Your Majesty, please think twice!

Lamia raised her head suddenly, staring blankly at the big sun in the sky.
The golden light shone on her face, not dazzling, but brought a touch of warmth.
Did you hear it wrong? His Majesty’s state is no different from before… Looking at this scene that is no different from what he has seen in the past, Lamia thought in a trance.
At this time, Taichi, who incarnated as Dahi, repeated:
“Is it because I didn’t explain clearly enough? Then I’ll be more precise.”
“Two hours later, submit your feelings at the time, including the whole process, in the form of a written report. This is an order, my chief of staff.”
Lamia slowly opened her mouth and looked at Taichi with a look of astonishment, as if she heard something unimaginable.
Write that kind of thing into a written report for the Emperor to see for details?
“Your Majesty, with all due respect for your subordinates, did you feel erosion during your retreat to refer to the power of the Lord of Fire?”
If it was a simple subordinate, Lamia would not dare to ask Taichi this kind of question.
But as Yu’s concubine, her relationship with Taiyi is relatively complicated, and Taiyi allows her to ask extreme questions.
And now, Lamia doubts whether Taichi’s brain has been contaminated by Kegtua.
Otherwise, how could the great Heavenly Emperor who has commanded Kunlun so far ask such an indescribable question?
Also, shouldn’t it be the first time to consider how to face the Bingfeng of the old rulers? Shouldn’t the survival of Hakoba be considered first?
Does Hakoba’s survival have anything to do with that indescribable thing?
Lamia has endless things to say in her heart, but considering the character of this majesty, she still uses the form that the other party can attach the most importance to.
It is a well-known fact that the pollution and erosion of the Old Ones are extremely powerful, and it is something that Tai has repeatedly emphasized, so this statement can be most valued by Tai.
After all, she couldn’t say in front of Taichi: ‘Your Majesty, don’t you miss a man? ’
To be honest, ten lives are not enough to die, so it is better to be more euphemistic.
“Before you came, I had already tested one hundred and twenty times. Although I was plotted once by Shabu, my condition is unprecedentedly healthy.”
The sun floating in the sky gradually set, and then turned into a silver-haired woman in a purple robe.
She looked at Lamia who was kneeling on one knee under the altar, tilted her head slightly and said:
“Oh ~ human shame? I forgot to consider these.”
“Since that’s the case, then you just need to recall the pictures at that time in your mind, and I will collect the information myself.”
Your Majesty is really abnormal… Lamia thought so, but her mind couldn’t help but respond to the picture from a thousand years ago.
The valiant Hakoba knight, the vampire princess in the boudoir… The picture is constantly reversing and returning.
Lamia, who understood that Taichi was peeping at her memory, opened her mouth, but closed it silently. That beautiful and delicate face became more and more rosy, until her face was flushed.
“So that’s how it is… It’s this way…”
Taiyi nodded suddenly, then sat on a back chair that appeared out of nowhere, narrowed his eyes and said:
“This kind of thing actually makes that little devil soInfatuated so much as to have an intention against me? It’s so boring~”
Lamia below lowered her head lower.
She seems to have heard some terrible news?
Yuu has bad intentions for Taichi?
If this matter leaks out, I am afraid that Her Majesty the Queen Mother of the West will fight Yu directly.
At the crisis moment of the invasion of the old days, any internal conflicts need to be put on hold, and Lamia is ready to keep secrets even if she dies.
At this time, Tai sat upright and said boredly:
“However, if he is not satisfied, he will eventually cause problems in the future cooperation. It is better to solve it quickly.”
Lamia suddenly raised her head and looked at Taichi who had already stood up and seemed to be planning to meet Yu, and quickly got up to stop:
“Your Majesty, Her Majesty the Queen Mother is already on her way back to Hakoba…”
Are you not having enough fun to do this kind of thing before the Queen Mother of the West comes back?
“Do I need her to intervene in my own affairs?”
Tai stopped in his tracks, slightly surprised.
Many of Kunlun’s plans were made by her, and the Queen Mother of the West in the past always checked the gaps and filled the gaps, and the two sides cooperated tacitly.
But that was all based on the development of Kunlun.
And now, isn’t this her and Yuu’s private affair?
This also requires the intervention of the Queen Mother of the West?
‘I won’t ask about other things, but this is the only thing that the Queen Mother will definitely blow up! In the past thousand years, that person has been angry because of your cooperation with Alpha, don’t you understand why? ’
Lamia has a very headache now. Where is the god who was wise and skillful in the past?
Now why does this guy feel more capricious than Shiroyasha?
Low emotional intelligence? No, I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is thinking too much about the gains and losses, but this kind of emotional thing, but you can’t just consider the gains and losses!
Seeing Lamia’s speechless appearance, Taiyi raised his brows and said directly:
“If you can’t give a reason, then give it later.”
With one step, she stepped into the space, and her figure turned into nothingness.
Before disappearing, Taichi muttered to himself:
“The current situation doesn’t give us much time to think.”
Now you know that the situation is critical?
Lamia looked at the altar in front of her angrily and with a smile. When she saw that there was nothing there, she stomped her feet and turned to leave the temple.
She has to find Athena, and she must stop the Queen Mother of the West before Taiyi is finished.
Meath City, the queen’s bedroom.
Skaha, who was standing in front of the palace gate, saw Yuu and Lapuzi who were coming, and he breathed a sigh of relief:
“It’s really good that you are safe and sound, Your Majesty.”
Seeing Skaha, Yu nodded slightly, and then asked:
“Thank you for your hard work, Skaha, how is Halloween now?”
Skaha heard this and understood that Yu was blocking Typhon before asking, and replied with a slightly strange expression:
“The queen did not have a head-on conflict with the king of all beasts, Typhon, but seems to have encountered some trouble in the side battle?”
“Have you run into trouble?”
Yu couldn’t help raising her eyebrows. If Typhon was really his beloved daughter, shouldn’t this happen?
Mosleyta has always been very well-behaved, how could it make Halloween suffer?
“It’s better for you to see for yourself.”
Speaking of which, Skaha sighed and said:
“By the way, before you arrived, His Majesty Taichi had already arrived, and it seemed that he used a pre-set strategic space channel.”
Hearing that Taiyi had arrived, You couldn’t help raising the corners of his mouth.

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