We Have Seen Through It! (two more)

At this moment, the atmosphere in the corridor is quite strange.
Especially when the walls that were broken by the explosion were blowing like cold wind from time to time, Aisha only felt icy cold all over her body, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar and could not escape.
And the reason why Aisha associates like this is that there are three problem children plus a moon rabbit,Four playful faces.
“Lord Long Ji has left?”
Backward Izayoi glanced at the stairs at the end of the corridor, and then said with a smile.
“Looks like it’s time to deal with important matters.”
Black Rabbit breathed a sigh of relief, if she could, she didn’t want to talk about anything about Yu in front of Lady Leticia, because she was worried that the other party would be embarrassed.
“Speaking of which, when did you realize something was wrong?” Jiuyuan Asuka looked back at Izayoi.
“After the chief of staff came to this outer door.”
Reverse Izayoi shrugged, with a bit of jest in his tone.
“The one said that he was here to do business, but he never said what it was. When he contacted the other party, he locked the escort hotel at a glance, and waited for Miss Vera to come to the door. If you think about it carefully, that one is for this. – It’s over.”
“Is it about Miss Vera in the first place? I didn’t realize that.”
Jiuyuan Asuka put her index finger in front of her chin and muttered.
At this time, Izayoi looked around, then looked at Jiuyuan Asuka and said:
“Speaking of the eldest lady, what do you think? Don’t you worry that she is really taking a concubine?”
When Jiu Yuan Fei Niao heard this, he raised his eyebrows, and then snorted, slightly dissatisfied:
“Do you think I’m an idiot? Although that teacher is a little unreliable, the things that can alarm him, at least it involves the existence of three figures, right?”
“Although I’m a little sorry for Miss Vera’s previous reception, but just by her words, it’s impossible to alarm the teacher, and even let him come to the North District in person.”
“So taking a concubine or something is just a cover.”
“Agree.” Kasugabe Yao raised his hand, agreeing with Kuto Asuka.
“So the eldest and Miss Yao also think that there is still a mastermind behind the scenes?”
Reversely, Izayoi combed his bangs, then hesitantly, said with a smile:
“And at least it’s a black hand like the magic star Al Gore. Thinking about it this way, it’s all in the other party’s calculation that I received the invitation letter?”
“It’s possible.” Jiuyuan Asuka hesitated for a while, then nodded.
She is now even suspicious of the so-called Pumpkin Jack.
Although Vera admitted that she has this subordinate and confirmed it in person, she has never met in person after all. She doubts which side of Pumpkin Jack’s current position is.
Are you standing here with Vera? Or are you standing at the black hand who made Yuu personally dispatched?
At this time, Reverse Izayoi said again:
“If you think about it this way, the key to breaking the game is Miss Vera, right?”
“That’s why the teacher deliberately used that reason to take Vera away to get a chance to be alone?”
Jiuyuan Flying Bird was stunned for a while, and then said with a somewhat speechless expression:
“He’s really funny enough.”
“That’s it.”
Kasugabe Yō, who was beside him, nodded repeatedly.
As the only person who was teased by Yuu. She had seen a lot of Reverse Izayoi and Jiuyuan Asuka being teased. Thinking back carefully, Yu’s bad taste was really serious.
“What are you talking about…” Aixia, the maid on the side, said in a daze, “Sister Vera is alone in a room with that Zeus!”
“Zeus?” Jiuyuan Flying Bird sneered: “Is it still a problem?”
“In terms of spirituality, it is completely consistent with the records.” Black Rabbit explained weakly.
“Spirituality or something, can it be imitated for the existence standing on the top of the garden?”
Going back to Izayoi’s playful start, he explained:
“I have collected the nameless library before, specialized in the study of the Greek gods, and found that Zeus’ personality is very changeable, sometimes indifferent, sometimes lustful, sometimes wise.
If I hadn’t seen the chief of staff, it was fine, but if I had, I would have realized that something was wrong. ”
“If you think about it carefully, apart from the possibility of split personality, it makes sense that Zeus is played by multiple people or multiple gods.”
“If you classify multiple performances as the keynote, I found that the most recorded lewd can be attributed to the performance of the same person, and I think you should have met that person.”
“Lord Shiroyasha?” Black Rabbit blurted out his debut.
Reversely, Izayoi looked at the black rabbit strangely, until the other party looked embarrassed, then nodded and said:
“Yes, I guess it’s that one too.”
“I can’t deny it.”
Jiuyuan Asuka twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking of the White Night Demon King who was close to her, she found that if the gender of the other party was changed to a man, it would really fit the image of Zeus.
“The most important thing is that when we came to Hakoba, Mr. Yu came back from the outside world.”
Kasugabe added the most important argument.
“Just returned? But Zeus has always existed in Hakoba?”
“Wait, if that’s the case, then, that person is not a womanizer? It’s because someone is eyeing Sister Vera? That’s why you made this decision?”
Aixia gradually opened her mouth wide and said with a stunned expression.
She had naturally heard of Shiroyasha’s reputation, the chief of the Thousand Eyes, the strongest White Night Demon King in Hakoniwa.
She had heard gossip that the other party was very lecherous, but she had never heard of anyone who had evidence to prove it.
If the other party does bad things in the name of Zeus, then it is reasonable.
“So then, that majesty is still a good person?” Aixia said, gradually believing.
“The next step? Not necessarily?” Reversely Izayoi curled his lips.After Jiuyuan Asuka heard Aisha’s words, she also sneered:
“With that person’s character, you must be very happy to be misunderstood by us like that before, right?”
“Then when we are convinced, tell us the truth and make us ashamed.”
Kasugabe Yao pouted slightly. I just feel that Yu’s heart is really bad.
“Yes, that’s it, that person likes to see such contrasts.”
Jiuyuan Asuka nodded again and again, and then said with a look of disgust:
“If we hadn’t guessed the teacher’s trick earlier, I’m afraid Maxwell would have jumped out and showed his might when he escaped.”
“However, I still didn’t dodge it. I’m afraid that the annoyed look was seen by that person.”
Nihui Izayoi said with a twitching mouth, he doubted that Yuu had also seen his ugliness in the toilet.
Yuu is not a girl like Jiu Yuan Asuka, there is no rule not to enter the men’s bathroom.
“No way, who made that teacher stronger than us?”
Jiuyuan Flying Bird spread out his hands, then turned his head to look at Aixia who was snickering, and said with narrowed eyes:
“Speaking of which, Aixia Sang’s previous performance was very good.”
Aisha’s expression suddenly stiffened while she was giggling.
“That’s right, when I was crying while hugging Vera’s calf, I saw that the corners of Mr. Yu’s mouth were almost raised to the sky.”
At the side, Kasugabu Yao is making up his sword every day.
“Don’t be like this, the two of you, even if Miss Aixia is tricked, don’t add fuel to the fire!”
The black rabbit on the side unconsciously made up for the knife.
“Please don’t say any more!” Aixia hugged her head and almost burst into tears.
“Forget it, I’ll let you go for the time being.”
Kuyuan Asuka murmured, and then looked at Black Rabbit and Reverse Izayoi.
“What do we do next? Go back and get a good night’s sleep? Then sit back and wait to go home?”
“Both hands agree!”
Reverse Izayoi raised his hands, but kept them behind his head:
“In the end, with our small stature, it’s courting death to get involved with those big men. It’s better to sleep more.”
“It’s really nice for a few of you to think this way.”
The black rabbit on the side bit his hair moved and said with tears in his eyes.
It’s not easy, it’s really not easy, these troubled children finally stop doing things.
“Then, let’s go back and rest. I’ll see how my bastard teacher’s plan failed tomorrow.”
“Want to see how I misunderstood him as a lecher, and finally changed his appearance? Oh, he thinks beautifully.”
Jiu Yuan Fei Niao yawned in a bit of distress.
“Are you going to give me a red envelope to congratulate you on your wedding?” Izayoi said with a smirk.
“Please don’t do this. Although I know it’s fake, my heart still hurts, my sister Vera… Who the hell are you following?”
A group of people scattered in the corridor noisily and went to their resting place.
In the master bedroom of the manor.
Lying on the bed, Vera, with a few tears in her eyes, tugged at the quilt, and then let out a slight breathing sound.
On the side of the bed, Leticia stood there with an expressionless face, and Vera’s sleepy eyes were reflected in her pupils, fixing them firmly.
“It’s hard work, my witch.”
At the other end of the room, Yuu, who was wearing a nightgown and sitting at the desk, said to Leticia without looking back.
Leticia didn’t answer, she just nodded tiredly, her pupils locked on Vera.
And while Vera was being secretly restrained by Leticia, Yu picked up a pen and paper and wrote a letter with the corners of her mouth slightly upturned.
Under the flickering light, I saw this line of words written on the first line of the letter.
‘Indra personally inspired…’

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