Record Your Story

The area of ​​the house is not large. After entering, there is a courtyard of more than 30 square meters. There are some flowers planted in the corner of the courtyard, and a squatting head is 2 meters long and half a meter high. Its scales are red and it looks like a lizard. dragon.
This kind of pseudo-dragon is a means of transportation in the Capital of Bright Flames. It is an omnivorous animal. Its function is similar to the superposition of a battery car and a watchdog in a technological city.
Mandela glanced at the pseudo-dragon after entering the courtyard. The latter raised his head, sniffed the scent, and turned over to reveal his beige belly.
Seeing this scene, Mandela was not surprised. This pseudo-dragon was originally sent by him to serve as a means of transportation for the residents inside. Of course, there was inevitably some surveillance.
“Are people inside?”
The pseudo-dragon who heard Mandela’s words nodded, with its intelligence, it could only respond at this level-.
Seeing this, Mandela pulled down his hood, closed the iron door behind him, walked to the entrance door, and rang the doorbell.
About ten seconds after the ding dong sounded, the door opened, and a woman with short pale blond hair, pointed ears like a fairy, and a white bikini showed her figure.
At the same time, a female voice in the voice-changing period came from the room:
“Lating, who is here?”
“The collaborator has arrived.” The bikini woman known as La Ting raised her eyebrows playfully.
“…let him come to the hall.” The female voice in the room calmly said.
“Understood, BOSS.”
Rating took a few steps back to allow Mandela to enter the room, then closed the door and led him into the living room.
Mandela, who came to the door of the living room, looked at the room and found the master on the sofa in the center.
Wearing a black speckled Gothic dress with black stockings on her feet, a girl with short rose-red hair.
Behind the girl, stood a burly man in overalls.
Seeing the girl, Mandela sighed, walked to the sofa opposite him, sat down, and then said:
“The deal has been cancelled, Pest, the devil of the Black Death.”
The girl called Pest raised her head and looked at Mandela blankly, saying:
“I didn’t want to hear this kind of news when I told you to come to meet.”
Facing Pest’s accusation, Mandela put his hands on his knees, bowed solemnly and apologized:
“As for the price of default, I will pay within three months, but this transaction must be cancelled.”
Seemingly worried that Pest would get angry, Mandela hurriedly explained:
“There was an accident in the premise of the transaction. Her Majesty the White Night King, who had originally refused to participate in the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, suddenly appeared in the afternoon. The plan was no longer possible.”
In Mandela’s view, taking the initiative to take the loss under the condition that the plan could not be successful is enough. Therefore, he does not think that the demon king in front of him will reject his conditions.
After all, that is the White Night King!
Hearing the name of the White Night King, Pest’s expression suddenly distorted.
The jet-black weapons rang out with squeaks, like countless rodents gnawing.
“The Sun King…?” Pest showed a complex expression mixed with hatred and helplessness.
At this time, Mandela tidied up the placket and calmed down in this way:
“According to our deal, you, the Demon King, will attack at the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, and you will be defeated at the hands of my sister on the right occasion to help her establish her prestige.”
“And the price we pay is the magic book that summoned you to Hakoba and the resources related to the collection of funds and community talents.”
“The magic book will be delivered to your house tomorrow. In terms of resources and funds, due to the difficulty of collecting, I will pay for it in the next three months.”
“I believe that you should also be able to understand our difficulties. With that person as an opponent, it can no longer be described as stupid.”
The Protoss who holds fourteen shares of the Sun’s sovereignty, the White Night King in the two-digit realm.
Even if he succeeded in operating at the lower level by deteriorating his spiritual rank and using the Yasha god rank to limit the output, the output is limited to four digits, but who can guarantee that that person will not lift the seal?
Once Shiroyasha releases the bondage, it is a two-digit number in full state, and the entire lower level of monsters can be crushed with a touch of a finger.
No matter how stupid Mandela was, he knew the reason not to provoke him under his nose.
There is a chance for his sister to establish prestige, so that he will not be stupid.
And he also believed that the new demon king who was summoned to Hakoba in front of him could understand his difficulties.
Pest was a little moved.
It is obvious that no one will refuse to get paid without doing something, not to mention that it can avoid the risk of facing the Sun King and the most terrifying monster in Hakoniwa.
However, she couldn’t do that.
The birth of her spirit is closely related to the sun, and the undead who make up her spirit are also strongly hostile to the sun.
In the end, she wants to avenge the sun, especially under the orders of her true summoner, the Sun Kings, she has to face Shiroyasha.
I don’t know this, and I mistakenly thought that it was Mandela who used the magic book to summon the Demon King Pest. He didn’t know from the beginning, he actually had no choice.
Pest sighed slowly, raised his head, looked at Mandela with a little pity, and said:
“What if I said, I have a way to exclude the influence of the White Night King?”
“Please stop joking.” Mandela maintained basic courtesy.
exclude whiteYaksha’s influence?
Sure enough, he is a newbie Demon King, and he doesn’t even know how terrifying the existence of two-digit numbers is.
If it wasn’t for the self-sealing, they were just conspiring here, and when they said each other’s names or titles, they would be perceived and greeted the execution from the sun.
Sure enough, the myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun was so widespread that everyone thought that the White Night King was weak?
Can’t these idiots use their brains?
The ten suns faced by the myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun, but what about White Yaksha? There are fourteen of them!
Moreover, there are folk rumors that the Kunlun god Hou Yi seems to be related to Bai Yasha, and Bai Yasha sees the mouse like a cat. Maybe there is something tricky about the so-called shooting the sun.
What’s more, Shiroyasha is not alone, but the leader of the super community [Thousand Eyes] that has gathered many two-digit numbers.
Who doesn’t know that the Greek god-king Zeus is a black glove with thousands of eyes at the bottom?
You must know that anyone who offends Thousand Eyes will be hunted down by that four-digit God King who can exert three-digit power at the lower level.
Who doesn’t know that Thousand Eyes’ [Divine Scourge Technique] can launch a triple-digit sniper attack within the known range of the multiverse?
If you really want to offend that Big Mac, unless you escape outside the universe observed by Hakoba, you will have no choice but to die!
Mandela smiled calmly, looked at Pest with pity in his smile, stood up in a kind tone and said:
“Then, I’ll send someone the magic book later…”
“I was guessed by that person.”
Seeing that Mandela was thinking of leaving, Pest couldn’t help but sighed, stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of black parchment from the air, then pointed it at Mandela, and said with pity, “I’m sorry. ”
Mandela stared stiffly at the roll of parchment, his eyes gradually becoming empty.
Pest shook the parchment in his hand, making sure that Mandela was under control, and then he said:
“Latin, Weser, and Sutrom, tonight will spread the lenses that represent my heritage to every corner of the City of Bright Flames.”
Standing behind Pest, Lating and the man in tooling nodded, and an illusory human silhouette appeared in the atmosphere beside them.
The three subordinates led Mandela, quickly left the house, and began to make arrangements.
After the three of them left, Pest stared at the sofa in front of him and said lightly:
“Are you satisfied?”
“Oops~ It’s really a shame to be discovered.”
A straw hat suddenly fell from the ceiling and fell on the head of a young man with a flute.
He lowered his straw hat, narrowed his eyes, looked at Pest in front of him and said:
“It’s embarrassing, but can you tell me how you found me? Miraculous girl.”
The discovery of a two-digit number by a five-digit number is like a miracle, even for the black sky who experienced it personally.
“The smell, the smell of the sun.”
Pest’s tone was still calm, even if he was actually just a remote-controlled prop of the person in front of him.
“So that’s the case. I just dealt with a solar sovereignty, and did it leave a smell?”
Hei Tian looked stunned, and said randomly with some fear:
“Fortunately, it was discovered right here. If this happens another night, I’m afraid I’ll have to face the White Night Demon King.”
He patted his chest, then held down his straw hat and said with a smile:
“Then in return, let me give you a reminder.”
“If an accident happens tomorrow and you have to confront Shiroyasha or that man, begging for mercy is the most likely option to survive.”
“I won’t beg for mercy.”
Pest said in a calm tone:
“Perhaps in your opinion, I’m just an abandoned child who was made, but for me, revenge against the lazy sun is the only hope for the undead that I carry.”
“I see.”
Hei Tian nodded and said with a serious face:
“It’s not that I took advantage of you, but that you are like us?”
When he said this, he couldn’t hold back the tears in his eyes. He lowered his straw hat again and said:
“It would be great if my colleagues had the same awareness as you!”
Pest looked at Hei Tian inexplicably, not understanding what the choked tone was when he said his colleague.
Does a terrifying existence like the man in front of him have his own pain?
Is this what Buddhism calls all living beings suffering?
Pest, who only came into contact with the Buddhist teachings when he came to Hakonigari, was a little surprised, and seemed to have some comprehension.
At this time, Hei Tian, ​​whose emotions were under control, sighed and said:
“Using the undead of the Black Death in countless parallel universes in exchange for your special attack on the sun, think carefully about this maybe a mistake in my decision-making.”
“If you focus on the spirituality and the authority of death, maybe you can become the final trial of three figures.”
Speaking of this, Hei Tian suddenly sighed with emotion:
“At that time, I thought that my companions were enough, I was really stupid!”
After sighing for a while, Hei Tian stood up, and then looked at Pest seriously, as if to remember the other party:
“Tomorrow, don’t die, tragic girl wrapped in undead!”
As he spoke, his figure dissipated, and in the process, he took out the pen and paper, and said with a heavy face:
“Maybe I should record your story…”
“The story of a girl who was carrying 80 million dead souls and took revenge on the lazy sun…”

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