Please explain to me

The same pale body, the same lizard-like limbs, and the two pale dragon heads.
Seeing the birth of a large number of two-headed dragons from the blood, the Demon King of Chaos couldn’t help but sweat coldly on his face:
“The blood flowing out of the dragon will give birth to a new dragon… Is that information actually true?”
“In this way, even if Lating and the others escaped separately from me, is there a high possibility of being attacked?”
There was panic on Pest’s face.
A two-headed dragon with a godhead, almost four figures.
If there is only one end, it’s okay to say, she believes that her companions can escape safely, but now they are not facing one end, but a group!
On their side alone, they encountered about thirty two-headed dragons. Even if the others were to fold in half, if they had fifteen heads, the annihilation of the group was basically a certainty.
“I’m afraid so.”
Black Rabbit ran to Nihui Izayoi who was splattered with dragon blood, and while throwing the healing gift on him for no money, he said with a pale face:
“Although I didn’t participate in the evil dragon war two hundred years ago, the seniors of the community still said that the blood left by Az Dakaha would produce an evil dragon clone.”
“Is there an upper limit?” Kasugabe Yao opened his mouth slightly and adjusted his respiratory tract.
Black Rabbit’s face twisted, and he said desperately:
“The upper limit of the clone at the four-digit level is about 0.23 million, and the five-digit number cannot be determined.”
“Are you kidding me?”
The corner of the Demon King’s mouth twitched unnaturally:
“Ten thousand? How did Arcadia seal this dragon?”
“The details are probably only known to Lady Leticia and Lord Goddess who participated.”
Hei Rabbit took a few deep breaths, adjusted his emotions, and looked forward to move his muscles and bones, as if he was getting used to the two-headed dragon road of his body:
“I can use the referee authority to forcibly interrupt the gift game, Miss Pester, can you cooperate with me then?”
The Moon Rabbit of Hakoba has the authority to judge and can challenge the fairness of any gift game.
And once this permission is used, Black Rabbit will be banned from participating in the gift game within fifteen days, but this side effect is obviously negligible compared to now.
Because of the use of referee authority, everyone within the scope of the Pest Boon game must stop fighting, and discuss the legitimacy of the Boon game rules as challengers and initiators.
In this way, as long as Pest cooperates with the reasons, he can buy enough time to formulate tactics, or buy time to escape the gift game.
Hearing this sentence, Pester’s eyes lit up and he said:
“I can fight for 11 days as long as I can. Any longer, the curse of the Black Death that comes with my gift game will kill everyone.”
Interrupting the gift game is not without benefit to her, at least the safety of La Ting and other subordinates can be temporarily guaranteed.
“11 days is enough, as long as Your Majesty and Lady Leticia get away temporarily…”
Just as the black rabbit showed a surprised expression, the Demon King of Chaos sighed helplessly:
“We will only make that evil dragon serious by doing this. Don’t forget, that monster hasn’t started his final trial yet!”
——The final trial of mankind.
Hakoniwa’s highest-profile gift game, manifesting trials in order to destroy human beings.
Once Aziz Dakaha launched the final trial, such as banning Pest’s Demon King game, the little tricks that Black Rabbit thought of would naturally fail.
Because the final trial cannot be interrupted by the referee.
At that time, if Pest’s game has not been cracked, they will suffer from the double attack of the Black Death and the final trial.
In that case, you will be killed by Shuang!
Hearing the reminder from the Demon King of Confusion, the black rabbit’s face suddenly turned pale:
“But, if Lady Leticia restrains the other party…”
“That’s even worse.”
The Demon King of Chaos shook his head and said:
“Azi Dakaha is not stupid, the current state is beneficial to him, and he naturally won’t rashly launch the final trial to force the opponent to work hard.
After all, in terms of pure force, it is He who has the advantage, but after the game is interrupted, it may not be. ”
Speaking of which, the Demon King of Chaos raised his head to look at the sun in the sky, and said with a tut:
“Whether it’s the White Night King or the former Chief of Staff of Thousand Eyes, both of them have the power to crush Azi Dakaha. Once the game is interrupted, let these two free up their hands. For Him, Not good news.”
On the side, Kasugabe Yao asked in a somewhat surprised tone:
“Have you noticed? Those two-headed dragons seem a little strange?”
Hearing Kasugabu Yō’s words, everyone turned their heads and looked at the twenty-odd two-headed dragons in front of them. Their faces suddenly became surprised.
That double-headed dragon bow that exudes a divine auraHe turned his back and made a fighting posture.
However, while posing, they just stared at the crowd and didn’t take the lead in attacking.
“It’s a little strange.”
The Demon King of Chaos frowned, glanced at the numerous two-headed dragons, and then said:
“What are they looking at?”
The Demon King of Chaos followed the sight of the two-headed dragon and finally looked at the black rabbit.
“Ah?” Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and then said in a panic, “Those dragons don’t like to eat rabbits, right?”
“…They were looking at me.”
The body was covered in dragon blood, with smoke still smoking from his torso, Izayoi tried his best to get up.
“Mr. Sixteen Nights, what you need now is rest. After being punished by God, you even drenched Az Dakaha’s poisonous blood. Your body is about to collapse.”
Black Rabbit was frightened and wanted to push back Izayoi, but when he touched the opponent’s shoulder, a strong force bounced his hand away.
“This is?”
Kasugabe Yō looked at the retrograde Izayoi, and with her sharp eyes, she found that the dragon blood on the opponent’s body did not seem to cause any damage, but was absorbed by him:
“Bathing dragon blood strengthens your physique?”
“Hey, that kind of effect is not within the scope of Aziz Dakaha’s poisonous blood.”
The Demon King of Confusion retorted, but when he saw Reverse Izayoi’s current appearance, he immediately showed surprise.
At this time, Izayoi, who got up, looked at the group of dragons on the opposite side, grinned, and said:
“Hey, who is that, are you here?”
Among the dragons, a two-headed dragon straightened its waist, and its four red eyes met Nihui Izayoi.
Then, a thick voice came out from its mouth, it was the voice of Aziz Dakaha:
“Is that true…”
He sighed in a complicated tone, as if he was remembering something, and stood silently aside.
“Please explain to Lao Tzu the fact that your blood is a big tonic for me.”
Reverse Izayoi pointed to the clothes burned by the dragon’s blood, and his spirit was unprecedentedly excited.
Mingming had just suffered the punishment of God, and his limbs should be shattered, but now he feels a steady stream of foreign power galloping inside his body.
No, that’s not a foreign power, but more like the power he lost in the past.
And now, it’s just that that power is gradually returning.
Facing Reverse Izayoi’s question, Aziz Dakaha was silent for a moment, and then said:
“Since it is the Sect Master’s kindness, then I can only choose to accept it.”
“You can leave now.”
The words fell, and the space in front of Izayoi suddenly cracked open, revealing a pitch-black cave as tall as one person.

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