Faceless (two more)

The sky blue sky, the paint-like color is like a clown’s prank.
The whole sky, looking at it, is the color of paint, it looks fake and empty.
Under this sky, there is an endless ice and snow desert.
This should be a certain outer gate in the North District, about several hundred thousand kilometers away from the Capital of Bright Flames, not too far.
When Yuu was hiding in the realm zone, he deliberately kept a distance, so the place where he reappeared was here.
He looked to the east, looked at the original location of the center of the small garden, was silent for a while, and immediately prepared to leave.
Although he understood that it was the Black Pharaoh’s actions, Yu was not familiar with that Nyarlathotep.
Before he had a reconciliation with Taiyi and gathered enough combat power, he would not foolishly step forward and send his head.
“The information of the black pharaoh… It seems that there is information in the information that Yavgomon just gave, but it needs to be sorted out…”
Feeling the fact that there are several terabytes of information printed out in his mind, Yu’s expression is very strange when he thinks of the fact that this is just a catalog.
How long has Yavgomon, or the One Who Returns to All, been peeping at the Old Ones?
How much does that existence want him to deal with these old colleagues?
You actually gave so much information?
Yuke didn’t believe that the sorting that Avogmon said last time was true sorting, that was just a pretext.
From Yuu’s point of view, I am afraid that after he asked for 033 information, Yavgomon went to peep and pulled out this wave of information.
This wave involved almost all the secret news of the Old Ones, and Yavgomon actually took it out happily.
The information revealed here is enough to make people think.
Perhaps, he or the gods of Hakoba will be lucky enough to meet all the Old Ones?
Or maybe, the One Who Returns to Everything wants to get the title of the strongest two or five boys, and wants to wipe out the old days?
From his point of view, the latter is really possible.
While Yu was frightened by the handwriting of the One Who Returns to All Things, he stepped forward to prepare to step into the realm zone.
However, when he stepped forward, he did not enter the realm zone, but stood in place.
After about ten seconds, Yu sighed helplessly: “The realm zone… was burnt down…”
Although Yu had expected it long ago, she never expected Kegetu.Aya actually burned the realm of Hakoniwa.
This seems to be the backhand made by Kegtuya when he was sent into Dirac’s heart. The purpose is nothing more than to make him unable to escape through the realm after realizing it.
Although this backhand was useless at the time, but now it is broken, and even the thought of all the gods and Buddhas of the small garden moving through the space of the realm.
“Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the realm zone was set up by Chronos in conjunction with Taiyi and the Twin Goddess. Although it is troublesome to destroy it now, it is only a short time.”
The present small garden is no better than the small garden of the past, which only had the four truths.
If the seventeen cosmic truths really want to do it, they can still restore the realm zone in a short period of time.
“However, for this arrangement, let Halloween do the trick, so that you can rest assured.”
When it comes to space manipulation, the strongest person in the entire Hako Garden is the Queen of Halloween, except Taichi.
And this queen, whose current position is on his side, is naturally the best candidate for Yu Xin.
Of course, the realm zone is still unresolved, the space is dazzling, and the power of Kegtua still remains.
In this case, Yuu had to rely on her own speed to get there.
Thinking of this, Yuu immediately prepared to leave, but before he could take a step, a letter floated down from above his head.
The pure white envelope, with the seal sealed by varnish, was like a love letter falling into Yu’s palm.
Feeling the unique strength of Nayiko on it, Yu was silent for a while, tore open the envelope, and read silently.
After a long while, Yun let out a deep breath and looked at the paint-like sky with a full face:
“A messenger? It’s a terrifying ability.”
The messenger of Azathoth!
This is Nyarlathotep’s unique power endowed by the Supreme Demon.
And this power, Nyarlathotep, cannot be activated by itself, and can only be used when it conveys Azathoth’s will.
Before, when the Black Pharaoh came to Little Garden, he received the permission of the Supreme Demon and came to convey his will.
And in the process, the center of the small garden was stolen by the black pharaoh with the decadent wind.
And what the black pharaoh used was the power of Azathoth.
“Using the function of the messenger to make a move that steals the sky and changing the sun, at the same time, it can also combine the unique [Chaos] Primordial Pillar, the ability of the faceless, to create the third particle, and even the incarnation of the second particle.”
“Should I say that it is Nyarlathotep who has accomplished such work as a messenger?”
Yu’s face lost the ease it had before, and there was only deep fear.
Through Nayazi’s letter, he finally understood how Nyarlathotep made the incarnation, but it was precisely because he knew that he was even more afraid.
Using the power of Azathoth to create an incarnation, and it is still an incarnation that is no different from the main body, this is the messenger privilege developed by Nyarlathotep.
“In the process of executing the messenger, he made an act of stealing the center of the small garden, and the faceless has been launched.”
“It is expected that in the near future, there will be an incarnation with ‘stealing’ as the core of the self-system tree and whose strength has reached the second particle point.”
“The purpose is to steal my sanity. Once I step into the sky, I will be affected.”
“Is it important to Nyarlathotep that my sanity disappears?”
“And according to the description in the letter, the last time Azathoth’s order was executed was to activate Dirac’s Heart in the Moon World, and when he met me, he produced the incarnation of the ‘Niyako of Chaos’?”
Yu’s face changed slightly. Although he had heard that Nayiko claimed to be his own, he didn’t expect that what the other party said was true.
Naiako is indeed his own Nyarlathotep, because meeting him was the first moment Naiako opened his eyes.
what is this?
Customized girlfriend service?
Yoo laughed mockingly at himself, in order to ease the shock in his heart.
Executing Azathoth’s orders in the world of Xingyue, the supreme demon noticed him when he entered the root of Xingyue?
It’s creepy to be watched by that kind of existence in weak things.
If you think about it carefully, the summoning in Hakoniwa before, and even the material for the banquet held in the Hakoniwa universe might have something to do with him.
What is this called?
The arrangement of fate?
Yu was silent for a long time, spit out a turbid breath, and burned the envelope with the black flame of annihilation.
But during the burning process, he looked at the jet-black flame on his hand with a complicated expression.
Dirac’s heart came from the hand of Azathoth.
His life experience was fueled by Azathoth.
He has an inseparable and mysterious connection to Azathoth.
Well, now even if Naiako told him that Azathoth was actually his sister Kasugano Dome, he would be able to hold his nose and believe it!
“This feeling is really very bad.”
You grinned and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly:
“It can be considered that a full man doesn’t know that a hungry man is hungry, right?”
“Without any of His Majesty’s help, I may not be able to reach this level stably. I just don’t know what price that His Majesty wants to charge.”
——All gifts will be paid for.
He now somewhat understands what Yavgomon said.
You narrowed her eyes, looked at the sky, and immediately took a step forward.
It’s no use worrying about these things now. First, find Taichi and the others to join forces to deal with the threat of the old rulers.
After all, after the little garden center was stolen, the old rulers could enter the universe at will. For this, he had to.Defend.
Maybe, I will meet people I know or not, such as Shabu Nicholas, such as Cthulhu Fortan.
You grinned and took a step forward.
And in order to avoid Nyarlathotep above the sky, he chose to walk.

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