bucket on a rainy day is a bit harder than usual work. In fact, whether it is Lily or others, they are actually very tired, and their physical strength has been reduced to a dangerous level.
Although it is dangerous to rest at the time of the devil, it is not far from the stronghold, and it is the area that the black rabbit is seriously targeting, so the safety is still guaranteed, and out of mutual support for his partners, Jike still made the decision to rest.
However, in the next second, all the children’s expressions froze.
A three-meter-thick boa constrictor quickly crawled out of the lush woods on the side. Those dark golden eyes made all the children feel numb.
Eudemons, definitely Eudemons.
Although it is said that there are many beasts in the forest, those with huge size must be intelligent mythical beasts. In the wild, the huge size means that the target is big, and the possibility of being hunted is high, so the one who can survive must be the strong one.
The python pierced through the woods very fast, and there were two children resting against the tree in the direction of its advance. The scene made everyone unable to react.
And right now.
The python twisted and turned suddenly, forcibly changing its direction at the cost of hitting the trunk of a big tree.
There was a loud noise when the tree trunk was hit, the leaves clattered, and there was a faint sound of trees breaking.
The python that was forced to stop suddenly raised its head and looked down at a few frightened children. A grumpy voice came from his mouth:
“Are you looking for death? Little devil? How dare you stop here!”
The python scolded, looked around at the dozen or so children, his pupils contracted and enlarged several times, and then snorted coldly:
“Is that a parasite raised by that rabbit? Don’t blame me for not reminding you that there is a monster in the forest. If you don’t want to die, run away.”
After speaking, the python entered the woods without looking back, like a brown lightning bolt, and ran quickly into the distance.
Before the children came back to their senses, they heard the leader, Jike, shouting:
“Everyone, run to the base! Throw all the buckets, all, run!”
Speaking of which, he took the lead and ran up. The child who was frightened subconsciously obeyed his instructions, followed behind, and ran along the path toward the stronghold.
Sally and Lily are no exception.
It’s just that as soon as the two of them set off, a huge roar came from the forest one after another, as if countless beasts were running wild in the forest.
For a time, everyone’s scalp was numb, and they realized that a large group of beasts were moving nearby, and most likely, they had already arrived nearby.
Sure enough, a large number of wildebeest rushed out from the forest on the left, directly swept away the escaped children.
Fire wildebeest is a wildebeest that has obtained the gift of flame. It has a relatively mild personality and has the habit of living in groups for self-protection. There are often hundreds of thousands of wildebeests when they appear. When these wildebeest escape for their lives, they are like the ancient army. , can’t see the end.
Looking at her companions who were running towards the exit of the forest, Lily looked pale. She and her companions were separated and stopped in the forest, but she also knew that she was not the worst. Some companions, including Sally, seemed to be involved. Among the group of wildebeests, if there is no accident, I am afraid it is over.
However, her situation doesn’t seem to be too good, after all, she has been surrounded by inexplicably migrating beasts.
—— was checkmate.
At this time, a female voice unexpectedly came out from the group of flaming horned horses, which had no other sound except for the roar of the stampede:
“Hohoho, I finally saw a living person, and sure enough, Al-chan is super lucky.”

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