[God King] Emperor Shitian

City of Moon Shadows, in the corridor of the central temple.
Jiuyuan Bird looked at Ashmita, who was walking in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were still raised inexplicably. He couldn’t help but raised his hand and grabbed the ear of the black rabbit:
“Damn rabbit, can you explain to me what’s going on?”
“It hurts, it hurts! I said, can’t I say it all?” The black rabbit who grabbed the rabbit’s ear was frightened and begged for mercy.
Jiuyuan Asuka squeezed the fluffy rabbit ears again, then released her hand and said:
“You didn’t listen to me earlier, can you explain what’s going on now? Why did you hear that I was going to challenge Di Shitian?Do you mind? Aren’t you Moon Rabbit the retinue of Emperor Shitian? ”
“This….” Black Rabbit looked at Ashmita hesitantly, looking like he was hesitant to say anything.
At this time, the wavy-haired moon rabbit walking in front had turned his head slightly, swept the three people behind and said:
“Two guests, we have already arrived at the place.”
Hearing this sentence, Jiuyuan Asuka couldn’t care about the doubts in his heart.
She turned around and looked towards the front of the corridor, and what caught her eye was a modern wooden house made of pure wood that was incompatible with the surrounding temples.
Seeing this kind of building that was a little out of harmony with the environment, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao sighed in his heart, and realized that it was the residence of Emperor Shitian.
I am afraid that only the main god of the moon rabbits can arbitrarily build a modern wooden house full of disobedience in a temple in a city?
At this time, Ashmita in front pushed down his glasses, took a few steps forward, came to the door, moved the door handle, and said blankly, “Okay, let’s go in directly.”
“Aren’t you going to tell me?” Kasugabe Yō asked with some doubts.
Wouldn’t it be too rash to break into the residence of a god king without even knocking on the door?
At this time, Ashmita said calmly: “There’s no need for that, or rather, it’s just right.”
After she finished speaking, she pushed open the door and entered the wooden house.
It always felt a little wrong…. Hearing Ashmita’s words, 007 Jiuyuan Asuka’s face was a little strange.
At this time, the black rabbit on the side suddenly explained:
“Please rest assured, for the Lord God, the entire Moon Shadow City is under its surveillance, so our arrival should have been known by the Lord God long ago.”
“So this is ah.”
Jiuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yō suddenly looked at each other, and the whole city was under their surveillance. Should it be said that they were existences at the level of gods and kings?
Then, Black Rabbit stretched out his hand and invited:
“Then, the two of you please.”
Jiuyuan Fei Niao felt uneasy for a while, and was a little worried about the meeting with Emperor Shitian.
If Yuu’s letter didn’t work, she would definitely end up badly for challenging the three-digit Demon King.
At this moment, a hand rested on Jiuyuan Asuka’s shoulder.
She turned her head to the side, looked at Kasugabe Yō with a sullen face, and was slightly surprised.
“Together?” Kasugabe Yō’s voice was still quite calm.
Hearing this, Jiuyuan Asuka took a deep breath and then laughed:
“Are you kidding me, I’m a woman who was called by my teacher and destined to be called a king of gods. One person is enough for such a small scene.”
Having said that, she directly stepped forward and stepped into the entrance of the wooden house.
And at this moment, a scream sounded.
“My game console—!!”
The three girls at the door were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and ran in quickly.
In a few seconds, before the three came to the aisle, they saw the scene in the living room through the wide open door.
It was a messy scene.
On the wooden floor are scattered packages of snacks such as potato chips and spicy strips, drank half of the 5L coke, kneaded into a ball of paper towels, magazines with swimsuit characters as the cover…
These things are placed in a mess on the floor, on the sofa that looks very high-end, on the dining table used to put the tea set, and the whole room is like a junkyard.
On the opposite side of the door, in the corner of the wall, under a large TV.
A blue-haired man with a ponytail and gray pajamas was crying loudly while holding a deformed game console:
“My mountain of women’s clothing! It’s only one step away from the collection of the whole story!!”
“Please stop when it suits you, Lord Di Shitian, you haven’t left this house for 80 years.”
Standing beside the young man, Ashmita wiped his glasses expressionlessly.
Jiu Yuan Fei Niao looked at this scene in astonishment, completely unable to imagine that this was the residence of a god, let alone that the person in front of him crying while holding the machine would be a god.
Speaking of which, why did this god cry so miserably?
At this time, Kasugabe Yō, who was beside him, looked at the environment, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he muttered, “Is he actually an otaku?”
“Eh?” Jiuyuan Asuka looked at him strangely, otaku? What it is?
Longyuan Flying Bird, who lived in the 1950s, was dazed.
Before that, Kasugabe Yō had already pulled her and closed the door.
Before Asuka could ask her question, Kasugabe Yō had already pressed her shoulders and said solemnly:
“We’ll stay here and wait for the Lord Ashmita to inform us.”
“It’s nothing, but what is an otaku?” Jiuyuan Asuka made a puzzled voice.
Kasugabe Yō was stunned for a moment, then remembered that Asuka in front of him had mentioned about his life in the 1950s and 1960s, he immediately said with a small face:
“Don’t ask, if you know, the birds will be defiled.”
Is it that exaggerated…. Asuka’s eyebrows jumped a few times, but seeing Kasugabe Yō’s serious look, he immediately stood at the door honestly.
Wait a minute, what about Black Rabbit? Jiuyuan Fei Niao suddenly remembered something, looked around, and then saw the girl who was squatting in the corner, her eyes blank.
“Thinking about it carefully, leaving seems to be the right decision… Hehehehe…”
The black rabbit squatting in the corner let out a dry laugh with an expressionless face.
Well, she is even more exaggerated than that god king… Jiuyuan Asuka thought silently.
aboutI stood at the door for three or four minutes.
The door of the living room opened again, Ashmita’s upper body was exposed, and she said flatly:
“You three, you can come in.”
The door opened wide.
Jiuyuan Asuka took a look, and found a man in a black suit who looked heroic was sitting on the sofa, sipping black tea elegantly.
If it wasn’t for the TV in the corner disappearing, she would have wondered if she had seen a hallucination just now.
“Then…excuse me.”
After a simple greeting, Jiuyuan Asuka walked into the room with unnatural expressions, and sat on the sofa opposite Di Shitian.
Although this sofa has the same color, it seems to be a new one… After sitting down, Long Yuan Asuka suddenly thought of it.
When the three of them sat down, Di Shitian put down the teacup in his hand, put his left leg on his right, and said proudly:
“I’ve heard from Ashmita about the details. Is the young lady trying to challenge me, the three-digit demon king?”
“Yes, yes.” Jiuyuan Asuka said nervously.
Although the first meeting was a little embarrassing, the man in front of him was a three-digit demon king, and rumored to be one of the oldest demon kings in Hakoniwa, so she couldn’t help being nervous.
That bastard teacher really does give some very dangerous tasks! Jiuyuan Asuka thought a little flustered.
“Not bad courage.”
Di Shitian stretched out his hand and took out a pack of cigarettes from his suit. After lighting it for himself, he said regretfully:
“But I refuse.”
Jiuyuan Asuka was stunned for a moment, and then heaved a sigh of relief.
At this time, Di Shitian said to himself:
“With all due respect, I have no sexual interest in girls recently. If you are a cute boy, I don’t mind a friendly hand-to-hand fight, but for girls, forget it.”
Ashmita hit Di Shitian’s head with a steel water pipe, causing the steel pipe to twist into the shape of Di Shitian’s head.
After making such a ruthless attack, Ashmita looked at Jiuyuan Asuka and the three of them expressionlessly and said:
“Sorry, Lord Di Shitian hasn’t woken up yet, please forget what you just heard. Do you have any opinions on this request?”
The three girls shook their heads frantically and were sitting on the sofa, daring not to overstep the slightest.
On the contrary, Di Shitian, bored, broke the steel pipe on his head, yawned, and said:
“Okay, if the three young ladies have nothing else to do, please come back, but if there is something, please come back in a hundred years.”
When he said this, he muttered:
“After 100 years, my sexuality will be able to return to girls, right?”
Kuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yao blinked, looked at Emperor Shitian, and then swept their eyes to Black Rabbit.
At this moment, the black rabbit sitting on the far right of the sofa held his head and said to himself with bright eyes:
“How did I think of giving up the wise decision of becoming a witch? This little head is too smart, isn’t it?”
Hearing these words, Jiuyuan Flying Bird twitched, not knowing what to say.
And Kasugabe Yō looked at the black rabbit for a while, raised his hand, and gently gave the other party a hand knife:
“Black Rabbit, letter.”
“oh oh!”
Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, then reacted, quickly took out the envelope from the gift card, and handed it to Di Shitian with both hands.
“Lord God, here is a letter from you.”
“Letter? Who gave me a letter?”
Di Shitian took the envelope handed over by Black Rabbit in surprise and looked at the front and back.
Black Rabbit hesitated for a while, and considering the confidentiality of Yu’s envelope, he said politely:
“It’s a letter from the chief of staff of Thousand Eyes to you.”
“Little Leticia? Why did she write to me? Didn’t she dislike me?”
Di Shitian moved his hand to the lacquer of the letter and tried to open it, but stopped again and said in surprise.
“Yo? Or this ancient encryption method? It’s strange, why are you still using this dawn encryption method?”
At this time, Black Rabbit added in a low voice:
“That, it’s not actually Lady Leticia, it’s a letter from the chief of staff of the generation of Chishen.”
Di Shitian’s hand froze in the air when he tried to de-encrypt.
His expression was first shocked, then frightened, then distorted, and then turned into hysteria, and he looked very happy:
“Why didn’t you say earlier—!!”
Di Shitian’s terrified scream broke through the atmosphere…

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