: Darkness Comes (Part 3)

Heitian let out a wow, and spit out another mouthful of blood. He only felt that the bones of his entire body were crushed by that blow.
He endured the pain, looked at Azi Dakaha in a daze, and said:
“What are you doing?”
The two three-headed dragons slowly turned their heads, and the twelve red eyes reflected Heitian’s puzzled face, and then said in unison:
“The guy who got in the way.”
Heitian was confused.
The guy who got in the way?
Defeat him, and your Az Dakaha’s strength will decline to three digits. When you face Yu, you simply don’t know how to write dead words.
Is this guy out of his mind?
“It seems that the priority is to get rid of the guy who gets in the way first.”
Azi Dakaha muttered to himself, then looked at Yudou:
“what do you think.”
Yu didn’t answer. Although it was of great benefit to him, at this moment he was more concerned about Aziz Dakaha’s abnormal behavior.
He raised his head slightly, looked at Aziz Dakaha with those pitch-black eyes, frowned and said:
“What exactly are you after?”
Azi Dakaha straightened his back and solemnly said:
“The hero who changed the age of the gods!”
“Where can I find it?”
“On top of my corpse!”
When You heard the answer like a second stroke attack, You couldn’t help rubbing your temples, and then sighed softly:
“…I have to say, you are crazier than I imagined.”
To change the era of the gods…or to change the era where the gods control the belief…He was really curious about how Ahriman taught this little guy to look like this.
Trying to create a human hero who breaks the authority of the gods with his own death, there must be a limit to the head iron.
This is not something that can be solved by facing a two-digit number, it is almost equal to facing all the strong people in Little Garden!
It’s no wonder that Ahriman would give up Aziz Dakaha, and instead choose to train Reverse Izayoi and Saigoyan who has not yet arrived in Hakoniwa.
This is an ideal that Yudu may not be able to resist.
“Damn idealist.”
After hearing Aziz Dakaha’s answer,But Hei Tian couldn’t help but curse.
He pulled himself out of the wall with the only intact arm, and then snapped his fingers.
After a while, the blood stains on Hei Tian’s body disappeared quickly, and he adjusted his time to the time before he was injured.
After doing all this, Hetian laughed and said:
“Who do you think will face the era of destroying this belief?”
“Taiyi, Sakyamuni, Yahweh, Shiroyasha, Alpha, Omega,…”
Aziz Dakaha calmly said the names and made no secret of his purpose.
Reciting the names of the domain of authority will be watched, which is almost a rule that everyone in Hakoba knows.
However, as a rebel who wanted to subvert the age of the gods, Aziz Dakaha read out the names of these people without hesitation.
After he finished reciting the sixteen names, he smiled in a low voice:
“Wait quietly, gods! The era of human rebellion against the gods will finally come!”
Hei Tian’s face darkened.
He understood that what Aziz Dakaha said was the truth, or in other words, this was the future speculated by the twin goddesses.
In the distant future, human beings gradually deepen their exploration of the world and understand the rules. One day, they will inevitably give up their belief in the gods.
This is the future observed by the twin goddesses with thousands of eyes when Taiyi opens up people’s wisdom and induces ideological revolutions to gain more faith.
The development of mankind requires scientific progress, and scientific progress brings about the expansion of belief, but it also leads to the ultimate fuse of belief.
As Taiyi said when he induced the emancipation of the minds of outsiders in the eighteenth century.
——’Atheism’ will eventually occupy the spiritual world of mankind.
This is also the reason why Aziz Dakaha gave out sixteen two-digit honorable names before, but Yuu was the only one missing.
Because that bastard is the ultimate executioner who appeared in the end of the gods!
Hei Tian suddenly grinned and said mockingly:
“If you don’t stop those monsters outside, how can you wait for the reckoning of atheism?”
“You devil dragon will never understand what our gods are doing for this universe!”
When Aziz Dakaha heard this, nothing changed, he just laughed:
“So what? The fate of our final trial is to awaken that human era.”
“Before that, Dakuro, give up your identity as a human and become a god, and become a stepping stone in that era!”
Hearing this, Hei Tian suddenly had a warning sign in his heart, raised his head suddenly, and looked ahead.
But I saw that behind You at this moment, the atheistic starlight was shining brightly.
He turned his head again, but saw that behind Az Dakaha, the starlight of Asveta was blooming.
A drop of cold sweat the size of a bean slid from Hei Tian’s temples.
Obviously, the father and son reached some kind of consensus at some point.
‘…Can I survive until the scheduled time…’
Hei Tian thought to himself.
The capital of brilliant flames.
The silver sun hangs across the sky.
Wearing sunglasses and enjoying the rare sunbathing, the corners of Algor’s mouth raised slightly, and he said happily:
“Ah, Shakyamuni’s punch is good enough! Is that the concept of annihilation?”
“Yo, all the merits and golden lotus have been used up. Oops, it’s such a pity that the treasure that has been saved for so many years has been torn apart by the White Yaksha.”
“Yoah, Wuzhishan has come out, can you hold back? This is not that little monkey.”
Admiring the live broadcast, Algor became more and more happy.
Whether it is Sakyamuni or Shiroyasha, both are her enemies. In this world, is there any happier thing in this world where an enemy is fighting to the death in front of him?
No, right?
Thinking of this, the corners of Algor’s mouth rose wildly.
But suddenly, Algor took off his sunglasses, turned his head, and looked to the right.
Right in front of her line of sight, Vera stood there quietly, without saying a word.
Algor didn’t think about anything else, just raised his eyebrows slightly and said:
“Where are the snacks I want?”
Vera in front of her said speechlessly to herself:
“How long will you last?”
“As soon as possible? You should understand that the correct astrology has not been reached yet.”
“…That’s right, if you die, the reward I want will naturally laugh.”
Seemingly reaching an agreement with a certain existence, Vera sighed slowly.
At this time, Algor was already standing on the ground, looking at her gloomily:
“This disgusting feeling… So it turns out, it’s your shameless thing!”
“Lilith, you seem to have a big prejudice against me from the beginning?”
As Vera spoke, her face was gradually covered by a soft and sacred radiance.
At this moment, Al Gore sneered:
“Heh, make the old lady’s declaration of war against the three thousand worlds your mission, and put the paradox of omnipotence into the center of the small garden, you are all known to the small garden for the insidiousness of the old immortal!”
“I have no intention of fighting with you.”
The woman who couldn’t see her face stepped forward, sighed and said 027.
At this time, Algor suddenly felt his body froze, and he was banned from moving.
At this time, the woman shrouded in pure white light had come to Algor’s side and stretched out her pure white hand.
A wisp of indescribable mist floated out of Algor’s body.
The mist seemed to wear some kind of fallen self, just floating in the air,Causes weird mutations in the microorganisms in the air.
At this moment, a finger snap sounded.
The mist was shrouded in the center by rays of light, and the microorganisms that had mutated first died silently.
A pure white light shone, and the figure under that light seemed to be staring at the cloud of mist.
After a long time, a sigh sounded.
“Is this the ‘pollution’ required by the ceremony…”
Immediately afterwards, not long after, a clear and beautiful voice echoed in the atmosphere.
“God said, there will be a dark night.”
The sky where the silver sun appeared suddenly fell into darkness, and the sky was full of stars competing for brilliance, and the galaxy reversed at this moment.
In the sky, White Yaksha and Sakyamuni who were fighting stopped immediately and stared at the starry sky.
Until the Fomalhaut Gate slowly rises.
Yawei watched the cloud of mist silently, and whispered the mantra:
“PhngluimgfwnafhCthughaFomalhautngha-ghaanaflthagn! Ia!…..Cthugha! (Kegtuya!)”
The mantra echoed in the atmosphere.
Until it goes back and forth three times.
On the star named ‘Fomalhaut’, the will that was summoned by the spell gradually awakened.
“I smell it again…
….The stench of Nyarlathotep! “

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